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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^To persue Islamic knowledge,and also want to settle there and work Inshaallah..
  2. ^ , let me add an :rolleyes: . Will be back to comment more on this later. *This ugly woman,has a house to clean,food to cook*
  3. ^ , Hello there Sabriya. LOL@qof kaaga lumay, maya! I got everyone on a leash dear,wax lumayaa ayaa iska yar..Lol A friend wanted more information about land/house/school etc etc
  4. ^Rubber Band iskagaa xiid..Lol. I for one hardly carry mine around to the annoyance of my family. Anyone with connections in Yemen?
  5. I was feeling like a whale this morning before leaving the house,it didnt help when a pupil asked when is the baby due!..OMG! emergency dieting [i hate dieting]
  6. Malika

    Rise up

    Get up, stand up! (jah, jah! ) Stand up for your rights! (oh-hoo! ) Get up, stand up! (get up, stand up! ) Don't give up the fight! (life is your right! ) Get up, stand up! (so we can't give up the fight! ) Stand up for your rights! (lord, lord! ) Get up, stand up! (keep on struggling on! ) Don't give up the fight! (yeah! ) Where do we sign? @ Belial
  7. ^I hope you were not like a friend of mine,running along the pitch,calling out directions to her son,by the end of the match tacaab bee eheed.Poor little George,he just had no clue on the pitch,after all the 'we'[his little team] scored this and that..Lol
  8. ^Ar sefta yenee adigu kuguu diciin,withdrawing it at such a speed could be dangerous. Liqaye,Your lucky,he didnt call you a worse name. V V [ ta' ]
  9. LOL@Sheh,am supressing the urge to burst out singing and dancing.. *having an Ally Mcbeal moment here*
  10. ^Njema! Afternoon to you too. LOL@ time of the month,that is so stereotypical Ms DD! Maya dear,multiple personality baan isku arke beriyahan..Lol,hones tly maanta I could do with not being around people! Somehow,Mr Beanie Man is singing in my head..zimzima,my key to my beamer,yeah man! la la la Acuudhubillahi!
  11. ^Yep,Ms DD is lady of luxury,retired from rat chasing awhile ago..Lol Jac,what did you have for lunch today,beriyahan you dont tell us waxaad soo cuntee.
  12. I am usually chirpy person but after being stuck with the lot of them on an intensive training,I can barely stand them this morning..Lol Oh well,half term next week! hurraaaaaaaay! Where is CL? CL,are you Ali Kiba's fan?
  13. Morning all! Am such a moody mare,I could barely bring myself to say hello to my collegue this morning..The sight of him,irritates me. *sigh* Do you guys ever feel like this about your collegues?
  14. ^LOL,We sure did gossip on that thread, bisinka! C&H,your posts are very interesting baal eeg how many folks remember exactly what you said in most threads..Lol
  15. ^ BOB, you would like this little one better.
  16. There is a distinction in beauty,I believe Iman was talking about the superficial beauty [body]being one about the outer beauty, and complemented Michelle on the inner beauty[mind & soul]. So I don't see,why folks are getting their knickers in a twist really. ps.Fu-Fu,those muscles are blinding dee, noo qalee dee
  17. ^Princess mzima,unaweza mwa dopt ukitaka.. ,she can always do with rich abtis..heh[that is if your rich]
  18. ^Some one is broody maa istidhi.. That is child abuse, codka qordii buu kuwalee gabadha
  19. ^Walle,adunyoo..Kash afa is in agreement with Emperor and Duke? As you were gentlemen!
  20. The poor poor girl!, if only she knew she is dealing with an ciyaal mama aka faraax .. war niin weyn iska dig hedee, stop giggling like a school boy about to discover the joys of peanut butter..
  21. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ As I have asked other nomads and still have not recieved an answer, Sister: What is the alternative to armed combat against Amisom and the TFG ? If you say wadahadal iyo musaalaxa, the question becomes: On whose terms ? The UN's ? The warlords ? The Clannists ? 4.5 ? The so-called scholars have already thrown their lot with those who pay their salaries: the government(s). So the question is who gets to determine the agenda here ? I think it's the height of foolishness to think that there can be a 'midnimo qaran' between warlord clannists that have destroyed my country, and the men who have sacrificed blood and treasure to liberate it. The two can and will never meet. So, Sister Malika, I think you should be posing those questions to Sharif Ahmed, Cabdishakoor, and the TFG. Haaduna nahay Umada Soomaliyeed, we are more than willing to let bygones be bygones as long as ay towbad-keenan and stop acting as puppets for Beesha Caalam'ka. ^Islam teach us differently my brother,Islam should be supreme and by being so we [Muslims]are expected to act justly and try to compose quarrels, for peace is better that fighting. I am failing to see the legitimacy of the recent clashes, I only see a separation between the spiritual claim and the temporary matter[leadership]. In the case of the so called leaders or freedom fighters only God knows their innermost motives and they cannot deceive him by attaching certain labels to themselves. Your telling Johnny to back off, as this is a war between brothers[Muslims],if so my brother we can not claim Islam,as Islam can not be fully realised until the ideal of brotherhood is fully enforced in our society. FELLOWSHIP in Islam is that what humanity aspires to, in equality and fraternity . Read surah Hujurat,ponder and reflect my brother..Inshaallah kheyr Mintid, sue me! , erm any chance of mentioning Somaliland huh?.. kulaha we Somalilander la la la..
  22. ^ ,Kashafa must be on study leave. xiin, it will probably be useful to highlight the priciples of war,peace,interventi on and reconciliation in Islam..daad kuu confused beey noqdeen,there seem to be no focus on the ultimate goal. If the case is for Somalia to be an Islamic state,erm..It is the only country in the world that is going to implement Sharia law,markaa what is the purpose of Alshabaab wagged war? Kashafa,brother baal help me out here,I am struggling to be sympathetic toward Al-Shabaab due to the fact that,if they are for Islam[PEACE]. Why havent they tried other means to bring this peace,and free the oppressed but instead they are continuing to create an enviroment where the oppressed continue to loose their lives?
  23. Hello CL Girl,you have been replaced since your absence.The old man has found another 'project'..Lol
  24. ^I am confused,is being gullible means one is dacaad? It sounds like the sister has an open mind,race isnt an issue to her, hadhii kale she would have asked you along time if your Latino or Nigerian.She might just find it embarrasing that you have over heard her convesations when she was talking about you. Tell her, if its important to you,it seems its not important to her.Horta has she told you she is Somali? I mean did you guys discuss background information at any point?