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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^It doesnt work for everybody Aveda didnt work for me at all,as Sheh said find something that works and stick to it. I currently do NOT remove my scarf when there is company .. ,my hair resembles my garden,uncut,wild and unmanageable.. ..To think once I was nicknamed after my long,healthy,bouncy hair!!
  2. Anyone with an ounce of humanity within will be moved by the plight of our people. Somali Pirate,do you want to be part of the change? Are you willing to be part of those whom are channeling that ANGER into something rather positive,hopeful and mostly POWERFUL? If so,we would welcome you to our organisation called 'Somalis for Somalia', what we are asking is you be a leader in your own right and bring at least 40 - 100/200 people in our gathering. Which will happen in NYC outside the UN building,we are going to hold a 'sit' protest. Since we have been refuse an audience with the policy makers and those whom are holding power over Somali matters. The Somali people are going to organise themselves,this will include money. Without money,we will end up depending on those with Power Over us to fund our movement and we do not want that. So,start with those around you,empower them in exchage they empower us ,with their support we will bring CHANGE and have POWER back.. Imagine this,if each one of so called leaders among our people could organise their people,and we had a collective voice of 3-4 million people,OUR VOICE would be heard across the globe...Just imagine! To get our manifesto,and be part of the movement..I can be reached on: Dreamsaremadetoday@y
  3. K. Had you read any books/novels writen by Somali authors? I recommend you do so, books by Somalis on Somalis would be insightful.. Nurudiin Farah's 'From a Crooked Rib' is a classic novel, a movement setter in my books! Good Luck.
  4. Faheema,once the only things we could afford was lunch,but nevertheless it was a pleasant experience mingling with the rich..Lol Sheh. I believe so, even if you go just for lunch..Lol Summer days at the village of dreams,has a certain amazing atmosphere. Could it be all the beautiful people at one place..Lol. I enjoy the outside cafe's and bistro's. It's worth a day out girls!
  5. ^I second that.. Seems like the site is under attack from organised village i.d.iots...Lol[am kidding]
  6. ^A day like today, nothing much..Would have been snug in bed,with a large mug of tea,biscuits and catch up with the movies..
  7. Any one been here? http://www.bicesterv It's a lovely day out[if you can afford it],especially on those sunny sundays. Bought some quality lingerie in one of the outlet,they sure were worth the price,lasted for ages.
  8. ^ ,it's a blooming nice day mate! LOL@indha ku gubo,am sure worst things happens to him on a daily basis..Lol
  9. Malika


    ^ , men like to impress,serves their egocentric needs,so once you start nit picking him ----whuuuuuuush,he deflects.It's really the worse thing a woman can do to a man. You could experiment with little boys,see when you tell them off constant how they react and how do little girls react. The little girl would probably try to please you and suck up to you where hence the boy will retaliate or throw tantrums.
  10. Shame on you people.. ,I was not born in my fore father's lands but I activily contribute to its building..aka I pay regular funds toward a number of schools. As for going back, Inshaallah! A dream of running a rehabilitation centre for young people is still in my mind..So Yeah,why not! I dont see myself growing old in the west anyway so if am to be of use[skills],why not where it would probably be needed more then where I was born and bred. Now someone tell me where one can obtain a nice piece of land by the sea,meel kale madegeyo if I dont have a piece of that coastal line..Lol
  11. Ngonge,the amount of publicity they got this time was worrying..Every time you watch the news,there will be a mentioning of the BNP..And you know how effective the media is. This year I made a point to vote and encouraged those I know to do so. I received a BNP propaganda leaflet and text message, which kind of scared me to the voting booths..Lol Oh,well perhaps its time to move to the 'melting pot of cultures' aka London,where I live I could be toasted without anyone batting an eye..Lol
  12. Interesting so mahaa? It's quite complex.. Perhaps if we look at factors that might have contributed e.g Scientific - hormones? Or Religious Obligation - That includes all religions?, Social structures - Patriachy? What makes a woman more caring then a man? Why are they more women in 'caring proffessions' then men? LOL..I know more question huh! CL & Ibti..I am researching.
  13. "Caring. A woman's role?" Are we born natural carers [companion of men?]? or has this been stilled within us as we grow aka how we are nurtured. What do you think? How do you feel? What is your understanding on the issue? Please share.
  14. om/watch?v=_W9kcxdPP jk&feature=related It's so gray and dull,might I add boring.
  15. ^Heck no! xaal waan kuguu lenahay,walaalhay iyagoo reerihi suldameed aa aad kuledahay,dust them off and line them up!..Whats up with that? ps;I am kidding now,before you start crying.
  16. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Milaka & Ibtisaam - get of your high horses and dust of your brothers and cousins and line them up for her to choose - should she rejects my offer of making her my minyaro Yaa??,What high horse dear? As for my Brothers & Cousins,waxaa laa huurgufoo naagumaa maa jiraan,they already shine like stars,that they are! Nagaa lexoo adigu,kolaybaa you cant afford the xaal hadaa gar kuu dignoo.
  17. I am experiencing,what binge drinkers experience[am told] a day after..Or could I actually be sick! This blooming weather.. :mad: Afternoon trollers!
  18. ^Their names? You all said these men where 'GREAT', what made them great Leaders? What shared qualities&characteri stics did they have? Ofcourse,Zidane doesnt fit in the same category as the likes of Ghadi,Arafat etc
  19. ^Your embarrassing your self here,its actually painful reading your crap..A waste of intelligence[Am being kind here,grow up!].
  20. ^I see arrogance and ignorance from her comments,I see nothing about wanting to know about Somali people,she is far too concern about the negativity of Somali people then actually wanting to know about our culture,tradition and a way of life. I am sorry,I dont suffer from lack of self esteem and I would not play her game.She wants to know my views/opinion and my culture she better come with a better attitude. Sister1000, look in the mirror and ask yourself this question..What does it say about you,if your willing to marry someone you hardly know and on top of that you hold such a low expectation of them? What does it say about you as a person?
  21. Oh.Where is the fun in that? Thanks BOB. Paragon,your a treasure dee,all that cultural knowledge would be wasted if...... Ibti,I still care dear..Plenty of sisters around seeking,so I am for reserving..Lol
  22. Ibti, Anaa uu haya gabadh mashaallah aa ah! Paragon wuxuu rabaa miid afgaraneysoo when he recites his poems or sing songs to her. Wilashaa hadaan ajanabii iska sino,dee maxaa noo soo haari?..['Waiting to exhale' moment here]