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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^You really don't like Paragon,taan isku darsaan maxaa wilka noguu sineysaa?
  2. ^AND,a Somali woman is her fathers daughter even after marriage,she has ties with her own family, unlike in the Asian community,once a woman marries she no longer has ties with her family,she is 'wholly' her husbands. Somali Women have the full support of their families,including the husbands family..If there is a dispute,99% its the woman that gets compensated. The freedom of choice/movement that Somali women have even in marriage am yet to see in others and believe me I have friends of all nationalities..
  3. ^ , Will do,cause am feeling like slapping you..Lol
  4. Me, What book have you been reading on 'freedom' cause your sound like a parrot of some sort..freedom,freedo m..Lol FROM WHOM?
  5. Originally posted by LayZie G.: Me me me me, who is your enemy? You don't have an enemy Mr Me-Me because you don't hear madfac day and night, so much so that your ear drums are used to the sound. You don't have an enemy because you, Mr me-me are not beside yourself wondering when your last moment on this earth would be or say to yourself, "would I be alive to see my children after my maqhrib prayer?". YOu don't have an enemy because you dont see your loved ones suffering daily in south mogadishu and your children witnessing the corpse that are laid 5kms long the path after a night of shelling in one of the districts. Matter of fact, your loved ones are safely tugged while you declare jihad in cyberspace and carry Kasha's talking points about the enemy and axmaaro. Your children, if you have any, are out playing in a clean and safe park somewhere in lala land, while the children of south somalia are in camps, somewhere between somalia and Kenya, waiting for their daily handout from UNHCR. You are delusional and at the same time selfish ya Mr Me-Me because you deny the rights and freedoms you enjoy for the people of Somalia. The same rights that you take full advantage off daily. The right to practice your religion and raise your children. The right to be employed, the right to express yourself without fear of persecution. The right to walk the streets without fear of being shot at or getting killed by madfac. You are denying those rights for the poor families that reside in Somalia to earn a living so they can support their families and live in dignity as you do. YOu, my friend Mr Me-Me are selfish and cruel to think that your exaggerated history of axmaaro will work for you this time so the people of somalia will continue to live in anarchy while you enjoy and reap the fruits and freedoms that the world has to offer. BTW, you said: quote: Somalia needs a government that is created by the Somali people not a foreign backed, foreign supported, foreign created TFG. Al-shabaab are foreign created militia group, who among them have 12 yr old impressionable young somali boys fighting as a way to sell to the people of somalia that they are infact a pan-somali movement as you put it on your earlier post but make no mistake, your precious militia are foreign created, foreign funded and foreign run. Speaking of young men fighting to liberate the homeland, what are you doing for your homeland while the 12 yr old boy thats high on opium is murdering the family in Hodan district? Are you comfortable where you are today? Go get a cup of shaah and take a moment to reflect what it is you are really supporting because I don't think you have a clue about anything or anyone. PS: a little originality will go along way for the title of your thread Clap! Clap!* Standing Ovation* clap! clap! clap! That my dear LG was so sincere! I salute you sis.. :cool: Me Freedom from whom? Who is your oppressor? It's rather silly to lay the blame of Somalia chaos on Ethiopia,they only came in the last couple of years,who was oppressing Somalis in the last 16yrs? Seeking escape goats or point figures around for our own making isn't gonna bring solution,until there is a collective responsibility and compromises are made,then we might get some resolution. ps.These resistant talks are BS!
  6. ^ Sister1000, What are you looking for in a man? Be any man. You do understand even though people are from the same ethnicity it doesn't necessary mean they share personality traits.So every man is different,his personality/outlook would depend on the values and principles that make him the man he is. As for what are Somali men like? In my OPINION they are generous,never petty,there is rare struggle for power[Women rule ],I love the fact that once your married,your husband automatic takes on the role of a son to your parents and shares the responsibility to care and cherish your parents,of course its vice versa...Heart melting! Of course,not all men are the same,there could be the opposite of those I mentioned hence the question I asked you..What kind of man do you want in your life?
