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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^LOL,and PLEASE! hewadhaa nagaa baxaa with your preachings,WE are just expressing ourselves as we do when we are discussing the issues raised by Ibti. Freedom of expression baa hadaa noguu heyesataan? Oh' For MJ! [sue me]
  2. What a life he lead! He trully is/was a legend.. It's amazing how he touched so many people's heart with his music..Oh'Well,this sure is life!
  3. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I don't think snubbing Uncle Sam was brighest thing to do. ^Huh?? Interesting statement there Che..I thought you opposed the interference of Uncle Sam and his stooges in our businesses?
  4. ^*The heat is on.....LOL I so want to ask some questions,lakiin waan ka dayneyaa..
  5. ^The childish mood,is the way to go..My daughter tells me to grow up,imagine her cheek!..LOL I am good,and always in a childish mood,perhaps its due to working with children,they are just the cure for stress..LOL
  6. ^LOL,especially when your checking the body for injuries,running your hands on a strangers body has its effect psycologically me thinks..LOL How is you?
  7. ^Did I?? Oh yeah!After wiping it for the tenth time with the disinfector..The bloody thing bruised me,while giving it CPR..LOL
  8. Originally posted by me: I do not see what is wrong in this situation other then that you disagree with those that are bringing justice to those that need it the most. Playing the devil's advocate must have a limit!! This is bloody ridiculous that a child whom is a product of the chaos that is Somalia is today prosecuted in such a harsh manner just BECAUSE he stole what??? And WHERE in OUR Sharia Laws does it permit such an act on a minor? :mad: I am actually physically disgusted,and those whom support such action are imbiciles too...
  9. Poor Khayr, he such not a troller type..Lol A human body is so fragile,I have caused my self an injury to the neck muscles..I am walking around like a robot today. Little knowledge can be dangerous,after a week long First Aid Course,you should have seen me last night,doing all sort of manouvers to stablelise my back/neck.Worrying about blood cloths,spine injury..LOL , its only a sprained neck muscles..but again that could cause long term damages,me thinks!
  10. LOL..Now I cant stop giggling too,cute story. Bless her.
  11. ^Ninkuu diig baa kujiraa dayaa!..Masha'allah he is..A revolutionarist in the making,I say.
  12. @ Kashafa,didnt know your that sensitive? Waan kaa daynayaa hadhaa baa..
  13. Afternoon trollers! Would you accept an offer of free expensive rugs from a total stranger?
  14. ^LOL..You sound like you were really enjoying that discussion, too bad I cant be of any use..I am a camelon when it comes to dialects,whom ever I am with,I adapt their dialect..Be it in Somali/Swahili/Engli sh etc
  15. *First Aider in the house*...I have been bruised from giving CPR to a dummy.. Salaam Folks
  16. ^My interpretation of your response to Ayoub,is ' Once the capital is taken over by Al-Shabaab,then all shall be honky dory'..Is that your amiin? Hence the no need to advice? ps.It's a good suggestion that folks come up with ideas of solutions and way forward.. Inshaallah will share,if an AHA! moments strikes.
  17. Malika

    Unite Now...

    ^Who is to unite? Somalis? Perhaps a minor amnesia is causing you to forget,the fragmentation of our people..Those in the North,they have NO shared interest in the matters of South, the South seem to be spinning chaotically with no sense of direction or ending to the madness.. Who is to unite? *feeling the sense of gloom*
  18. Aaliyah,If am not mistaken you have been raised here in the west so mahaa? So you know nothing about what it meant growing up in the East,let me tell you this...There is no difference,the hormones are still there,temptation is still there but of course it was hush hush oppose to the openness in the west about Sex. I wonder how many Somali parents know of the policy in regard to abortion in schools..A school nurse CAN arrange for your child to have an abortion without having to consult the parents..But of course they cant give them pain killer[paracetamol] without the parents consent..interesting !
  19. Kashafa, As I said,I have been observing your tactics and again I would say..You have mastered the art of propaganda...Pulling a Red Neck response on me..Lol. You know when a racist is confronted they always tend to respond in saying...erm,My best friend is Black,or I know a few Black people..Lol[i am pulling your leg,but honestly,I am Somali,so Somali affairs are my concern too.] The name calling,card stalking,glittering generalities,Plain folks statements,band wagon tactics..These are all propaganda tools,I see your persuasive argument for your cause as a creation of 'cult personalities'..We dont need a cult, but a solution,and am yet to be convinced the Al-Shabaab's tactics are the solution. I am for Xaq, for Islam and Muslims, but when I see Muslim killing another Muslim in the name of Nation,I loose faith in what ever the cause maybe on both side..Our beautiful Deen,has solutions for every situation,why aren't we exhausting the already formulas to solving conflict?
  20. One would think she is the 'saviour'[not literally]and not only a mere musician...What a worthless fuss!
  21. ^ ,somebody should pay you,definitely! You have mastered the art of propaganda,the tools your using are very effective..You got me almost,cheering..
  22. ^ ,this is a classic tarab..Ah! Listening to that while sitting by the seafront,watching the sun go down,while the tide comes in,the evening breeze blowing gently,the air filled with the smell of barbecued fish..I miss home. Thank,I was already feeling depressed this has now just pushed me to feeling suicidal.. [am kidding]
  23. Malika


    Ina lillah wa ina ilayhi raajicuun.. 'O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those present and those absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. ' O Allah, whom amongst us You keep alive, then let such a life be upon Islam, and whom amongst us You take unto Yourself, then let such a death be upon faith. Amiin. ps.Sabr iyo imaan BOB & Fu-Fu and the family of the deceased.
  24. ^No need to write in Caps brother,we are reading what your writing,it just gives one a headache.. Gratis! ps.Paragraphs would be good too. As you were!
  25. OZ,your friends friend is a wuss. How does anyone put up with such a woman? I would say that is domestic violence of some kind,how dare she throw water in his face while he is asleep? There is no respect whats so ever in that relationship, waa bilaa guur if one puts up with such nonsense! Tell him to seek help!..He is obviously in need of it.