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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika

    Bloody Women!

    ^Ooops,there he goes!..Thank God,for my lover aka lawyer making sure I didn't sign any prenuptial agreement..All that was his is mine..What a fool! Now,got to plan how to kill the lawyer aka lover..hmmm
  2. Malika

    Bloody Women!

    ^ ,hit the road jack! and this time your not leaving with your heart,markii hore baa you didn't have a soul anyway! So go on,you empty so and so,got nothing to offer anyway....[my interpretation of the picture] Men!!
  3. @ Sheh,I hear you..hehe juxa,lol..What a custom..Lol Do you have a big metal sanduuq next to your bed?..Lol reminds me of ayeeyo's,a treasure chest it is!..I am keeping nothing for the daughters,intaasi waan soo korinee mexee nagaa rabaan ..ish!..Lol[am kidding]..Lol
  4. Maya,I woke up early, made myself some delicious pancake,drizzled honey on them..and a big mug of tea..I am as satisfied as a well fed cat! alhamdulillah
  5. Sheh@What is to happen to the 'old' one.. dispose I suppose..ah! at new age love.. So,is it the right time to flog dahab now? Too many advertisements about if one wants to sell..I need to clear some space,erm more like make some juxa,ayeeyo's china dishes will probably make a good profit,iska baa daa her gold..
  6. Afternoon people! So..2 or 3 more days to go! It's the first time my little 4yr old niece is been to Africa. I asked her how was it.She replied "I would never go back to Africa"..I asked her why..She then looked down and said "because there is too many black people there"..Looool Oh my lord! The child thinks of her self as a whitey..Looooooool.. I could not stop laughing all night.She is so cute!
  7. Salaam brothers, Is it possible to enlighten me and others on how does one defeat the ego,which is being fed by the mind which is not 'I' the real self? Been battling with my mind,which seems to be described as a control freak of a mind..Help! I hope I have made sense.. *shshshuush you mind*
  8. ^Were you arguing or attacking? You were in such a mood dear,sometimes it not too bad to say..'sowie' to someone..Unless your harboring a much inner resentment toward that person,nevertheless its best to communicate it,solve it,move on.. Sometimes,we let our 'ego' aka 'mind' control us,in speech,action..marka am sure you meant well,but its all in the manner of how one does the dacwa..There is an art to it my dear,no screaming,shouting, accusing etc.. Now,whatever Paragon had done to you, am sure you can express it to him in private,hopefully he shall recognise when and how he had hurt you..Pain tends to create more pain,unnecessary suffering aka stress,anger etc..[i know,nonsense yaah,but try it].. And if I,had offended you by any means..'Sowie'
  9. ^Count down to when the new moon, shall usher in the awaited Holy Month of Ramadan.. May our hearts be filled with sweetness of love and brotherhood... May we all be guided by the teaching of Almighty. May we all be treading on virtuous path on this Ramadan and always..AMIIN. Ramadan Kareem Soler's
  10. I am a terrible spender,actually there must be a name for my illness.."happy only when loaded" , you dont want to be around me when I dont have money..I make a plan every new years eve,that this year is the year to build that little villa by the sea,to save enough so to kick start that plan of retiring that villa by the sea[in my mind]..Markaa Habaryar,maxaa kulaa talinaa anagii baa tenaa naheysaa! But definitely, I too should cut out on eating out,lavish spending money on expensive food and then not eating it,which then ends in a the bin.This is my worst crime,I do not know how to cook enough for the family,then we have left's over, which no one will eat the next day ..They will rather not eat anything that day then eat left overs..I know we are spoiled and committing sin. Now,was this thread supposed to be helpful or was it to remind us of our foolishness? I for one is a fool when it comes to money. My name is Malika *AA meeting style introduction*
  11. Originally posted by Geel_jire: Maalin wanaagsan trollers Wanagsan GJ, long time no see brother!..Intee kaa dacde?
  12. Stoic, Mungu awajalie kila la kheri..Congratulatio ns!
  13. IsseRiyole, Aboowe,history is all about dead men/women,past events and without discussing,talking about it we will not move forward..A lot is learned from history,now the man was and is part of the Somali history..He will be talked,discussed,cur sed,praised until doomsday..
  14. ^ , The initial Accudhubillah was sufficient enough for this thread..
  15. It is possible,the man was greedy and cared less for Islam..Killing Sheikhs in broad day light,wasn't enough for Somalis to upraise but alas! he started the clan game they stand up..Islam was never a priority, so why be surprised he entertained and was involved with such organisations.
  16. ^Business is booming yaa awliyo
  17. Malika


    Waaw!, She is very creative woman.
  18. ^Am good, am adjusting to the madness.Actually,I hate it!! You know when your busy with work,one has an excuse of not cleaning,cooking,vis iting people..When your off work,there is expectation one should be doing those things..arg.
  19. ^Only after a chocolate bar.. Jummac Mubarak!
  20. Walking is effective,cheap and just wonderful on summer evenings,or on those crispy winter mornings.. I don't know if I was walking or bouncing,shaking,twi sting and dropping to the ground..Sean Paul's effect on my I love to walk,was once upon a gym addict but that is so back in the days! The only thing I liked about the gym was being able to use the sauna after a work out,with your plastic cap to do a deep treatment,saved on going to the hairdresser to do a
  21. ^Wow,whats up with the name calling,yaa moron aa? Ngonge,indeed he is lying,I mean what qurbo? The planet mars,where perhaps no Somali Politics is discussed.
  22. ^ Ngonge,what happened to 'clan is everything',and how the clan is an integral part of Somali politics,land,econom y and power sharing? The new kids on the block,are power hungry as the kids in Brazil playing soccer barefooted dreaming of being the next Ronaldino[sp]..
  23. What does Juxa mean horta?..In swahili it has a bad meaning,one I can not associate juxa with. Ngonge,dont I know it!..You have been miserable since she went.. om/watch?v=YyBEVP7NF Y4 A dedication to our CL..
  24. @ Ngonge,hubba hubba iga dhe!.. Between juxa and Chocolate&honey who do you think should be given the 'tea lady' position,as CL has abandoned her job.
  25. ^Lordy at the image of Ngonge climbing trees..Lol Juxa, You iron bed covers,towels? why woman??..Lol