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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^I believe the attitude of most Somalis in terms of viewing marriage[man or woman ],has contributed alot to the 'divorce rates' in our community,we are quite careless in our thinking.The amount of time,I have heard advice,that actually contribute to the breakage of a marriage is countless,its rare for us to advice anyone to stick to their marriages or struggles[not desparation]to find the ideal partner. Perhaps fighting is the wrong word,but seeking, I mean actively seeking the man for you isnt something to be ashamed off.Marriage is half of ones imaan,so why not actively seek that half of your imaan?
  2. ^Nothing wrong with fighting or looking for a man indeed!The sister,just need to be patients and perhaps try a new avenue to the ones she had already tried. ps.What has good man have to do with a rich man?@Ngonge
  3. ^Loooooool,next week. Where you off to?
  4. I wish for the privilage of peace and stability for Somalia. Even though,I had not experienced the traumas of war,but most definetly I have witness the humiliation of Somalis as people. A constant reminder of failure,is somewhat hard to swallow most days.When looked upon like your a parasite is very demoralising.I pledge Somalis to turn put effort in engineering of peace,giving 'peace a chance' so we can start building what we desired 'The Islamic State of Somalia'.
  5. Oz & A&t, sijambo alhamdulillah! Has Ngonge,gone to SL already?
  6. ^A simple test will determine if you have diabetes or not,nip in to your GP as soon as possible. Diabetes,has become rather a common illness. A worrying factor wallahi! So how was your weekend? I spent mine scrubbing the walls,doors,windows, floors..I am suprised there is skin left on my hands!
  7. Originally posted by Amna: Day and night all i think about is marriage, i have taken every avenue trying to find a husband to no avail. I don't know if guys are turning me down because of my condition or maybe allah is punishing me for reasons unkown to me even though since i was a teenager i practised and followed allahs commands so that i may earn his love. This is really making me so depressed. I wish allah would just give me sabr and eman if its not decreed for me to get married. Please brothers and sisters keep me in your duas. Dear Sister, Being persistance and determined is the only way to gain Imaan,sabr and the mercy of Allah. As a Muslimah my dear sister,you should understand not all we desire in this life is given to us,actually by being so focused on our desire we loose perspective of our purpose here,which is to soley worship Allah. Believe me sis, I understand and hear what your saying,but be patient sis.Make dua and the will of Allah will be,Insha'allah. Insha'allah Kheyn aan kuu rajeneyaa!
  8. Being no stranger to controversy, it’s time for me to open up another can of worms. I want to talk about “Muslimah Sexiness.” I would like to have a very frank and honest conversation about being and feeling sexy as a Muslimah. Can we? Should we? Do we? Let me start by confessing something to you. I am flirtatious by nature. I’ve always been that way. After I became Muslim I was fed a thousand and one lectures about the “appropriate way” to conduct myself as a Muslim woman. I was told I needed to be shy, demure, quiet, and formal- almost afraid of “strange men.” All of these things were against my nature. The fact remains that I am not shy, demure, quiet or formal (in that way at least.) Since I am not those things I tried my best to fake it. I emulated the behavior of the women I saw at the masjid. Somehow it didn’t work though. Instead of coming across as shy or demure when interacting with the opposite sex, I often came across as rude, aloof, stuck up, cold or unnecessarily formal. I just didn’t know how to make my interaction natural. I started asking myself, why is this hard? What is it that you used to do before? Reading this bit on her blog,it shines a light upon her perspective, its about where the sister is coming from. Interms of her background and the circumstances she had become accustomed too prior to Islam. I believe this is where the conflict lies at,how is she to let go of what she had learned over the years.I believe she will need to have a deeper understanding of why its asked of Muslim women to be more,reserved in flaunting their 'sexiness'. Again what does sexiness mean to me as a woman brought up in a conservative Muslim Somali household? Certain principals were put in place since day one,flaunting baad tiri laughing out loud in a provocative manner used to cause offence and shun upon. Perhaps,to a certain extent I understand her ranting about sexiness,then again I am left feeling she is confused abit about the requirements of a Muslimah. I think she lost me,when she said something about what was expected of her be shy,quite and 'nearly afraid of men' , I think at this point I thought this sister is trying to excuse her 'nature' which in her own words said to be of 'flirtatious nature' which as Muslimah,it is a behaviour, she needs to nib in the bud, rather then come up with all sort of excuses. I am rambling.
  9. ^What happened? Morning Trollers! , a bit chilly this morning,but nevertheless the sun is shinning!
  10. ^ , a more reason Geel-Jire should have been given the title of Senior Nomad..Yeah man! only the cool people got in.. exclusive club! Why aren't you in it Afro aka -0-?
  11. ^Then why call him Sijui? Sijui is only reserved for Somali-Kenyan or Oh,then £50 would be very appreciated,humble beings waaye cidaan
  12. ^Now being a Somali,there is always expectation of more. Forexample you send someone back home £50,you sure will receive a phone call from that person saying " maa £50 baa lacaag aa?" Now this person,has probably spent that £50 to make that call. To cut the story short, erm can you spare more then £50?
  13. ^Get him a card,inside slip in the money.Indians give each other money on weddings,I think that is a good idea,help with cost and all! Swahilis,will bring you most of household goods when engaged, plus a suitcase full of clothes mostly lingerie.
  14. ^Looooooooooooool,indeed. Its Che's fault you know,he started calling me 'Habo',and the mothering in me resigned to be an Eedo or Habo.
  15. Calacal wax kuu matartee,boycott baan ku yiri.. Pheeeeeew! For a minute there I thought,they have caught up with me and my 'real'age beri dow I shall be claiming pension in real life. I would have prefered,'Eedo Malika' to senior nomad. :mad:
  16. ^Your? CL,I hear you on life in the west,its truly boring.You get caught up in routines,and to find excitment one has to plan,book and pay,just so to feel exalurated!..Lol I miss living in Africa, the slow pace of 'quality' life. .Waking up early,finishing the day by 2pm,siesta until 4,caasariya tea served by the porch..Badminton or tennis at the local gymkhana or by the neighbours front yard..evening stroll by the indian ocean..grab a snack fresh passion juice and roasted cassava with chilli,on the weekend do the usual 'picnics at the beach'..Life was bliss!! Definetly in the next few years,you can visit once I have established myself there.Darn you CL,you have made me home sick now!
  17. ^ , wiki ijayo, mungu akipenda. Sote wa zima,twa shukuru mungu. Hope all is well with you now.. I wish it was Friday today, I do not want to work!
  18. ^The belts in Faith dear,..I agree with TK is all about chance.. .
  19. ^Welcome back! believe me you were missed by a so and so.. Do tell about the outer body experience? Mzima sio?
  20. ^Loved the belts, Ta'! Any of you ever ventured into a TK Max, they have some lovely maxi dresses for the only £19.99!! Bags and Shoes,on a price a public worker[mostly on SOL] can afford..
  21. ^Morning FahIIma. Sheh,your a busy lady dhe! Masha'allah..Goodluck!
  22. Sheh are you anticipating some new venture? Ibti,aaw bless her! I shall ring her inshaallah later once the lady of luxury is fully awake..
  23. Pucca,turn off the PC,go make yourself some warm milk,change into something silky, dab a bit of perfume on the pillow,naftaa wax kheyr uu sheekee..relax! Hey Ibti, I made a call earlier to a friend,ended up ringing the wrong number,waking up Ms DD , she must be cursing me right about now!..
  24. ^ ,that is the last time I tell you anything..Man! you cant keep a secret huh? :mad:
  25. @ NG , am in control,haa uu biqiin dear. Hello Che *