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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^I am so salary oriented..Lol,perhap s yes,if I know am gonna be given something more later on..
  2. ^Mpendwa,nime amua kuwa mwanafunzi tena,lakini leo kazini wamenipa offer yaa ku work part time..Ah,they cant do without me,that feels good..hehe This is year is flying,so are we..tick tock tick tock time flying away..subhanallah!
  3. Malika

    I am back

    ^JB's response was appropriet,the poster called us lunatics, how dare he/she? Nevertheless,Welcome back GG!
  4. Faheema, I understand that,and if one was living only on air,one can consider that option of 'helping out'. But whilst helping the boss and co.,what is to be of the employee? I mean,you would need to pay bills so mahaa? Whats on offer,whilst working free?
  5. ^Morning Mpendwa! It's Friday and last day at work! huraaaaaay!
  6. Work for free in order to save a job? I am confused,why do we go to work,if not to get paid for doing it?
  7. Malika

    Today I....

    ^That is deep,so will leave it to that.. As for someone keeping me together,war that is a huge task for anyone,am a 'one woman show' and a stuborn one too.. Juxa,change had to happen and indeed it has!..I had long hair all my life,got fed up with it really.
  8. Malika

    Today I....

    ^Pole. , Now lets talk about that feeling of 'falling apart',how often do you feel like this? Nafta Kheyr uu sheeg, now smile and count your blessings.. Today,my head cant hold my hijab as I went mad and cut my hair..First I quit my job,then I cut my hair,toloow what next?..
  9. ^Thanks dear,its still surreal, would be packing the junk I have accumulated over the years,didn't know how much xafaash I A&T@
  10. Aaaw,thanks Oz and Norf. Insha'allah and Amiin @Juxa LOZ, I dont know if am brave but change needed to happen,soon hadhii kale Illahi uun baa Che,a hug habo! Cuddles are for you know those whom,erm I wont be accused of committing incest with..Lool..astagfir ullah!
  11. ^There has been alot of changes at my work place,not pleasant ones..and also its time to venture out,take a different path and see where it leads[am being adventurous]..Oh dear!..Lol am fretting already..hehe
  12. I demand a group cyber hug for me..I feel so sad,after handing in my resignation letter,seeing my boss teary eyes,for a minute I almost changed my mind.. *cuddles herself*
  13. ^Hello GJ C&H,I am,for a whole six weeks. I am stuck on what to do with myself,as am not traveling this year..Oh well,perhaps hit the gym,take control of the wobbly bits huh? Astagfirullah!
  14. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: this is a basic fact of life, as you grow you will gain a few pounds, lose a tooth or two and even get few wrinkles. We can only hope that people make life decisions based on looks. on the other hand, people like what they like, whatever rocks your boat even though I find odd man who seek those stick figures that look like 14 year old boys. All in all, its never about a boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife but about the person themselves. If they are happy, those around them will be happy. If a few pounds bother them they should be gently encouraged to start a healthy lifestyle at the most. but thats just my opinion... Haleluya! word!!@ the bit about men wanting women[i mean WOMEN] to look like a teen age boy, flat chested,skinny butt and all..Amazing how the trend setter,whom tend to be gay men have managed to get into the psychic of straight men too.. Faheema,said it all ,its all about self confidence,segsi ness will ouze off you without you having to look like Kate Moss.. *wobbles away happily* ps Rudy,listen to what dear? I never understood anyone whom gets dictated on how they should look by anyone including a husband or wife. :mad:
  15. ^LOL, me too,rag naag wax kaa sugeyaa baan arka,sheemo[as KK would say].. But,again we claimed we are 'Independent women' perhaps that claim has its consequences,cant have it all! Nevertheless,it is just a good feeling to be taken care of..ah!
  16. easy with that Somali now,ya all left me way
  17. *waves back at Juxa* It would have been a crime to support such a man!! bisinka. Honestly though,where are the men that used to be 'giving' waxaan arkeynaa waa kuwaa dahayaa 'ii sii leh'..Lol Ibti,have you become a supplier or something?
  18. Malika

    b day BOB

    Illen laa kuu xamaan kari mayo@ A&T.. Kool-Kat, we love you though.. ,af jiniiga walaguu bari kara abaaye,just holla adhi!
  19. ^It seems Ibti had been venturing out into the Somali waters and had a taste of being confronted by a true
  20. ^Indeed,action speaks louder then words, a speech here and there about unity whilst standing back watching your brothers house burn is 'stuff and nonsense'.. I am surprised at how xiin got so excited about the, waryaa xiin it doesn't take much huh?
  21. Hello Beautiful people! I bunked off work today,who in their right mind want to supervise wild kids at Thorpe Park!
  22. Malika

    b day BOB

    ^Najua,hata mimi nilifikiri yeye ni mzee mwenye wake wa Mzee mwenye kitambi was the image I
  23. Malika

    b day BOB

    So BOB is finally 40 huh? They say,a man that hasnt sucessed when he was in his 20's will never sucessed when he is in his 40's..erm,I mean to say,your a success and blessed.. Masha'allah May this additional year be one lived, in immaan,prosperity and love..Amiin
  24. xiin,It's quite an insight,when you watch news with kids,well my child is perhaps older then your children but nevertheless a Brit born,she has very strong views from politics to economics. which I hope Insha'allah she channels them in the right directions..I can see an Ibti in the