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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ,I would have done the same as that man,with cursing of course,I mean that was annoying. ps.Poster,was this an attempt to remind 'us' women of our places,erm behind the sink or stove miyaa..LOL Maskiinsanaa wilku. I would say try harder,next time.
  2. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: Dedicated to MAlika This is what you are telling us. Haadi kaal naa daaf. Indeed dear,although I nearly gagged reading the lyrics..Lol Nevertheless I share the sentimental. Evening people.
  3. Malika

    What Next?

    ^waaw,cute! toloow who was that meant for? I have seen random posts,which are out of context to the threads, is there something wrong with the site? or those whom posts them..LOL
  4. Ngonge,at any given time do not stare, yaa indhaa laga sariin..LOL Good luck and enjoy the experience , I believe it would be one. Like you, I have never been to the lands of my forefathers, markaa adaa waar kaa sugeynaa. @Ms DD, I have heard so much of these tales,men going home, marry second/third wives in secret,only after few months ayaa laa so kashifaa..
  5. Malika


    Oops! bad habit die hard they say @ CG People,never seize to amaze me,toloow how do some confuse politeness to one being ******? arrrrrrrg![there]
  6. ^Eedo,dee habaar iyo buuq baad laa soo gashee meshaani. I need to get work done,I cant bring myself to do so..I feel guilty.
  7. ^LALALand is the place to be hedee,no need for medication,therapy iyo waxyalahaas to numb reality,you just tell yourself life is good,boooooooooom,viola! it happens!..Lol Qalbi Adeyg, my awoow's were great men,marka illahi yuu gubiin[amiin], belayo kulaa attention seeking kaga. :mad:
  8. Malika


    ^Erm,like finding yourself another job? Is it worth your time,life to allow yourself to be so stressed out? Find yourself a new job,we spend most of our time during the day at work,it has to be a place you feel good about being there.
  9. Money is never a problem really; its how one deals with money is the problem. Now in a relationship, money should be what fuels the love, it should not under any circumstances be the basis of that love. I mean Money should enable one to buy those silk bed covers, that cosy sofa facing a fire place, lobster dinners and holidays in Barbados etc etc.[This woman asks for nothing really]. Love is something else, it’s an amazing feeling, it fills one with excitement, joy and down right turns one into an *****, but who in their right mind wouldn’t want to experience that huh? Love makes the world go round and round.. erm,it makes life worth living baad idhii leyahay!.
  10. ^ ,this reminds me of the discussion on women section,about putting male friends into categories,hadaa adigu markaa iguu bilawdee the Habo business,I started looking at you with parental eyes..Hadaa naa waxaad iledahay,labtaa ii saar aa? freaky nephew iga dhe! Ms DD,I have been told,"Men" have feelings too,and they feel hurted if a woman is only interested in their wallet,and not them..A revelation bee eheed tanu.
  11. ^I know,am guilty as charged.Tonight igaa suug warkayga..Yeah,your coming up to my neck of the woods.I shall throw a party dear in your honour,or koob shaah lee kuu filaan. How tempting that is,but wouldnt that be incest? @CHE
  12. ^You missed nothing much apart from me announcing "I am feeling good" @Che,Your among the special people,Habo.Haa uu biqiin,your still much loved dee. Ms DD,how are you dear?
  13. ^Sending shivers down the spine here,your that "Important"??.. , that reminds me of the Jackal.
  14. ^Arent you early Habo? dee meshuu wilaal habaryar uu ahay baa kaa buxa,does this mean I should quit..Nevertheless sabax kheyr habo. nuune,your late for the early morning recall,where is Jac maanta? still daydreaming of riyale's Ngonge,great mind think alike they say,marka waa saas
  15. ^A busy,hectic but pleasant weekend.[Now dont go thinking what am thinking] Morning FahIIma. Ibti,was he digging for info? aaw bless! Wilka ii daa hee,if am his habar yar,am honourned..[now I can clip him around the ears without remorse]
  16. @Cara, you took me back there..LOL,back in the days of sneaking around reading,my aunties days by gone novels,did you also read James Hadley Chase books too?..Lol The curious mind of a Somali teenage girl,when everything about men and sex was such a taboo subject,alot was learned from these books I tell ya!
  17. Salaamz@Ibti,It's all about 'niya',hadaa nafta khery uu shegtiid,kheyr beey noqoon.If you dwell in misery,one will be miserable..[my moto] Sayid,your my nephew? Mashaallah,habar yar waad ii ficantahay so maha? reerki iga waraan?
  18. It's a new dawn,it's a new day...I am feeling good Alhamdulillah,the sky is blue,birds chirping and sweet life is sweet. Where is everybody this morning,time for recall! Morning people.
  19. ^What report,baal PM me. Horta how do you know where I live? hmmm,yaa waax kuu shega adigu.LOL
  20. ^LOL@Chai ya istrungii, this was heavy caano shaah xawaash leh! Istrungi waxaa caaba ragu markee jaad cuneyaan..
  21. Pacifist,mac mac and a cyber hug*,Mzambiani intee ka dacdee,havent seen you around our usual meeting place dee..I know ,I know we need to talk girl!.[be there tonight] Hello Zu,Welcome back! So adna intee adee? The benefits of working near home,I nipped out to make myself Somali shaah,am back and feeling much better.
  22. Hello You @ Ibti. Lily,the usual dear,iis jiid aan kuu jiidee with people's lives.
  23. ^It's fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Morning all,I am in such a lousy mood. I could do with being in a ring with Aweys[ ]would have been a pleasure knocking the lights out of him. .Ofcourse all that for the service to the Sheikh. @ Ngonge
  24. "Opposition says Somali conflict "a religious war" A load of bulls***! How do these men sleep at night knowingly they are holding the nation and its citizen hostage with their pathetic excuses to continue with war! :mad:
  25. ^For the 100th time,I wonder if all he tells us is true,kolba miid buu noo shegaa..Or is he living in fantasy,kolba miid baa iska tusaa.