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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Juxa,the lady in the know how..abaaye do you know a Somali organisation that collects clothes/shoes etc for people back home?
  2. ^We work too,but one job is sufficient to make a living here,unlike you folks across the Atlantic,16hrs or more baad shaqeysaan..Miskin/m askiin.. FB,da Empire still rules!
  3. ^Am good Habo!..Alxamdulillah .
  4. Ngonge,@ ,aha! clever so and so baa tahay! My brother in law will do everything to make sure my aunt is staying at my cousin sisters house,he gets away with murder whilst the old lady is there..heh CL,mpenzi! sijambo..unajua maisha,mihangaiko tuu..Kila ramadani wasema waja na,wewe njoo utakula mpaka uta shindwa! Che,habaryar ii waraan?
  5. Teens,would be teens..Peer pressure and all that! but I am with Ibti on this,how does a parent allow their children to roam around at night,but again teen can be sneaky little buggers.. May Allah guide them on the straight way..Amiin Uu duceyaa ciyalkeeni!
  6. ^Men taking the trash out is so American/hollywood,b ut I dont think it happens in Somali households. Ngonge,Indeed it isn't,hence it's worth your ranting so mahaa? Now,maxaa kaa sii aa?
  7. OZ..Acha tu! samaki,kachubari,pil i pili na ugali..that is yummy![unajua siye wengine bado kabisa wakati wa kufuturu,hiyo picha imeleta tabu]
  8. ^He has been asked[ordered] to take the trash out,clear the table after afuur..
  9. Originally posted by Ms DD: Every year I plan to memorise the Quran but i fail spectacularly. Oh Lod, when will i do it? I think I would have hada chance when i was younger. Nah,its never too late to memorise the Quran,my mother did it just very recently,bless her! Short Articles: Religion, Science & Islamic Perspective -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- Faith By Islam As every Muslim knows or should know,Iman is the foremost and essential requirement of Islam. Without proper Iman, one cannot become a Muslim even if one is born in a Muslim family.In fact,Iman is something which has to be self consciously acquired in order to become a Muslim,constantly maintained in order to remain a Muslim,and continually reinforced and fortified in order to begin the next life as a Muslim. Therefore,Iman is something which cannot and should not be taken for granted.Unfortunatel y,many of us take it for granted. If Iman is so important that it is the gist of life here and a savior in the hereafter, then it becomes necessary for each of us to find out what Iman really is.It is not right to say that I am a Muslim and therefore I have Iman because I was born in a Muslim family.As we will see shortly,the Quran and that means Allah Almighty does not accept this as a valid argument. What is Iman and what is its definition in the context of Islam? This is a fundamental question concerning Muslims and Islam. But one thing is quite clear: A definition of Iman which contradicts any Quranic principle cannot be accepted as Iman in Islam, no matter where and whomsoever it may have come from. After this preamble,let us explore first of all the meaning of the arabic word Iman and its definition given in the Quran by Allah Almighty. The root of the word Iman in arabic is a-m-n which means: to be calm and quiet in one's heart; to be protected from fear; trustworthiness and truthfulness (Taj al-Urus).Iman means to accept truthfully to be convinced to verify something to rely upon or have confidence in something.Iman is usually translated in English as faith or belief,and faith in turn signifies acceptance without proof or argument, without reference to reason or thought, knowledge or insight. According to the Quran, Iman is conviction which is based upon reason and knowledge; a conviction that results from full mental acceptance and intellectual satisfaction; the kind of conviction that gives one a feeling of inner contentment and peace. And a Mumin is one who accepts truth in such a way that it ensures his own peace and helps him to safeguard the peace and security of the rest of mankind. In fact, Al-Mumin is one of the attributes of God Himself Quran chapter 59 verse 23.
  10. ^ ,yeah for tomorrow will never come huh? Reminds me of this quote: The World is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished, along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work in it. - Hassan al-Basri And this lecture by Khalil Jaffer: il-jaffer/the-end-of -negative-suffering- series-1.html
  11. Why was I rolling my eyes@ The Siren..My bad,yaa The Siren.. [forgive me] A powerful lecture by Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick.. om/watch%3fv%3dfK8I9 xcG8JY
  12. Alright folks, ramadan kareem...Halaa iiscafiyo hedee,see you guys after Ramadan..cheerio! Inshaallah!
  13. ^You will have to pass through my 6'6 ,with a body like Mike Tyson of a husband..lafahaagaa ugaa baaq baan kudihii lahaa.. Nevertheless,shaah iyo buskuud walla kusiin,perhaps introduce you to one you could 'talk' with..
  14. Ibti,Can I have it,as an early Eid present.. Juxa,maxaa daad xisaab sugeysaa with that claim..My husband is my brother,my children are ba.stards,just for a mere £££..Illahi hanaa asturoo.. I am so excited,I even washed my hair in preparation for taraweeh tonight..
  15. ^Usually,its the women whom want to 'talk'..hmmmm [am trolling]
  16. ^Qa.bilku waa Deen in Somali affairs, Lol. