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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Sayidka,see that as a learning curve rather then a mess..It will get easier am sure,stay positive. Can the next year celebration target a wider participants? I mean awarding Achieving Somali kids right across UK..I know its a big task but am sure with such a dedicated volunteers its possible.. ps.We can lend a hand, including Ngonge..
  2. LOL@Ngonge, you were hiding from Ibti? Che,when your here doing your Urdu thing yaa wax kuyiradaa? I think Somalis have a phobia with Af CL..Loooool@Stoic anavuta mkokoteni marekani,akiwa ana nini? not mayai
  3. Sayid,I think Ngonge wanted an 'Inspiring speech' from you rather then,erm..dee waxaad soo Anywho,it is a good initiative,to inspire and celebrate positive attributes of our young people will encourage others to follow example..A positive action will create a positive reaction. Perhaps not linking these young people celebration of achievement with independance of any nation,just it be celebration of their achievement,either be academic,or sports,art etc..
  4. Buuxo,you dont know Nimco Yassin? illen sijui[dont know] baad iska ehed..Loool Check her out, Listen to the marqaan Stoic,3yrs to go! Kijana bado hujafika hata katikati ya mlima,mungu aku saidie..Have you visited,our shared relative recently?
  5. ^Paragon,siyo mlendo lakiini anawania dogodogo wa kilendo hence his Mlendo @Stoic , sawa baba! It was a good poem and very true..sema,umemaliza shule? Buuxo, welcome to the club,I is the chairwoman..Lol
  6. Stoic,saa ngapi tena nime kuwa jahiliya? Nielekeze nilipo kosea kaka.. *Buuxo, you undercover Swahiliyad ..
  7. ^ I am liking two above.. Paragon,tunanesanesa tuu huku juu.. enjoy!..I like this kid,Ali Kiba.
  8. ^LOL..Acha umbeya we!..I am good hunno It's was all about what is tradition[the oldies argument] and what is pathetic[the young ones argument] on the take of the dishonourment of a certain group of people in our society,based on what their great,great,great,gr eat did[ate unslaughtered meat]..The argument got really wild,the oldies cursing,and almost crying for the loss of their tradition and way of life..LOL
  9. Afternoon trollers! Anyone heard of the story relating to Nimco Yassin? Oh boy! did it cause a stir between the old and the young in the family yesterday..LOL
  10. Good work SS, a celebration of achievement will enhance the confidence of these young people,and aspire others to do well.. Masha'allah, this should be a national wide initiative.
  11. ^Still at work,two more weeks to go and six weeks of doing nothing! Oh,its 3.30,time to head
  12. ^Ah!Lily your predictable macaan,friday its chocolate day..Lol It seems beoble are pusy today[heh@sp.]
  13. KK,you made her sound as if she was deformed,even so it would have been the creation of Allah..Nagaa daa,she is causing fitna,and we are not doing ourselves a favour talking about her..Waa iyaduu iyo meshuu isdigtee.
  14. ^Eradicate evil,eliminate evil people..They scare me. Ever got tired of being a Foreigner?
  15. LOOOOOL@xiin,nagaa daa they seek you that much??..You should count your lucky stars,or perhaps share your secret with the young studs whom no one knocks on their door. A&T,I know am not in London,but am sure we can accomodate you,London is only 45min away..Oh,well if you insist on Ngonge to be your host.. ps.Maa aragtee he has not said anything,with this annoucement he has gone hiding..Lol
  16. ^ ,shaqoo laan baa kuhaya A&T, iska daaf whomever it is. No one can judge her internal beauty,that is not this contest was about,I have seen a few East African music video featuring Somali girls,things have really changed back home.When we were growing up,just association with the native was a big no,no iska baa daa being a model/dancer for them..Oh well,perhaps its all part and parcel of assimilation,intergr ation etc etc.
  17. ^You have really paid attention to her huh? Indeed,astagfirullah ! She is beautiful within the standards of African beauty context,and not the caucasian standards of beauty..Big and curvy is what is beautiful of African women. It's amazing how we look at a picture of a starving/skinny model on a glossy magazine and admire her,its fascinating how we have been brainwashed to accept what is beauty and what is not. ps.The reason why there are more Somali models,is that even though they are black they possess the Caucasion features,which makes them stand out among other Black Africans..So its still what a White man thinks beauty is,slavery of the beauty iga dhe! Lol.... :mad: pss.That is not me,before the rumour starts..
