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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Thanks GJ! The troll isnt the same without Ibti,CL,Jac,Ngonge iyo Che..I barely am here[ ]..Lol Asia,is a SOL kept secret..Lol
  2. ^Dee reerihina across the pond need to lighten the place up, the UK folks are still on Easter Holidays,for a much needed holiday..LST,has paid them well.
  3. ^Lol..Ducaysane would have said something along the lines of,"where you doing gymnastics last nights"? , bless his mind.
  4. LOL@water injected as medicine,only in Africa dhe!..Lol I didnt venture out to Mombasa,spent most of my time there on the Kenya highlands[Mt Meru] iyo diniciisa. Asia,has a different name for every week..
  5. ^am good too. They say the sun is medicine,I am a believer...I feel like dancing,singing and at the same time cry..Lol Must be the malaria tablets I took while in Africa. As for trolling,since they closed down the chatroom,this is where we chat..just follow the rythym..Wanna tango? Asia, intee joogte maantaa oodani? I was falling asleep here..heh
  6. The look on his face was priceless,when the European representatives started walking out..He couldnt help himself but grin..Heh. He knew there was gonna be some controversial. Kudos to him!
  7. ^After all there is life on SOL!! Hi there Zu!
  8. What a lovely afternoon! I might as well troll all by myself here.. *sigh*, o well , I should get on with work really.
  9. JZK, Sis. When you boil it all down,it is clear that barakah is a state which is indicative of God’s approval and blessings upon those who strive to establish his commands..Subhanalla h! Alhamdulillah indeed.
  10. Morning all! Meshaan waxaa shidaa UK crew uun miya? Paragon,I am no maskiinad,I tell you.Duceysan,maa anaa kaa marmii karaa meshaani aa..LOL.
  11. ^Afternoon dear. Paragon,the sunny African days are almost a distant memory after just few days back.. O'Boy! I had witnessed some madness in Eastleigh!,one must be a hustler to survive there,they knew I was a 'new/freshie' in town..Lol Got ripped off wallahi..
  12. Morning Fellow Slackers! So,Ngonge made it to SL huh! and, CL has since not been seen around...hmmmm,I smell something fishy here.. Ibti went home to Bangladesh,tolow has she found her long lost family..heh
  13. ^ ,Thank You Jac. Yeah back to the land of the privileged[depressed people]..Lol Che,indeed it was a memorable experience,Africa tends to always re awakes me from the slumber of being over privileged.
  14. Hello folks! Can I say am now truly a Somali!, I finally had drunk some camel milk and eat its meat,Yummmy! iga dhe.Spent few days in badiya,where I had the chance to herd these majestic creatures,alla! Somalida uu egaa wuxuu.. Kibirka!! Haye, igarta ya all good?
  15. Originally posted by Urban: [QB] I was shocked recently to find out that a secret society of devil worshippers are controlling almost everything around us, doing all they can to make this dunya ready and submissive for his arrival, ensuring that all the conditions are being ticked, one by one. [QB] Just as I read that,ayati kursi came to mind.. Does anyone apart from Allah[sWT] has that power? To control to their advantage, or is that an illusion?
  16. ^Looooooool,naa siyo mkorogo..Lol..My dear,not ready yet to look like a Congolese male Hii ni bleach ya nyewele[xadaa] za mwili, kama bleach ya rangi kwenye nyewele..heh
  17. ^Please do,he gets really annoying with all the 'where is CL,where is CL' questions..I am more annoyed as he hasnt yet bribe me,to have such a claim over you!!! How dare he!! :mad: Naenda kupaka hair bleach kwenye uso na mwili, sija wahi tumia bleach kwenye uso, naogopa ni fanane na paka!..Lol
  18. ^Hello there! You must make sure you let the old man know the days your off work,he gets really unsettled you know, if your not here..
  19. Do men worry of such things? I see,men have this amazing confidence within that no matter how deformed/formed they are they expect to be with a 'perfectly formed woman'.. :mad: Imagine,if a girl were to ask a man to reveal them selves as to be inspected,before she decided if he is worthy of her..I am sure that will cause an uproar so mahaa, wabuu cararii but its quite normal and expected the girl to do so.. :mad: Back on the topic..The girl has nothing to feel ashamed of nor does she have to be embarrased about her disability. She is after all a creation of Allah. I would definetly tell the guy,as part of getting into his psychic, is he a god fearing man?, can he see me beyond my physical features? etc etc.If he is an ***** he will run away.. ,better find out he is an ***** from the begining rather later.Time wasters should not apply weyaan shekhaduu..
  20. ^Haneefa,is confirming your argument with Meiji in the Political section.. Am I the only one whom doesnt have an 'inadeer' aan kol koliyoo? *note to self* Must adopt Naxar N.,the boy needs an Eedo/Inadeer to sort him out. @ Haneefa.
  21. Congrats Jac! May she be a dutiful daughter to you and her mother[amiin],daught ers are a blessing Masha'allah! Is the netball team complete now?..
  22. ^You do? Really? I am sure kuwaas waa kuu nasheganaya ,the are not legit..LOL Ouch! as for bell-weather of SOL..bees hadhaa laa ii arkiin maar dambe.
  23. ^Bado nipo,inshaallah next week ndio naondoka. Dont tell,me I was missed already? Just by not posting this morning?
  24. ^Leo umeandika Kiswahili,mbona mvua ya mawe ita nyesha!! Alxamdulillah,am good dear. Adna? Erm,what is
  25. I thought my eyes were seeing things, so Ibti is now Sheherezade.[LOL] Naa maxaad noo waleysaan? Would it really look strange,if I take back my biscuits I brung earlier today to share? They are just sitting there,mid iyo laboo bee kaa cunee..I want to take them home,so I could enjoy my casariyaa.