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Everything posted by Malika

  1. LOL@This topic..Now lets spin this another way,3 out of the 5 come from Burco,hmmmm What does that tell us about Burcawis eh? Got alot to say for themselves huh?
  2. ^ :confused: :eek: ,that is disturbing really,his merits lays with his complexion and his kofiyaad? Walle,waax baa idhii kaa sii aa. I am sure you lot have heard a thing called "Diplomacy", his trip is mere diplomatic linked,to forge ties with countries that will enable him and his goverment to make better choices. Ruwanda having gone through a similiarly madness recently,and on its journey to recovery is the ideal country to seek advice and guidance from,so we too can find solutions to our own madness. WTF@the obession on his complexion and attire. :mad:
  3. Afternoon trollers. Got myself a little Persian Prince,adored was I today..
  4. Ibti,with your personality, I would say this name suits you >>> Q.Mavia, something about you tells me you would have been a warrior in ancient world,not to say your not a warrior now,indeed you are[although sometimes your just stuborn]..
  5. Ibti, @ your first sentence,you know in this country,it costs an arm and a leg to hire someone to do basic DIY. What have you been up to? Was you chased by that woman again in your dream?
  6. ^Was my afsomali that bad? You know its sessional, maalin waxaan so qoraa sidhaa laa rabo,maliin naa I get lost with the vowels..Lol Waa runtaa,he need change nothing,better yet he must make sure he has an afro to go with that attire.
  7. Ngonge, You want to blend in or stand out? aar waa foolxumo daar niin kudegaan, you need some baggy,ankle length trousers, white shirt and a summer jacket[if you can bare wearing one in the heat]..You will stand out if you wear those clothes you posted,yaa waax kuu degaan gaashda in Africa. If you can dress like a Zairean the better..Lol
  8. ^Must be due to early signs of Spring.. Morning dears!
  9. ^ Ms DD ,tell me about it,even when the man is insulting one just finds themselves laughing or smiling..belo! Hmm,tolow muxuu noguu aqriyee? Indeed,he is a legend!
  10. Walle all this love for Ngonge isnt healthy I tell ya, kuwa kuu riyoneyaa iyo kuwaa cashaar kusineyaa iyo kuwa hadiyaad kusineyaa iyo kuwa waax kuu weydineeya..Lol Ngonge,kudufoo couple of surati nas,this much love isnt good for you..
  11. ^LOL,I think most faraxs are maskimiin wallahi,the way they get ordered around..wabaa kaa naxee this Warsame.
  12. Planned on doing some DIY this past weekend only to have manage to cause myself more work..spilled the darn paint all over the carpeted stairs!! arg!! :mad:
  13. ^Good news that is,perhaps we in diaspora are feed alot of b******t about home,while folks at home seem to be at ease and peace..hmmm
  14. Che,you sound excited! aaaw!! So,what had she reported so far?
  15. ^Oh my daisy! With all the human evolution,you compare us against animals? taani baa noogu daraan mantaa.. :mad: Will be back,with the safeeta.
  16. ^Interesting dreams girls, what does the subconscious trying to tell you huh? This morning,while walking[my morning fav activity],a man in an approaching car was trying to wipe his wind screen with his hands,there I though it was someone whom knows me[was wearing my glasses,perhaps a need to visit the optician again] waving at me..I wave back with a big silly smile on my he passes me,he gives me this strange look,he must have been thinking..'They allow all sort in this country,look at this mad black woman at this wee hours of the morning waving and smiling at me, mad woman!'..I was so embarrased,laughted at myself all the way home..Lol
  17. Oh boy! I must be having one of those blonde bimbo moments,reading the thread all I see is off the topic responses, folks going left and right about this or that and not really answering the poor girl's silly Everyone seemed confused to me, but how amidst that confusion has Ngonge come up with the generalising statement of 'generally women are a bit thick'?
  18. ^Perhaps I should read the darn thread horta intaan Ngonge madaxaa kaa jariin..Lol
  19. ^I want to know why he thinks we are 'a bit thick' am curious..After answering that,and after I have bitten his head off,he can go.
  20. ^Wilka iska daa,the joint will be rather dull dee hadee wilshaan nagaa maqnadaan.. Ngonge ,in what sense dee, noo jiilci as we are thick.
  21. ^Ofcourse,the Municipal will need people to clean the streets,tend to the sawages etc..
  22. ^Najua,lakini usimpe penyo lakuku uzi,mchukulie kama ni mtoto tu..Lol Ase,we nikijana wa Eastleigh nini..hehe kaxaar badnidaa! , I tell you what, your creative ulikuwa unatusanifu sio? Heh
  23. Foolxumo it must be late huko SA,baal iska naaso..Ignore us dear,we are just pulling your leg dee! acha matusi waryee!
  24. ^This aint drama,its pure love for the dude/dudett,apart from A&T yaa kale la daba ordaa?..The one and only Afrogurl/Orange/Foolxumo
  25. ^Loooooooooooool @cleaned kitchen..