  7. Che Habo,you forgot how helpful the Xalimos were when you asked for help on how to toast bread ?
  8. This is what they say about being strategic in leadership.Obama going to Egypt the cradle of civilization, where in history its where an Islamic army came in aid and free the oppressed Egyptian-Christians from the hands of the Roman-Christians is quite significant even in modern times. Reminding people that there could be alliance between different faith, nations especially when there is a common self interest.
  9. Lol@FB Amina,your contribution would be valuable here on SOL,welcome sis. Khayr, I am assuming the wife is on standby with a fire distinguish er whilst your making sabaayaad..war reerka hagubiin..Lol
  10. ^Welcome to SOL. Then is back to basics,is it Nature or Nurture? @ Cara,leave him alone,he is my fav Soler,so deep his thoughts..
  11. ^ , I want to know what had happened between you two.[is this the annoying part toloow]
  12. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: Well now that you have reached the milestone (hiden objective to help you get there) - i'll leave you to Malika and NG to one disturb your day the other to annoy you So long trollers Hang on a minute there LOZ,you got some explaining to do there, baal sheeg who annoys who and who disturbs who here? :mad:
  13. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: kashafa laid the painful truth to everyone. sheikh sharif does not have the knowledge or even the sense to govern. Why? because he forgot about this ayah (4:139) Those who take disbelievers for awliyâ' (protectors or helpers or friends) instead of believers, do they seek honor, power and glory with them? Verily, then to Allâh belongs all honor, power and glory. (4:144) O you who believe! Take not for awliyâ' (protectors or helpers or friends) disbelievers instead of believers. Do you wish to offer Allâh a manifest proof against yourselves? Sheikh all in name only Let me ask you this yaa 'Sheikh Somali Pirate' what are the qualities/charasteri stics of a Leader to you?
  14. ^Is your birthday in June? Are we nearing the big '40' perhaps ,it sounds like anxiety is kicking in as you get closer and closer..Lol
  15. 58.Never worry about what a 'guy' wants,know what you want/need to fulfil the aim of your life. 59.Living according to someone else's[mens] standard is second hand living me think! Women,would have been much confident,happy people if they had spend the same amount of time thinking about themselves rather then thinking about 'men' and their wants/needs..please! !
  16. A friend of mine,sent me this link and its absolute hilarious, I mean shaqoo laantaa iguu daran. A cruise Along Africa's east coast, check it out! http://www.somalicru
  17. @the responses to my attention seeking strategy..I feel so loved! @ Cara, I could be the PA,I might just come in once in a while and moan about the boss.
  18. ^Oh right, it is Sooriyo..Now,pm me and I shall give you full details of where to send the sooriyada.. ps.How cute, the blind leading the deaf here in Af somali.
  19. ^War waan jooga ila intaa kaa ururineyaa[sp] qaranka iga,I am not leaving empty handed. I request ya all chip in and give me a deserving send off.
  20. ^ , Oh boy! indeed,and in Sept am changing jobs too,no more idleness for this woman..Lol Nevertheless,I should miss you people [i am already suffering withdrawal syndrome - teary]
  21. ^Tell me about it..Its forcing some of us to face a painful reality,perhaps its time to abandone ship too. *How am I to stay sane without SOL?*
  22. ^What is a revolting outfit? Is ones reputation based on how one dresses or how one acts?
  23. Why are they no 'fraud'charges against these members of Parliment? I cant help but snigger at 'first world democractic policy makers' caught stealing..Ah! Mugabe must be enjoying this..Lol
  24. There is no sunshine when 'they' are gone,I know , I know ,I know,I know..oh there is no sunshine when they are gone.. Where are the trollers?
  25. ^ ,of course not, she apparently asks to use the bathroom to perform the ablution,then whilst in the bathroom she makes a call to the awaiting men..