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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Yes,I had a call from a friend warning me that there is a Somali lady wearing Niqab whom goes around Somali houses, asking them if she could pray and apparently when she is in and in the bathroom she makes a call to her awaiting accomplices whom she then lets them in by pretending it must be her brother knocking,by then the house is stormed by armed Jamaican men...blah blah I thanked my friend for the warning, and kindly reminded her of where I live,and the likely of a stranger/ Somali woman knocking on my door,which will be quite an event..Lol
  2. ^The misery was never a product of religion,its unfortunate that the so called religious men are fueling the propaganda that Islam is by the sword,quite conterary and just a decoy from the real issues of power.
  3. ^I doubt there is a credible answer,like everything else Somali,its a confused ideology.
  4. ^Oops,wrong person Al-Zeylac What right does Al-Shabaab has on 'prohibiting' the Sufi brothers to practice what they believe? And by taking arms to defend their right,isnt that JIHAD? or has jihad have a different meaning now days? Isnt that against the teaching of Islam? baal adaa iska digee their spokes person,do enlight us.
  5. ^Bravo Eedo,at last,I say at last,your home!
  6. Understandably about the ONLF flag, the red signifying the struggle [bloodshed],the blue with a star,its the connection to Great Somalia,the green is the precious land. Aw Muuse, take us through the colour's and the symbols on the Puntland flag, what do they mean?
  7. We have our own comedy central in the Politics section..Lol *sigh* What a lovely couple of days, beautiful weather! Have you ever worn something that you will really not like eedoo or atheer so and so to see you that day? I had such a day,dressed very very summery[to my embarrassment] I bumped to an atheer of mine,yeah..I could see he wanted to ask what had possessed me,but being the reer magal he is,he just said hi and walked on.
  8. ^Interesting you should ask that,could it be since there is new development that A&T is the uncle of ............ and holds the key to ..............! I am not saying anything..zitch!
  9. ^I can just see you,a short chubby man. Wearing an extra large gold watch,driving the latest land cruiser..a gold tooth I see. Ah! We must be business partners..Lol
  10. ^Indeed,chilled caano geel is delicious..bring back samples of the sand/soil,some of us have never been 'home'.
  11. ^Safaar Salaama Abdinasir. Eat plenty of hiliib geel for me..
  12. LOL@Ngonge,I will make sure there is no more shoe shining for him anymore. I will have couple of gold teeth,always in red with henna on my hands and legs,with a big gold ring with a large red stone[just as prescribed by the 'local wadaad']..They will be partying on my hands I tell ya..Lol Ngonge,what part would you play? The mastermind behind the scenes or the actual pirate ?
  13. ^I so want to insinuate,but I would hate for Paragon to hate me..Lol Could it be though?..Hmmm
  14. I want in too,I dont want the part of a wife or a mother but the madam of that little joint off the shores,where they come in to spend their fortune..You know,where shaah,jaad,uunsi iyo plenty of 'candy eye' is provided..Lol I mean after the intensity of the high seas,and being chased by the big boys and their toys around,the dudes will need somewhere to relax. Astagfirullah!
  15. Malika


    ^I second that, Masha'allah!..I always imagined BOB as an old man[erm fat,with ciro] and three wives on tow!. Where would this senior business lead to, the pensioners tittles?
  16. ^If that is in Zimbabwean Dollar,I pay without even being sued,as xaal inaan bixiyaa wayee Mzee Ugali baan iska magee sakaan..Lol
  17. Paragon, If I were to disclose what happenes between I and my husband behind close doors,then there is no difference of me walking around naked...Words of our Prophet Muhamed[sAW]. Now just because one has satified papers at home,there is no excuse to acting lewd on the streets..Kapish! You ask,what I will do to you?..Erm,walle ina Mogadishu lagu geeyo wayee..Alshabaab would have sort you out really well for me.
  18. ^Hmmm,gabdhaan aad heysataa waa kuwe? These brotherly love/advice thrown about by you guys,to me held hiden messages..What I will say is get over yourselves. ps.Pole. pss.Dont mind me today, yaa Fu-Fu. I am in the mood to carbashing..Lol
  19. ^Stop drooling over kids bisinka!
  20. ^does that make a difference,what race they were,as long as they are Muslims there is an expected code of behavior one 'must' abides by. C&H, what is the aim and meaning of the Hijab? Once you know that then you will understand were Sister Blessed is coming from. Why are we told not to watch porn or any movie/image of sexual nature? We are human beings and those image tend to arouse people,either you agree or disagree but they do. So for someone wearing a HIJAB acting in such a manner is wrong either they are married or not,it truly doesn't make a difference. I know perhaps wee nagaa badbadatee,we hardly see kissing and caressing each other on the streets as being wrong, heck it been embedded in us,if you don't kiss and grope each other[24hrs] then your not in love, its all When watching love scenes what emotions do they trigger within you? Honestly now..
  21. ^yeah..but the first picture in this thread,made me feel sick!..How could they make their children imitate intimacy of a couple? I know they were not naked nor were they making love, but that image is disturbing..very disturbing, caudhubillah!
  22. ^If being alive means the ability to 'breath' wont the load off our minds make 'living' easy and better? Imagine the hours, wasted by Somalis on their politics if those hours were dedicated to worship, wouldn't that have lightened their hearts? For those who are so bitter,filled with hatred,it will definitely ease their constipation,am sure all that stress isn't good for their digestive ps.What course are you doing?
  23. ^Someone groped you? reaping the benefit of working out huh?..Lol
  24. ^You people are fast! Nuune,you will have to translate that for him..Lol CL,take some vitamin C..pole! Ibti,your bus story isnt adding up, how did you know he was off to see his wife or about the third baby?
  25. ^oh, me sir! me sir! Erm,we would have woken up with lighter hearts,breath easy and for those with constipation problem will have an early morning poo, a relief!! The weight on our hearts of these conflicts are dragging us down.. Who will report the good news,who else but the man I highly respect..Xiin.