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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Originally posted by -Lily-: How’s it going Malika, looking forward to the summer? Any plans? I’m always envious of teachers! Mind you, I'll be very free this summer It's crazy at work,we are moving to a new school expectation we would have everything done by July the 18th!! I am staying put this year,perhaps explore UK abit.
  2. @ The Siren, Any man worth marrying would want a woman that is strong emotionally,spiritua lly and intellectually..That was what I was told. You got to know what it is you stand for,and be prepared to be told where to get off,when your wrong..I don't mind healthy criticism from hubby,he can express his opinion and I can express mine without jeopardizing our relationship. ps.It also depends on what is his opinion,is it something reasonable or is he being an a**, I don't tolerate self centered,cocky men.
  3. LOL..Ms DD, There are many luuq's at my work where one can pretend to be working on their laptops..LOL I am still here,if I hear another word about planning am gonna scream!! *I still need rescuing, where is Che?
  4. ^Loooooooool,am 5.888888% insane kulaha!..Loool Your not boring,you have just learned to supress yourself,let go woman! Dance,laugh, does wonders I tell ya!..Lol *I am off*
  5. G'nite LOZ! *In the Walton sort a way* @ Ms DD, naa mawalnii hedee,I just have a happy inner self,it sings,recites,laughs most of the time with it self..Lol
  6. ^Sanity is overated dear! LOL
  7. ^Laughing is medicine,they say! I fully agree.It has such a wonderful way of calming one senses,all that positive energy is good for one self. Sheh.Is that what its called,there I was thinking am so anti social,I prefer my own company hence the mental state..Lol
  8. ^I feel sick too,I want to sleep,but circumstances will not allow,am stuck at work today until 6pm.. LOL..You know if only people knew what goes on in my head,I probably would have been sanctioned..Lol One minute am singing,the next reciting quran,then I have these lengthly discussion with myself,suddenly a comedy show starts,and I have great time cracking jokes with myself..Acudhubillah ! I must socialise more..Lol
  9. Rescue me!..horta what song was that?..My subconscious has been singing to my soul all morning. I need rescuing perhaps..
  10. ^Perhaps it was too controversial for this forum.. We like keeping things light-hearted you see..LOL
  11. @ the memory evoked by Tracy's voice,Oh boy!.. ^A revolutionary song and singer!
  12. Malika

    Today I....

    ^Harbourfront,is what best Toronto can offer,I think.Especially at night time,with live music on the back ground..Priceless,I agree! Today,I feel good!
  13. ^Someone is being domesticated I see,threadka recipes kamaa baxdiid baa..Lol Good for you.
  14. LOL@Brother Nur, Alhamdulillah am safe..LOL [how did you know,I was out there gazing about?] But a day like today was a tough one,it was very hot,I spent the afternoon at a lake nearby were most of the people there were walking around half naked or near to nakedness,I think I have committed a number of sins by just looking and gossiping with my inner self...Astagfirullah ! May Allah forgive me..
  15. ^Your right,somethings are not in books,perhaps it will be worth your while if you could mingle with Somalis. May I ask,Why a Somali character? What is the genre of your book?
  16. ^ ,I always do that to you? Shame on me. Laakin,you should know Fu-Fu is my home-boy,so its natural for me to 'watch his back' as they say. ps.He also has muscles like Mike Tyson,iska jiir baan kuu dahee!..
  17. ^ ,You know Ducaysane adhii lee dadka waano siyaa,your very generous in your advice..I like this new Ducaysane. Fu-Fu, what happened bro? flex those muscles,wilka fadisii hee..Lol
  18. The memo must have done the rounds, all the cynics and critics in one place! @ Duke,if you were a newbie,I would have taken you serious but just few months ago you were adamant in support of a goverment that came rolling into power behind Ethiopian tanks was the solution for Somalia..- In Alan Sugar words,'Your fired' from making any judgement on Sh.Sharif and his goverment. As for Ngonge,..stuff and nonsense! Your risking sounding like a parrot there dear friend..Lol What is your problem guys? Break them down to issues so someone here[more enthusiastic one] would perhaps have a go at coming up with a solution. Che,your lacking in seeing his Leadership skills,in having no PERMANENT friends nor ENEMY..
  19. Hi Oz, huja lala bado?[ a ****** question,ofcourse your not asleep,who will be typing?] LOL@ CL,kichochoroni kubaya,kuna watu wabaya..Lool@Kichoch oroni..Lol,that too me back..Lol sawa twende,lakini dont bring Mzee Ngonge..
  20. ^LOL, who has rattled your cage Mzee Ngonge? CL Mpendwa,mambo mengine haya tangazwi ovyo..Lol Mwanangu hajambo,miye hay fever inanipelekesha! When are going to Bongo?
  21. Duke, As the matter of interest,you seem to have a common interest which is to see a peaceful,stable and prosperous Somalia..You and him are in the same boat,he took action to lead and bring change,whilst you spend your time critising him.. 'Who is the daddy here?'
  22. ^Hello Mpenzi, Sema, Mambo?
  23. Duke, Does he serve your self interest in the matters of Somalia?
  24. It feels like a friday!.. Afternoon trollers