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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Meiji, what is new there,dont tell me you were not among those whom sang ' Gulwado siyaad abihii garashada etc etc'? Ah,the days of freedom eey! Ngonge aka Mr the clan is everything,stop bullying Meiji.
  2. ^Gary Cooper? @ Ngonge It takes a clever woman to truly be a raaliyo..
  3. Malika

    Why ?

    ^ I disagree,being further from God is depressing. First things first, Welcome to SOL. That is an interesting point of view. Now if we are saying Islam is a WAY OF LIFE[not death], why do you assume its only about the afterlife? Islam is a practical religion,it means living it. Its about the structure and basis to everything we do from major to minor things in our lives.From how you were conceived, to how you were raised, to how you were educated,to how you will earn a living, to how you deal with those around you, to how you walk, sleep,eat,shiid[eew] , to how you will get married, raise your children, to the laws you should live within, to how you should be buried..[hoping you had lived a 'worthy live' ,which you then shall reap the benefit of it in the hereafter] 'Your time is your life, and your life is your capital; it is the basis of your transactions[with God], and the means to attain everlasting felicity, in the proximity of God the Exalted. Each of your breaths is a priceless jewel and when it passes away it never returns" [imam Ghazali[RA] << That is Islam.
  4. Malika

    Why ?

    . One thing I have noticed, is the lack of activity in the Islam Section. If Nur is not there then the place goes dead. What is it about our deen, that we find uninteresting? If our whole way of life is based on it,why the distancing from it? Baal sheega ,why ? :mad: Alright,let me not pull an Alshabaab on you guys,really it would be advantageous to all of us,to revive the Islam section.
  5. ^Amiin. Jazak Allah Kheyr m_aden, much needed reminder.
  6. ^ , Jazakhallah Kheyr dear,indeed it doesn't take much to smile,say something nice,think positively..
  7. ^ , waan iska daynaya wilka, walle miyi inuu iska dago ayaa ficaan,he will find pleanty of 'dhaqan'..Lol ps.Paragon, you know am pulling your leg right?
  8. Ouch! for Paragon.. , sucking up didnt do you good huh? Go Haneefa,Go Haneefa...LOL Tolow yaa yirii he has to take her to Paris,buy her a diamond ring and make sure every time they meet he has to bring her flowers and chocolate, and the future plans being he will be a stay at home father,in all manners.. Waa bila dhaqan celis..heh Paragon[i am sure you meant well,but got confused about dhaqan iyo Islamic etiquette,were sharaaf iyo xishood come into it]
  9. Waxay ku tedhi: boqoro, sheekadan mid aad adigo kaliga ka fakaray o ma ika. Marka, hadaad ii sheegtid qofka taladan ku siiyaay, dhinica hore iyo kii kale ba wan ku wada siin’. Boqorko nin aan bil dhan wax helin bu aha oo an afkiisa ka adkeen. Woo ka jawabay oo usheegay taladan cusub any xaga Abu Nawas ka so timid. Markasay xaaskii ku tedhi ‘waayahay, sareerta inakeen. Lakin Abu Nawaskan xun waa ino cawa magaalada ka baxo’ :eek: :eek: , Oh my @ Ngonge. I now have a headache after reading your afsomali
  10. ^Because,they themselves need educating,forgeting that you can not force someone to 'believe',either they do or they dont.
  11. ^WCS Sis, ..Saas ii dhe! Thank you for that.It was Lily's fault she started the suspicious ball rolling..
  12. ^LOL,cant a girl go on vacation without a faraax or Govinder? Ibti,would love to hear more about your trip,India has never been somewhere I wanted to visit..What prompt you to go there? I know my 'white' collegue tend to find the place inspiring,hmmm.. Morning all!
  13. ^War afka isku qaboo,maxaa gorahaan kuu soo jediyee adigo Africa jooga? I hope your awaiting salat fajr and had just finished salat leyl. Obviously he doesn't know what 'playboy' symbolizes,he is innocent. Toloow yaa uu geyee waxaasi?
  14. After walking for more then five miles today, I can't seem to switch off,feet ache but the mind is too alert! Anyone out there? Hellooooooooooooooo Helloooooooooooooooo
  15. ^He is keeping up with the Jones dee, aka being 'trendy'....Lol Ah!bless him,that's what I call being moderate..Lol
  16. Originally posted by Dhubad.: These guys look scary! ^Why are they scary? Is it that despite being at war they still have the time to read/reflect upon the words of God? The sad thing is they are fighting and killing fellow Muslims,hence the continues spread of misery.Is this our punishment,as the Quran teaches us,every sin has a consequence,our must be the ever lasting path of misery,wallowing in it seem to be our ambition. Marching we are to the valley of death,but for what is that we are dying for? A nation? Land? Clan? or Belief? ps.Islam was never spread by the sword hence the no compulsion, as the kufaar propaganda has it. How could it be? If currently in the west its the fastest growing religion,do we hold guns to people in the west to join our faith..No, so mahaa marka waxaan anuu leynahay we are fighting the infidel, kufar raac and whom ever else we see as enemy,forgetting we are our own enemy. The enemy is within,its within all of us whom have resorted to petty quarrels about land,nation, l that which is insignificant when the day of the truth arrives. If the religious folks among us have taken arm,and forgot to follow the strict rules of our teachings,then what will be of those whom are ignorant and arrogant among us?
  17. ^ Ah! Women, what to do with them! If only they knew their place,is that what she is poetically mumbling about ?
  18. ^ It sounds like it,especially if Paragon had posted it for our 'benefit'..
  19. ^lol,hali nzuri twa mshukuru mola. Nani kaku uzi leo?
  20. ^Lol, naa its not me a friend want to move to Yemen. You do not know ALI KIBA? Girl?? Your no longer a TZian. :mad:
  21. Hello Ladies! CL,for a programme am taking part in,you have to write at least a paragraph about yourself..arg! CL,listen to some Ali Kiba songs,relax its friday! Lily,Somali hasnt got what the lady is looking for and that is Islamic institutions were she can enhance her Islamic Knowledge,and while there she wants to experience live at a bare minimum. Ngonge, its been noticed.
  22. ^Are they? Shared traits huh?..Lol How does one write about themselves without letting the ego take over? :confused:
  23. ^Now the question is do you know anyone there? They are looking for a simple way of living,without the complications of modern living.
  24. ^Waxaa kuguu daraan,she wants to live on the outskirts of Hadramut[sp],perhaps farm while studying. Morning to you too. It is friday, a blessed day indeed! The sun is shinning and I dont feel as fat as I felt yesterday..whoooa!
  25. ^There has been carrots dangled at these community workers,this guys shamelessly was saying we should bid for the 'terrorist funding' available to re educate Muslims..Lol Hungurii weyne waan iska qabanee, waa bila funding..shid!