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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^The alienation card works well,within a minute one could change a little argument to one about race,religion etc. Last week, a group of kids refuse to watch Bruce Almighty,and when confronted by the teacher,that if they are confident about their belief why worry about a silly movie?..It's really petty,but it can get really serious very quickly. xiin,Those are the ones that are targetted,dee kuwaa suruwalkaa jideyaa yaa wax kufaleyaa,followers of PDiddy lamaraboo,waxaa laa rabaa kuwa with ounce of inteligence,ficiil etc.. I see so much anger in young people whom are intelligent,with promising future,they feel so angry they are ready to embark on the 'save' Islam or Somalia missions. I think as Parents,one has to keep an eye on their children,know what interest them,have discussions of issues effecting Somalia/Islam to help give a counter balance,hadhii kale they will meet those whom will influence them easily. Do you watch news with your Kids?[sorry getting personal] I am not defending these young people whom have gone to Somalia and taken arms,by doing so they were prepared to die..and they have died,that is the unfortunate.
  2. ^Sheikhow, maxaa meshaan kuu kenee? Iskagaa tag,this thread is for ciyaal
  3. ^You have worked in Schools,tell me what have you seen,I mean in regard to the alienation feelings by our young people.I see kids that are angry,confused and these are not only Somali Kids,but Bengali,Pakistani etc. Xiin,Thanks,perhaps in normal font would have gone a miss..Anyways, my point was,it is very easy to breed extremism with young people in the west due to various reasons.The poor kids,if they are not being corrupted by the so called 'revolutionist' then they are corrupted by their families..Walle ciyaalkaan diib baa haystaa.
  4. Paragon, That is harsh,circumstances and environment has allowed the brainwashing to happen,the chances to have a balance outlook on Somali issues are'nt there,only extremism unfortunately..And that be one of religious outlook or political outlook, or even geographical outlook..Minds are corrupted. I am sure the young man had good intentions,its just unfortunately really..
  5. ^It was you that is demanding money from interviewees?
  6. I hate careless drivers,after seeing fatal coalistions on the roads and the damage it causes..I think there should be more penalties given to such drivers,rather then a mere £90 pounds! Lucky for you,its only £90 pounds and not someones life.
  7. ^No wonder it went,imagine how many customers were collecting stamps instead of paying for the coffee..Looool
  8. Nur, This was quite a homework,I Thank You and the Wisdom Allah has bestowed upon you. I sat for a whole hour pondering over just that one verse,and my mind was flooded with thoughts of my own conducts and self belief.. I kept asking myself if my conducts have or are,of righteousness,do I have a true respect of my creator[Allah]..Beca use,its only those two that are the criteria for reaching that ultimate goal..> Meeting my Lord[Allah]. How life is brief and subject to vicissitudes, How knowledge is for God,How this life is uncertain and variable; how goodness and virtue are better and more durable,for the Day of Reckoning will come,with its Mercy and Wrath. I am awake and will strive to stay wide awake in this journey..
  9. Poor Marx,underneath all that there is a needy child..bless! I see he has campain managers behind the scenes,walle shaqoo laan baa haya!..
  10. ^Women are complicated creatures really,so for you to have a calm,harmonious life just do what the wife wants and say..heh juxa, nothing to envy really,as I gonna stay put this year- by the second week,I would be bored to death!
  11. ^Perhaps they are into 'older women' ..or busy with pulling their trousers up, looking in the mirror every 5 min at their six packs,oh yeah..perhaps spending too much time on youtube..heh CL,what's new? I am in a good mood, work is at standstill as we only have 4 more days before we are freeeeeeeeee for six weeks!
  12. ^ , masha'allah, arent I a lucky so and so dhe! *am out of this thread*
  13. Ah!@ Gabbal, shoow meshaad kuu damqatee aad kasoo bodee baa hadaan
  14. Gabbal, How neutral are you in this? We cant have a referee that has a self interest in causing more division then unity of the thoughts of these two men.. xiin and 'me' have a shared interest,which is to see Somalia stable and functioning,their difference lays in the path that leads to that achievement..They are lesser enemy to each other although at the moment they dont seem to realise that,if both parties concentrate on the bigger objective and come to terms with each other in deliverance of the so called 'aim' of both parties,they shall reap the benefits..[easy said,I know].. xiin,I like the reverse psychology on the boys,wabee naxeen when you started calling them names..Lol. ‘me’ reminds me of Bob Marley’s song “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery” ..ah! The liberation of the nation from those lead/supported by the parasites aka capitalist [uSA, Ethiopia, UN, AMISON] must go, revolution will be lead by the youth from the ruined cities of Somalia [The true sons of Somalia], they shall bring them down, and create a new Somalia, without qabiil, warlords, erm government [lol]...Ah yeah, the creation of a ‘Somali Babylon’ is in full swing as we speak!... [Alright this was just humour—qosool gariir maad maqasheen?] Alternative will only come once there is a dialogue between the two parties,with clear objectives and aims that are SMART -
  15. * Oh My! Its getting hot in here.. *
  16. ^Amiin.. May Allah[swt]give her abundant rewards,as she has died in the process of standing up for her rights as a believer. Where was everyone when this man was stabbing her 18 times!!! Just imagine if this was the other way around,it would have been on 24hr news!
  17. ^Easy on Zu now.. Zu,Interesting question,the 'turning points' depends on circumstances either externally or internally..So yeah, I believe we do know and are aware of those precious moments when our lives are being shaped by either a realisation[AHA! moments]or when an event outside ourselves is forcing us to take another path in shaping our lives.. Evening Haji Zu
  18. @Ms DD and Why would any sane person call someone at 2am? Unless,it really is an emergency even so maa nafta qoof uu celinayaa aniguu..arg!They are lucky it was unknown number,walle I would have strip them naked with insults..arg.. Morning Trollers!
  19. ,the exchanges here are absolute hilarious,raw comedy..
  20. LOL@Ms DD,maa adigaa eheed qoftii aan uu xisodhee?..Mwaaaaaah , hunno ii waran? ps.Its not you,but I have seen the person around..nafta ii degtee..
  21. I am missing someone I hadly know,a Soler..very strange thought huh? Missing a persona on cyber world..walle wali wayee waxaan..LOL Che.Washamsu was part of the rituals of torture in madrassa,it is very well know by 'us'..Lol Stoic,huyo huyo basi,pure she is! Morning fellow slackers!
  22. Malika

    Today I....

    ^Not really,I slept like a baby last night..ah! that could be the reason, Oh well!
  23. Malika

    Today I....

    I am feeling jolly and excited today,I have no idea why I should be as today will perhaps be just like every other day..routines,routin es..laakiin sii baan uu faraaxsanahay! *Duceysane,dont even dare* :mad:
  24. ^ , wanavaa mitumba huko marekani?..Lol Che, gosh! I sounded like a corned cat there,dont mind me habo,paranoia at its best. ps.Buuxo is officially a sijui hadhaa qardho iyo dinacaasi mabaa adeysoo,she is accompaning Paragon to It was a pleasure as usual folks, am out!