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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika

    Welcome back!

    I am intrigued about this gentleman,seems like he was truly missed by the male Solers,so perhaps he was the manly man of SOL huh? Ngonge,there seems to be some similiarities between the two characters,especiall y the obsession on particular girls..
  2. LOL@Ibti,will send her over,the girl guurigaa naguu ragtee we need to shift her off somewhere ASAP!
  3. ^Tell us your collection of 'potential faraxs' I will tell you, IF anyone comes close to CL's worthness. *gabadhuu xural-cayn laa modhii* songs was dedicated to her. [CL,you know where to send that cheque]
  4. ^Baal CL,ii sort garee! After slapping me about,I want to see her go ga-ga over a farax..heh
  5. G', Now lily has a famous friend? I am curious beyond belief,could that be am bored.. Ibti,you dont say! Masha'allah,illahi haa uu siyadiyo , amiin! ps.Do tell dee,we[CL and I] want to buy presents for this new couple.
  6. ^It's the association of uunsi and you know what that gets him coughing .. , aar Che Somali mahaa,he must be an Arab.
  7. *Sulkingly* Erm,it would be very polite if you two share this news with all of US! Soo aan uu duceynee labada qoof..
  8. ^Salaam. The cat on your avatar is doing the 2 step Somali dance huh?
  9. I ate a whole bar of chocolate,even though I do not like chocolate,am yet to feel the energy rush! Ibti,no dear. I have not been yet,but do have few Bengali friends,whom were kind enough to share their cuisine with me.
  10. *waves back @ Jac* with a huge smile plastered on her face,only to realise it wasnt Jac but his assistant. ps.Jac maa Ngonge baad rabta inaa kaa xanajisii? whats this welcome aboard only for CL? war hedee,boos baan Hargeysa kaa rabaa..Are you the man to talk to?
  11. Morning..Its Thursday,but feels like a Friday,I am tired.
  12. ^Who is not 'a proud people'? adiguu noo sheeg those whom arent proud or arrogant in assuming their ways is superior then others.
  13. ^She failed miserably as a project manager,if only she had initially a plan,delegate people to tasks,then perhaps there would have not been such a chaos! Debra,was one tough cookie! Mona was struggling to make sense in the board room,wexee kuwalateey..she said,she said ,she said..Lol
  14. ^Poa mpenzi..I can barely breath!..Heh Jac,so only CL is welcome aboard? yaa?
  15. Bloody Jamie Oliver and his healthy lunches in schools..I had no choice but to eath a Jack potatoe and beans! eeeew! but alhamdulillah am so full!
  16. CL, ..I have a tendancy to read between the lines dear. Underneath the choosen words, the girl was reaching out to be heard, prayed for etc.
  17. Off the topic, But.. After a Humanities lesson on Developed and undeveloped countries.A young Somali boy,was trying to find something positive to say about Somalia..He was having an argument with his fellow classmate,one cadaan boy asks him 'so whats good about Somalia'? The Somali boy, looked rather proud and said 'where do you think all the gold and diamonds come from?'..fariid!
  18. Haneefa Then it looks like, ‘we’ culturally have misunderstood the philosophy of marriage. I think there is a need to re-educate in the benefits and intentions of such a union. Why are people surprised /shocked, that someone is actively seeking to find a partner so to be able to reach spiritual tranquillity, peace, and cooperation and partnership etc. As we all agree, Islam being the natural way of life, so to remember, all that takes into account of a genuine human instinct such as physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional etc. I agree there seem to be an embedded message that such is to be weak and in desperation, when in reality is only a matter of nature. I think its not unusual in other cultures to see a father or brother actively seeking a husband for their daughter. Which I believe is very rare in our Community.. Amna, have you express this desire to marry to the elders in your family?
  19. ^This is what I hear you say, 'The Clan' should organise it self and come together as it was done in SL and PL, correct? I dont get you, your accusing others of being 'tribal minded' but yet your on and on about this 'Mogadishu Society', surely that puts you in the same boat as those you accuse ,dont you think?
  20. ^Let me help set the mood for later.. om/watch?v=PCIgAUDtc GE By the way Ngonge,its customery to bribe the aunty of the 'potential',I havent yet received anything from you.
  21. Atleast there were no human casualty,its quite a distance where the fire brigade had to come from.There aught to be a fire station in Bagamoyo, the old town has grown signifcantly over the years. As for the Somalis whom own those Hotels,can I just say,they are very capable of eracting grandier ones[loaded wayee hee]
  22. ^ Salama Salimin. huh? @ Ngonge How does 'Mambo' translate to such an image? Dont tell me,your image of African is that one advertised by OXFARM? Mambo? = What's up? Respond with Poa! = Cool!
  23. ^Obviously something or someone rather memorable.. Morning folks! CL,mambo?
  24. ^tried the scarves section in shops?
  25. ^Going home huh?..Lol Enjoy,the fish dishes in Bangladesh are delicious!