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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^It's cold and miserable where I am. @Che: Nabab,kheyr,barwaqo iyo bashbash..alxamdulil lah! Where are the girls? There is old male goats smell in here..xaruufkaa cataar iyo uunsi baa kaa maqaan meshaan.
  2. ^Hello Habo. Is it raining cats & dogs in London? @ Ngonge
  3. ^LOL, I thought so,I should have done some vocal training,as I speak like am whispering[ ] Ngonge, what are you on about? It's 3.30pm I hear the bell its time to go.
  4. I am looking for a whip, hosting an inclusive Somali men's meeting tonight,if you lot dont see me around,its perhaps I was hanged. Any tips on dealing with Somali men? Should I shout,point,interupt them when they are being our of context??
  5. , he didnt go ahead with it,did he?? Oh,dear! ps.It's cute to see rag xamanaya.
  6. Ah.He was busy being a dutiful husband..Bless him! Masha'allah! may your blessed arrival bring you love and happiness.
  7. Is the 'Whole of Somalia' only Mogadishu? waa bila 'capital city' move it else where,engage other 'Somalis' in the process,if need there be an army then there should be a wider selection from various points right across Somalia.. *I feel like Muridi here,rumbling away* I am tired,of this being made to be about Mogadishu and its citizen, the bloody nation consists of many regions and why arent these people/regions involved in bring the elusive peace? Even though I support S.Sharif,I think he needs to start thinking bigger then Aweyes and co. :mad:
  8. ^ , when you were being impressed dhe!..Lol KK,Indeed. That must be the beauty of marriage,no need to strain ones mind,the simplier the better..
  9. ^Why dont you think so?, by the way what makes you the voice of the people of SOOL? ps.Are we talking about a general 'Somali' issue here or only those 'clan leaders' from SOOL whom turn to politician need to be addressed? pss. What about all those clanist maskareding as politician and goverment official in the SL admistration,why dont you ever address them?
  10. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^You need not tell me that it was about me. I know xiin voices in your head hardly leave you sleep in peace. As teh originator of this post it borders absurdity to ask me what was there to admit… ^ , you haunt him in his sleep? As for the post,and the pathetic sympathic comments of Jac and co. are just hilarious. What is the big deal about this conflict? to the one recently between a clan of Awdal and Hargeysa where I personaly know of people who died? These conflicts are nothing new to the nomads,there had always occured and will perhaps still continue occuring due to the nature of our tribalist mentality.
  11. ^He could have had his own column in some newspaper.. Ngonge,wasted talent there adigu iyo A&T iyo BOB baa,you guys got to think bigger then SOL.
  12. ^Tragic that is, all that effort! You want to share my chocolate? I got myself a large Cadbury Dairy Milk & Nuts. I can feel the ease,coming back.. *sigh* Where are the girls?
  13. ^Your fast!, erm something.. Oh,I feel like Stoic today,I want to shout and tell off my arty farty collegue,he is getting in my nerves.
  14. That looks like a white woman[erm I have no race issue but,but],he didnt? did he??? *sigh* *sigh* :mad: That looks so fake though..
  15. ^Insha'allah, send her my way..tutamfundisha kupika samaki wa kupakwa na mandazi ya nazi. Best wishes..
  16. ^You need a dear aunty? is atthigu aka adigu? heh
  17. ^That was a big bed,and might I add empty too..aaaw! for you. Can I ask this, was there no other entertainment apart from Eating? We know your host loves his food,maaliin kasta wuxuu soo cuuno buu nooshega..but am sure there must be something else to do then restaurant hopping.
  18. Looool@Paragon, well as he seems to be the marriage guru here,I should ask the question..Lol
  19. Paragon,its all about reading between the lines.. Ngonge,my fellow married person. Do married couple actually have an intelligent conversation? I must be missing something..
  20. ^I believe it was Lily that showed interest into piracy at some point, have she? I wonder. JB,check your pm,I need some gossip.[Ngonge not about you,before you start sweating]
  21. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: It would've been nicer if they could come up with a way to stop morning sickness altogether... ^What will be the joys of being pregnant without going through the morning sickness,the cravings,the back pains,stretch marks, the kicking and the leaking.. I dont mind the pregnancy,but raising children is a whole ball game wallahi!
  22. *sigh* What a bloody day! They made me work today, I sure have earned my salary.. :mad: So, CL is still missing? Tolow,have my brother kidnapped her,isagaa laa wayee beriyahan ba.
  23. ^Sowie Ms DD,I got pulled away from the pc,didnt see your last message,hope you will be on msn later dear. waar iyo nuus baan kuhaya! hehe
  24. ^Looooool,indeed. Kulaha diigi ba kuu soo kordee some say..people!..Lol Tell me,did it happen? You know what..