  18. Kashafa,Kashafa..tsk ,tsk..It seems your hero too seeks outside advice on what is better and best for Somalia huh? If he is calling Saudi Arabia,he is definitely calling the wrong people,iyagaa baa jeebka America bee kujiraan,so Aweys is clueless too?..Lol The obvious lack of capable national leaders, there seem to be no possibilities for Somalia to tackle correctly its problems, after independence the world was divided by the cold war. Somalia with its strategic location became a target of interest to the two major players in the cold war and now we seem caught up in what the world view as a threat,Islamic fanaticism and the Western interest in their spread of their democracy/modernizat ion aka secularism... We become too dependent on outside support and aid. Unfortunately the dependency mentality, on the part of would –be-leaders, has increased than decreased. Each time our country faces a problem the call is made for outside help..Seeking outside help to destroy your own people isn't a new phenomenal in Somalia,Siad did it in the North,Yey did it with the Ethiopians and now Sharif with Amison, Alshabaab with their brothers in arms from Pakistan/afganistan etc etc.. Somali Men have no balls to hold their own fort, nagaa dayaa useless sperms baad iskaa tihiin..uufff!
  19. ^So your smoking good looking huh?..LOL A&T,will you be passing UK on your way to the USA?
  20. Malika

    Today I....

    I am tired today,its been a mad couple of days,I almost envied the dead.
  21. LOL@ Juxa,is this years heat extreme or have I grown older and cant handle it..Walle duxuul oo kalee baan noqdee,and all I want to do is sleep.. Faheema, indeed never to be taken to heart.
  22. @Faheema ,its A&T dear dont take it to heart. Morning fellow slackers!
  23. baa kaa dacee meshuu,the poor sod!
  24. I am an MJ Fan I do not care what your opinion of the man was (not unless it is a positive one). If you come here to argue then you indeed Want To Be Starting Something. I bet You Are Not Alone too. For many people, the death of Michael is a Thriller. Let us not have any Smooth Criminals bad mouthing the King Of Pop. Beat It! Now, when people look back on his life and achievements, will they see The Man In The Mirror? Will they say it is Human Nature? Will they compare him to Dirty Diana? Michael was Off The Wall. He was one of a kind and, because of the advance in technology and the explosion in media, no other singer will get the singular publicity Michael got in the eighties. His music helped Heal The World. He was Bad and not many people cared if he was Black Or White. He had fans all over the place and he Rocked Our World. From India to China, everyone loved him. He made us cry, he made us dream he even made Liberian Girls Scream. The Way He Made Us feel was something else! We wanted to Rock With You, Michael. We wanted to become Dancing Machines. Remember The Time when you first unleashed the Billi Jean video on TV? It was refreshing, different and great. Some people argue that you’ve Gone Too Soon. But we, your fans, knew this day was coming. We saw how thin and reclusive you’ve become and we knew it was Dangerous. Some people accused you of being gay and said you were hiding In The Closet. But then you took Brook Shields to the Oscars and told them The Girl Is Mine. Later, you shocked us all by marrying Elvis’s daughter and said to us she’s The Lady In My Life. But then she disappeared and you said She’s Out Of My Life! We heard that you shacked up with your nurse and we all said Who Is It? You got her pregnant (with a tube we hear) and said Baby Be Mine (before inserting it, the tube that is). Everyone thought you would call your first child Ben, but you didn’t! People accused you of child molestation but all your fans Blamed It On The Boogie. Then you had a second child and said this is Another Part Of Me. You were asked about the change in your colour and you said I Can’t Help It! But we’re all lying, Michael. We all want to Jam, One Day In Your Life. Farewell Michael. Your death has made us Speechless. If only we had One More Chance we would Come Together and Heal The World once more. There would be Blood On The Dance Floor, Michael. Because I Just can’t Stop Loving You! Maybe they are right maybe You were Gone Too Soon. ps.
  25. ^Bisinka! Not to that extent..Lol