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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^You did dear,question his moral fibre and the audacity to object to the use of 'V' word,reminding him of his stories and how vulgar and other words to discribe your dislike. ..It was a witch hunt dee,wilka sorry iska dhe!
  2. ^LOL,you dreamt of them?
  3. ^Inabti,goormee Africa ku dambeysee? There is no such a thing as parternity leave,the wifey gets shipped off to her mother's as soon as she starts showing signs of pregnancy.
  4. ^Ouch! and harsh that is dear. A&T...LOL@SomTanz,I got my home girl's back ya know! I merely ignored that part of the discussion as I am assuming that sort of symbolism was used in the 60's by feminist when they burn their bra's..50yrs down the road its the viginal doing the talking and being portrayed as the voice piece of feminist issues..miyaa ila garatee sheykaduu? I think living in the west,with the constant bombadment of sexuality, sometimes some can mistaken it as liberation,but liberation from what?..
  5. ^ , leave CL alone,deal with the topic she has presented dee. This is just another of those myths about women sexuality, this kind of talk, only hold women back, enabling them to remain captive to outdated ways of thinking about their lives. Should we still continue to view and see ourselves as 'the hopeless, ‘mules of the world’ with no needs of their own' kind of human beings? I don’t know if a virginal has that much to say any way, but I am sure the mind, would have had plenty to say about female sexuality, injustice etc, I think! I believe, we are actively fighting the unjust to women, be it about FGM or forced marriages or equal pay etc etc...I believe too, we are capable of joy, self confidence and sexual fulfilment through making healthy and morally right choices. Blessed,where would one find the tranquility, if not within a marriage..
  6. Malika

    Family Fun Game!

    ^ To be honest,I didnt follow the game rules per say,but we have had some revelations..LoL,My daughter actually described me as the dad in your game..LOL I totally do overact,and perhaps that stems from fear of losing control,juggling so many balls in the air,one fears if they are not in control everything falls apart including the child. The communication is getting there,alhamdulillah! In counseling this is called The Jowhari Window,usually you would ask those close to you,the people you trust to write or say how they see you,as always one tends to have a different perception to others of themselves. One might think they are kind,but those close to them might actually see them totally different,interesting stuff nevertheless!
  7. JZK, Abu,printed a copy for keep sake.. Indeed,success is to possess a humbled heart.
  8. The main reason why the Quran and Hadith are stressing the fact that men will get Houris (Hoor al-Ayn) is because it more appealing to men than promising virgin men to women. Men are more sexually active and therefore are facing a lot of difficulty (especially in the teenage years) to remain chaste. There are a lot of temptations in this world. That is why that Allah keeps promising these virgin girls to those that remain patient and steadfast. That way, this motivates the unmarried men to remain chaste and be patient because they know they have something better waiting for them in the next life. As if they do not get it legally in the next life then they would get it illegally in this life. Now with all these proofs you can easily invalidate the argument made by some non-muslims that women will not get any benefits out of the Islamic Paradise. The men and women are equal in the sight of Allah (SWT) except for those whom are more pious. Just because they're equal doesn’t mean they're exactly the same. They have physical, mental and emotional differences. Men have superiority over women in certain aspects such as physical strength, while women have more superiority over men from a caring and nurturing perspective. In the same manner, like our differences, they may have rewards that are different from one another, but that in no way suggest inequality. For instance, if you want to reward your son for something, perhaps you'll let him play a video game for example, whereas if you want to reward your daughter, perhaps you'll let her invite her friend over, or buy her something nice. Therefore, men and women have different needs and wants so obviously rewards would differ. But overall the rewards for both men and women will be equal (but not same) as Allah (SWT) says in the following verses of the Holy Quran: Pucca,this seems to be explaining in details unlike some of our lazy
  9. ^Indeed,I live by that philosophy dear,I bare no grudges,I carry no baggages,floting through life situations in bliss[ ] is the intention.
  10. ^I am good,as always niyadaa been uu shegaa and everything appears rosy!..LOL Talk of sleep,I seem to be having less although I do sleep the 7-8 hrs a night,must be the hidden,supressed depression..LOL You live,where it all happens and yet you sleep? London is wasted,on you girl!
  11. ^Accepted,now ya all move to the sports section...where the winds of loneness blow. Morning folks! I have a cocky new pupil in my class only for him to tell me today,he is the son of a prominent Afghani man..explains his attitude,spoilt brat! :mad:
  12. Blessed,Somali Proverbs are so true,ninkuu malintuu gursanayoo ciid kastaa iska magaa,muxuu yahay? muxuu hesta? iyo all the other nonsense about him and But the day aad dimatiid naa dadkuu wexeey iradaan, alla qoof wanagsaan bee eheed, mashaallah..blah
  13. Originally posted by AAliyah416: but, don't these guys have a pride?like dont they have any sense of you know thinking that they should provide for their wives the best wedding everrr rather than having one huge wedding.. I believe PRIDE is a sin. Good for them I say! I know people that have taken responsibility to help their employees to get married,one being my own mother[may Allah reward her],if your employer or those under your responsibility cant afford the expenses of marriage[which are pointless anyway],then its is an employers responsibility to help[islamically].. , So the company isnt doing anything new really,it just is fulfilling its duty to its employees. Ghelle,how did you come up with Hargeysa being San Fransisco? Bisinka,ragaa sharfaata hakaa ridhiin,am sure you see they are nimaan wadaadaa aa..subhanallah! some people :mad: :rolleyes:
  14. ^ , indeed,the only way to..Heh
  15. Malika

