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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^waad oogtahay bahiyoo iyo haraad markee qofkuu kuu baato wuu qafifeyaa so mahaa?.. Anywho,whats new girls? There is some wacky sales in Office and Faith,if only I was short, those high heeled shoes look gorgeous and at a fraction of their original prices!
  2. LOL@Che Sorry C&H for dragging your story on and on,but am rather interested on how you have kept an ongoing engagement for 3yrs? ps.For whole 3yrs this man has come to believe your a saint,am assuming there hasnt been any physical relationship,markuu arkee adigoo xrated dvd sidataa he flipped, all sort of paranoia came flooding,he must have thought,hmmmm is it possible she has kept me hanging out there,while getting her grove else where?..Prolonging this engagement isnt healthy by all standards unless your under age[15 downwards]sidaa kalee its torture for the poor man,to see candy every day and never being able to test it, kadaa wilkaa hedee and get on with it[Marry him] Inshaallah Kheyr. It's not a matter of how dare he flip? but its a matter of understanding where the man is coming from dear sisters,aan baa waan shakiin lahaa..Lol
  3. How time has flown,its been a year since you graced us here on SOL?..Well A&T,it has been a pleasure engaging with you on these boards,although there was a time,whatever you wrote was controversial,perhaps still is. But I think we have all learned to appreciate you.I most definitely know if I knew you in real life,you would have been one of my good frienda,nevertheless your a SOL friend.. ps.Let me share your lime light,I too joined SOL 3yrs ago,this month,and to be honest I have met some wonderful people,have learned a thing or two about Somalia. I can actually claim am to be an expert on Somali Politics now among my Mostly,I have enjoyed our daily trolling with some of the wackiest people on SOL..To Us!! cheers..Lol
  4. ^Didn't you know he is our own in-house Dr in the Women Section..Lol[Jokes UD] I wouldn't have a problem raising that child,they will be agoon iyo rajoo,apart from the ajaar of raising an orphan child, that child would be the sister of my own children..But this will require a higher level of imaaan, only a pious person will over come the disappointment and forgive those involved so to be able to be the best career to the child.
  5. ^LOL @Ngonge,the name has a ring of anglelicness to it,you A&T, Fiican,alxamdulillah. I am flattered dear,then you must send me her picture I'A..Can I be her God Mother?[is there such a thing islamically,tolow?]
  6. Originally posted by Farancab: Eedo dhuubo, May you come and hang out with us. ^Insha'allah one day perhaps,O.gadenia being the land of warriors and [erm erm] beautiful people,is a must see..Lol
  7. ^Is the money coming from the pockets of ordinary Somalis? Maya dhe! I would rather,he and co. have their strategies,plan of actions well sorted before they set foot in Somalia. Common sense,will have it with the current situation in Somalia[if there is such a thing still,with all these mushroomed administration all over the place],the man will have to be trully ready,after all he is the President of SOMALIA, and not Mogidishu only..It will take time to revive the nation, markaa waqtii yaraa see dee.
  8. ^Masha'allah,your having fun by the sound of it,enjoy dee!
  9. Yaa nuune,what would be the point of him coming to Somalia and addressing the Nation with empty hands and empty promises[words]? You all talk about Somalia as if this man would find it intact,with all its resources in their places.The man has his work cut out[May Allah be with him],and IT will take time for him and co. to bring the stability, and peace we yearn,be patients yaa War Mongers[it must be real boring not to be reading about an all out of war in Mogadishu huh?]
  10. Ngonge, it has been a bliss,enjoying the lay in's. Farancab you got engaged? Congratulations! miyaad soo noqoote?
  11. ^Time for recall wayee,meyeen kuwi kale? What new folks?
  12. ^sabaax nur el kheyr ya Xaji Ngonge..Kef haleck? I see,CL has been bouncing off the walls huh?
  13. ^ . bloody oldies kuyee! Girl you would learn alot from the pro's[oldies]. What other aspect? Waxaad kaa hadleysen,channeling emotions to arouse,which will lead to sexual gratification[now see where you got me going]..Lol SS,is probably reading about it so to come and tell you.. , you might as well go get the book from Sheh. I am out of here,half term here I come!
