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Everything posted by Malika

  1. I want to cook and do not know what to cook! It really is a dilemma being at home,you got all the time to think of what to cook,how to cook,when to cook blah blah blah..I miss my 10min
  2. ^The thought of someone using the rubbish we exchange here as a source of information is worrying really..LOL
  3. ^ ,Sheikh nuune ayaan uu waceynaa..Lol
  4. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Malika - what happened to M? why did you let him down?? I came to find out M had serious issues,heavy baggage's he was carrying from where he had come from and only qualified psychiatry would have been able to help him..But this was all hidden from school,myself.The family he was living with,were no help at least if we knew the whole story about his back ground,perhaps today he would not be serving a sentence for attempt murder. I couldn't reach him,and they also moved town when things were getting to them..but that didn't help,he went to commit bigger crimes. Have you noticed that families do not like to tell the whole truth,and only if they do it would save a lot of peoples time,and perhaps the young person could be given the appropriate support? Lily,its not an easy job really,sometimes its like being caught up between two stones..
  5. ^Acha we! My psychopath neighbor wrote me a note,kulaha I have been disturbing her with this 'intense noise'..Now do I report her madness? Would I look like the mad one? LOL
  6. Lughaa laa iskor saro,gacamahaa laa isheyso when walking is just so Geel jire style. Sayid,what are the Induction procedures for this particular school? What is the percentage of Somali pupils in that school? Has there been a cultural awareness training for teachers? Is there a designated person in School that the likes of Abdi could have access to,so to seek help? Abdi needs help with his temper, a pep talk about consequences of his action or others actions..The deeg haa uu digin talk tends to help,finding him buddies in school that will be his behavior mentor will help,I think.. Inform of parents of procedures the school takes,e.g the record keeping of incidents which lead to permanent exclusion at the end,if things don't change. I am forever haunted by M's bright white smile,a young man whom is currently serving a long term prison sentence,because we all failed him one way or another..He had no home support and school was not supportive nor did it understood how to help him settle down,cope with change etc..
  7. ^She seems to fit the profile,is she naughty too? If so do introduce her to the site too,not that we are replacing Ms DD,but for the time being there can be a substitute.
  8. ^CL,boycotted SOL when you took your leave of absence..Perhaps seeing you around,might just bring her sunny self back in here..LOL Faheema,marnaa she feeds them cakes and delicious food[i am told] marnaa she makes them work out,marnaa she bans all food eating..walle gabadhan ina Sheikh nuune uu geyno
  9. ^ @ Jimicsi Guru,its been awhile he had advised anyone to do Hello You!
  10. Walle nuune,knows his stuff.. you know you could be making a lot of money,as its the current phenomenal going on in UK,I mean jinns taking over..
  11. Juxa,its abit fishy the way he had gone about it,hence my annoyance with the person..Lakiin I shall keep an eye on buuxo, it all depends with where that 'little lie' will lead too..We are humans,and there are times one slips and lie a little to protect whatever they need to protect,either be their ego,image etc..
  12. ^ Juxa, ,saas ala raba let him sweat Sayid,I feel bad now. juxa are you a legal expert? I need to know if I can sue a 'warya' for using my name in his project aka fund raising without my knowledge?..can I sue his ***?
  13. Adigu maa maliin kasta you have questions to ask?..Looool Girls you got to charge him, nothing is for free! Afternoon lovelies!
  14. ^Shiidh,@ the image in my mind.. ,astagfirullah!
  15. Malika

    Test your eyes

    ^I am those people whom cant do maths to save their own lives..I hate it! maths that is,not life.
  16. One of my fav Surah; *Surah al Hashr (59) The Prophet [sAW]said, ‘Whoever when he wakes in the morning says ‘I seek refuge with Allah against the cursed Sheytan’ and then recited three verses from the last part of Surah al Hashr, will be assigned seventy thousand angels to pray for him until the evening, and should he die that day, he would have died a martyr’[ibn Ahmad, Darimi, Tirmidhi 5/182]
  17. ^ , haye, maa ari baad racii jirtee yaa juxa?
  18. ^Alhamdulillah my dear! wala faya abaay..maxaa kaa warama tuulo xuun baan jooga,had enough of greenery to last me a life ii waraan adi?
  19. ^maa iyada qorax uu bahan.. ,..So,its Monday,cloudy and boring. Where is Ngonge,since his leave of absence here on SOL its not the same..I miss laughting,where are the funny
  20. JB, maa Sudan bad usoocotaa? ..LOL,all this fuss is about going from one town to the next! Taalo! War hadihiin bugland adigo Garowe jooga,you might just disappear from the surface of this earth ..
  21. I slept like a baby last night,but the night before..Oh boy! Sheydankuu was my companion in thoughts,kept me awake until wee hours of the morning.
  22. Yaa all know the director is a Soler right? So am told..heh Constructive criticism yakhii @ Paragon..
  23. ^Nah,our Ibti is a Phd holder.. So that was Ibti,naa Ibti why did you wear that scarf,girl I thought your a fashionista! maxaa kuu geyee that orange scarf with yellow lipstick? So,this is the famous clip huh? The one that almost got you a dirac?..Lol
  24. ^I believe xiin is talking of a bigger concept then Sharif iyo TFG,he is talking about the discipline that is required to bringing change through Islam by all involved. I for one have learned something from xiin's points and I hope he continues to enlighten us by his depth knowledge. Why do you think baani Israel have been mentioned over and over in the Quraan?