    Today I....

    ^Talk of eating,I just realised I havent eaten for the last 24hrs,hadaa soomii laha ajaar aan iska heli laha.I forgot to eat,this never happens.
  16. ^ :rolleyes: , eh? Woman or man,who said anything about sex as an act,I said 'TALK', pay attention. nuune,am shaking my head here, sure spring has come early..LOL
  17. ^ ,the topics have generated interest in this quite corner of the forum,and the posters arent breaking any rules.But am sure Sheh,will be vigilant,she is already having fun with Goodir..LOL
  18. ^It was a meeting place dee,xagee kalee laa isku arki laha. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@The normal people with hormones in check..Looooool,thank you Ibti needed a laugh..Haha Oh,Ibti! Human beings will always amaze you dear,THERE are those whom go to the mosque to check out either guys or girls.Have you not experienced those eyes following you,while walking past the car park,entering the mosque and you suddenly bump into brothers coming from the other direction and they DO stare,and if your game you stare back,perhaps wink ..LOL I am kidding,What I am saying is it happens dear.
  19. All this talk of sex is boring,its not even spring yet.. :rolleyes: I am in the mood for laughter,where are the jokers of this joint?
  20. Foolxumo,someone must have told her to win over Jac,she needs uunsi,and diric qafiif aa..LOL. Morning folks
  21. ^She is not a Xalimo though,but will ask him if he has a Habo,miyaa kaa bixii kareysaa ciidan? They go under special training,ask FB but again FB comes from Garissa waxnaa maa
  22. ^He has mke,but you know waswahili hilo haliwasumbui[buzi and all]. No I dont go to TZ events, I have been abducted by walendo,nimekuwa msomali sana,hata wa TZ wana Geeljire;Are you still up North or back to civilisation?
  23. ^LOL,What are we protesting dee. I know dingi wa Zanzibar yupo mjini, my friend is dating the 'second in command' at the Tanzania Embassy. Unataka kwenda niku arrange ye VIP treatment?..
  24. ^In Africa, soap and lotion is acceptable gift,without any implications. A&T, Congrats! As for the Pakistani Woman,why not invite her to your house,so she sees you with your wife and kids,perhaps then she might just accept your a married man.
  25. Geel Jire, waa laa fayaa aboowe, ii waraan? Long time no see bro.