  14. ^ , naag walaan. Why aad foox uu shiideysaa? dont tell me you practice voodoo? Name names baad tiri,nah! I will just admire their words on the screen,intaasi baa igu filan[this woman doesnt ask for much]
  15. ^The Somali style would have been not to discuss the issue[sex] in the first place,iska baa daa understand it..Lol
  16. Malika

    The List

    My understanding of 'am alive' is the experiences I have with sight, sound, taste, touch, emotional feelings, thoughts, relationships etc. Therefore I must be living every minute of my life. Appreciating the blessing of Allah has help a lot at how I view life and living. Existing is a crime against one self, unless one is suffering from mental illness. Intaa kale, it’s just a sign of being out of touch with what is what – life! I think there is an element of high expectations that our lives should be filled with exciting and wonderful events if not then it’s not worth living... but alas! We forget that even a shower alone can be such an exciting experience, when the blessing of Allah [water] touches you tired body, how refreshed one feels? Or when quenched your thirst with a drink, the rahma that comes with that experience is overwhelming most times. Have you ever catches a glimpsed of the sky at sunset, and you hold your breath of a minute, how beautiful and amazingly wonderful it looked, or when woken up by the sound of birds chirping, or your child’s laughter! Just the mere factor,one has woken up safe and sound,is a sign of living, with all that a thought of perhaps never ever seeing or experiencing that again. Who knows if you would have another day to feel, experience that again? Waiting to live life? Why hold life back, with perhaps and maybes of tomorrow? Ps.I had a phase of merely existing and that was during the dark days of postnatal depression, subhanallah! I truly believe unless one is mentally ill then there is no room for merely existing. Life is too precious to be passed on without notice. Embrace it sis![erm pardon my rumblings]
  17. ^Aboowe,If that had offended you,I apologies.Maxaa failure kaa digee,I have respect for you brother. It was Eraserhead! sir.[like a school girl to point fingures at others] LOL@NG,your right as long as the Shariif is there,who cares yaa kale meshaa jooga..In all honest I have limited knowledge of who is who,but from what I read it looks like there is a recycling going on,names of former civil servants iyo wixii naa baan digee baa meshaa weli kuu waregeyaan.
  18. ^He will just need to upgrade from the hear say of the butler to that of the chambermaid.. Juje,dee waxaad tiirid we would have this info Tuesday gone,waa Thursday maantaa,and nothing has come through.
  19. ^6 is not that early,especially if one wakes up for prayers in the mornings.I like waking up early,it gurantees I will sleep like a log by night,exhausation would have taken its toll by 9pm. LOL@CL,I tell you girl,the longer your in this country the transformed one gets,you do remember we used to queue up for everything in TZ..Lol I find myself whining,complaining and would actually engage anyone else near me in a conversation about,how that person on the till/cash machine/petrol pump is taking so long..Lol anigii baa islaa yabaan,islaan English baan iska noqdee..Lol
  20. I need that translated to Swahili,waaxna kamaan fahmiin. Ibti,bravo!
  21. ^It explains alot about the suuro wilkuu hayee,kolbaa sii buu aha..Lol do men suffer from walaac?[Jokes yaa Sayid] Congratulations dear! and Amiin to the dua's.
  22. ^Sorry Mpenzi, Hello. You know,That avatar of his is very destructive, maa anaa kuu arke baa..Lol
  23. ^Hello A&T! What has been happening in Zimbabwe,if I say I have been rather self centred the last couple of days. My main concern has solely been,how do I get from A - B in these icy roads,campus routes..Walle inaan waax kalee kaa [how sad],I have been only watching TV for the weather forecastes,read online news upon it like it meant everything to me..
  24. Blessed, Now me and pushy in the same sentence? Hmmm.. ,the usual islaan baan nafta ii kentee and one day she was talking about humility,oh that was my fav subject,I think we talked about the different perspective for 3hrs..iyadii baa markii dambe dashee,and left..Lol As for the topic,Ibti spreading the word of God is a privilage walaal.Who knows what effect your input might have.Instead of shunning away from those whom do wrong,why not go toward them and in hope of helping them on the right path? Inshaallah kheyr, I never enforce my belief on people[collegues] around me,but definetly from my actions, I have had influenced some enough to inquire and show real interest in Islam.
  25. ^I once did,only for a half a dozen of them to turn up the next sunday,I now do not open my door.