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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika

    What Next?

    Ufff* iyo eew! at the 'psycho'..Some men are weird cretures trully,from animals to household equipments? :eek:
  2. Duceysane,those thoughts arent weird,there are 'modern' men that find nail vanish,hair colour,or red lipstick to be calaamaatu sharmmuuto.Its all a matter of taste dee! horta whats up with mentioning where he hails from,miya waxaad ledahay people from SGalbeed are rather backward? :mad:
  3. Why does Tigger smell? Because he plays with Pooh! Looool,a joke by a creative yr7 child..Lol oh,am assuming ya all know 'Winne the Pooh'! Afternoon,lazy trollers. CL,you sound like you were never one to attend Somali weddings huh? your sijui and you dont know heelada?..Waan kaa shakiyee now.
  4. "God blessed us in Mlez and protect our people from AIDS"??????? You know there is a saying in Swahili,"When someone insults you,they dont choose their words"[Akutukanae hachagui maneno].. I am offended by this continues degrading of the Sheikh. :mad:
  5. I am dancing within,I love this dance.
  6. I am in the mood for this; =related
  7. ^Have you ever been to Kenya? AND erm,can you donate the free flights to a much needy person? Jac,I would hated to be the one that cleans your toilet,dacaar quruun miraan waxaad isku dartaa every day..Lol
  8. Malika

    Hot and Cold

    Originally posted by Ismalura: Relieve after baby. I will let you know in two months after the baby comes out; healthy and me healthy as well insha-allahu tacaalaa so duceey. Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel Inshaallah kheyr sis, May Allah ease your labour,and I wish you all the best. You must be excited,have you bought the cot yet? or the bath set? or the buggy?..
  9. ^You said something about not being any of the types,but admire blah blah blah.....
  10. ^I second that,it so icky when men talk of hearts iyo love! lagaraniin.. For some reason,it reminded me of 'Hey Arnold' the cartoon,dont know why? :rolleyes:
  11. ^They have no quarms asking that now days,a woman I know was asked if her husband attends the mosque regularly,and if she know he is involved 'heavly' with any Islamic organisation.All these question,while taking statements for a domestic dispute..They thought they might as well,get him for terrorism,if she isnt pressing charges for breaking half their furniture.
  12. Malika

    Hot and Cold

    Pucca,have you ever been adviced on using 'contraception pills'? or told once your married and have children all this will be history? Couple of my family members,suffer almost the exact symptoms,their pain was so acute,they used to end up at the A&E for a doze of Morphine.One minute they were cold,next hot with pain that got too much to the point they threw up..But as soon as they were married and had their first child,it all went away.. One that isnt married,and suffers similar symptoms has been adviced to use contraception pills as to help balance the hormones[seek advice from your doctor],she is sometimes on such a high doze of pain killer that it worries us.. As it seems you get sick notes from your doctor,he/she is aware of your suffering,have they refered you else where? ps.About time,you dragged that Khamis wearing Korea to the mosque girl!,and start popping them babies..Lol [jokes yaa!]
  13. ^Now you worry,I know how you look plus what shoes you own..Lol ,stalker iyo nuus dhe!
  14. ^Nita kuwa huko only 2 days, most time in Nai. Hello,Mpendwa CL! Come on girl, give the brothers some credit,they are not that bad.
  15. ^Eeew,my cousin whom is an aspiring Doc,used to work in the morgue during summer holidays,what she used to do there,I could not stomach to hear..eew iyo nuus! ps.Naenda Isiyelo karibuni,where would be a hotspot to visit..
  16. ^LOL,Kijana wa Isiyelo,singing of snow,waar sing about dust and camels..Lol
  17. ^ , to question and ponder over a matter shows an advance intellectualism,how is one to acquire knowledge without being inqusitive? An interesting topic. Honestly,as the woman I am,I have never thought of 'men' in hereafter if I make it to Jannah[i pray I do], so what will be my wish in Jannah, hmmm living in harmony with nature,perhaps somewhere isolated,with mountains to hike,rivers to fish..What am getting at sis Pucca,is for all those whom will make it to Jannah,their wishes and desires will be granted.There will be men whom would want to have 70huris,and there will be men that will not, just as in duniya there are men whom practise polygamy and there are those whom dont. So is the same for women,whatever they desire and wished for would be what Allah will grant them. As I understand,what we got to know of the way of duniya will completely change on the day of Judgement,every concept of how life is and should be will totally be different. Did I make sense?..Allah knows best!
  18. ^war yuu wadnahaa kuu istagiin hedee..Lol -II-, Alhamdulillah!, I too woke up feeling fresh,unusual for a monday morning,after the lazying around on a sunday.
  19. ^I havent seen her walk in high heeled shoes,but I have seen some of her shoe collection on FB,inspirational waaye!.. KK,you inspire me to think 'colour', loved your yellow shoes. I can't wear high heel,I already tower over most people,hadaa isku daroo heels I should be looking like the 'green giant'..Lol
  20. Morning lovelies , it's chilly sunny morning where I am, beautiful!
  21. Does the service extend all the to the hills of Ethiopia? Haye,Habaryar when and how and what is cul?
  22. ^ , I exausted my maxi dresses last summer,wore them with cardigans, and abu cumar plus the underskirt.I was determined to wear them..Lol Perhaps to invest in short dresses,small cardigans and wear them over trousers..Hmmm,it will depend with the cut of the dress and trousers too.
  23. Ngonge,I had a whole thread ready to dedicate to your leaving do..Now,do stay! illa intaa anaguu naa kaa baxeeyna meshaan. You would be missed trully,a sense of humour like yours is irreplaceable.
  24. ^Thanks dear,your right mostly are ugly,and I am assuming they are not cheap too,especially the one's in Moonsoon. There was a time,I didnt flinch to spending £200 on a dress laakin beeriyahan,old age has come with sense,even £50 seems too much. I have found a seamstress, will give her a try.
  25. ^Hello Lily, I am looking for long skirts and maxi dressess,looking around the shops there seem to be out of fashion,so out of shops too. help!