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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^How so dear? I mean,how is thieves,causing mayhem in a mosque which resulted in people getting hurt funny?
  2. Duceysana,those are the ones trully having a ball,intee miid wanagsan radineyaan,they have to go through a couple of kuwa xun xun..Marka,they are the ones on a win win situation..Lol
  3. I would accept the 'ugly&tasteless gift' with a warm and encouraging smile,after the person leaves,I will then chuck it in the 'unwanted gifts box' in my loft for recycling to others..Lol
  4. Inna-lillahi ma akhatha walahu ma'a'ta wakkulu shaiy'in indahu be ajalim-musamma faltasbir waltahtasib.[Due is to Allah that which He has taken away and His is whatever he has given.With Him everything has an appointed term; have patience and seek reward from him] Samiir iyo Imaan @Ibti
  5. ^LOL,you bully.Iska daa wilku wuu iska yabanahay,forget about his signature,check out his user name..Lol
  6. Nin,those are ESTIMATED figures,there hasnt been censor since,who knows.There is probably more Somalis out of the country then in the country. As for having large families,yaa kaa caruur badaan Somalidaa? Most families have at least 8-10 children even in the west. *waves*@ Haneefah,salaam sis.
  7. ^ ,I give you permission to riiff riiff him for me. My cousin looks a little bit like Howard the Halifax dude on telly,every time the adv comes on his 2yr old son runs to the tv hugging it and calling Howard Aabo..Lol it annoys my cousin,we now call him The Halifax guy.[irrelevant news,so mahaaa,must be that bag of nuts @Ngonge]
  8. CL,lucky you girl. I am still recovering from a bad night,I dont think I slept at all last night, toss and turn occupied with very strange dreams..Lol[perhaps it had to do with that bag of nuts I ate late]
  9. ^Oh,that kind of Mr Feelings,tell me about those.They are actually rather sad,honestly! but that can be said of a woman that is after someone whom isnt interested too. Perhaps someone should write a book about Men who love too much..Heh Nuune,I have a feeling its something rather rude.
  10. ^cute and lovely aa,war maa bisaad baad naa modee? What is nippi?[i know I will regret asking,but what the heck!]
  11. ^LOL,who is this Mr Feelings? Actually,its rather nice to see a man in touch with his own emotions..Now do you prefer,one that drags you by the hair,to his cave?
  12. ^Indeed,perhaps we will get an insight into Marx thinking..Lol First churchill,now Mobutu..interesting indeed.
  13. ^Hmmm,interesting! What makes him your hero?
  14. Erm,Marx There is a debate going on about 'Should homosexual issues be taught in schools, within the sex education module'? -The argument is its to educate and eradicate 'play ground bullying' so to promote understanding and tolerance. Whats your take on that?
  15. ^Ah!@You two,I see love is in the air[spring is just round the corner]..bless!
  16. Is this the real Qalbi Adeyg ? This sure sounds like the banned Dhulqayrn with his usual rants about ONLF and the people of Somali Galbeed? Hmmmmm...
  17. ^Looool,you see what I mean..Lol,its all about someone else's husband or man.It like saying,some elses rubbish its someone else treasure..acha tuu! nikampatia ndimu kuyee..Lol ps.After rolling my eyes up,pointing fingures to the air and swaying back and forth,I got really bored,and yearned for the Somali regga step to step dance..Lol
  18. ^Lol,kama ulijua nilikuwa nachungwa kila stepu,heh.Umefika,uko na nani,kuna kina nani hapo, maswali kama polisi..Lol Ilikuwa party ya msichana mmoja wa kenya, basi tarabu za kimombasa tuu. Lakini,kwanini nyimbo zao zote ni kuhusu mume wa mtu?
  19. ^Mambo poa! Nilikuwa narusha roho on friday somewhere in London,after a third taraabu I got bored..Lol,Nilifata mlo tuu huko.
  20. ^Darn,here I was thinking you had seen some badly behaving Somali ladies on the London night scenes.. Oh,where did you see the poor woman?
  21. Morning Mpendwa, Do tell, am in the mood for gossip..
  22. ^Your well know out there among the cyber junkies..Lol. Alxamdulillah barafkii xumaa nagaa tageyee, the sun is shining,with a fresh cold breeze..waqti oo orod badanaa March is next week?
  23. Morning folks, The half term week went so quickly! Where is nuune, war hedee did you know your a cyber celebrity? I didnt know we had such an audience out there,there are people actually discussing what we discuss..Lol saddos iga dhe!
  24. ^^It will be interesting to know how long is too long in regard to being 'bethroted'? I have seen a few of these arrangements fall apart,sheydaan had his way there,and what started as a pure and uncomplicated affair turns to a challenge of its own. To follow the guidelines of our deen,one has to remember that there are strict rules to being bethroted,according to custom and sharia,the fiancee is still regarded foreign to her fiance and are not allowed to be alone with her nor to accompany her in any travel without the presence of any of her unmarriageable kin like her father or brother..So if your engaged for years, do the parents truly comply with the rules of monitoring this relationship? Can those involve stay out of trouble? Hmmmm. It's a trial in it self huh! Blessed,I just simplified the issue,but there is an underlining issue with C&H herself. If the stories she tells us here of the men adoring her on the streets reaches the fiance, she is then perhaps have helped created the sense of insecurity within the brother.Especially if this young man is told to wait until she is ready,and then hear stories of how so and so said this, or that about how gorgeous she looks etc etc.. C&H, sorry for the qarxis but sis,do you tell him what you tell us? Sorry, keeping the lime light shining.
  25. ^But but,shoes that costed £75 are now £20,its a crime not to buy them..Lol A friend of mine,works near the shopping centre,alla mexee kaboo kaa deregtee,she is also a size 4-5 neecmaa ayee kuu jirtaa these weeks,buying shoes on bargains..arg :mad: I better go out bargain hunting,last day of half term. Jummac Mubarak sis.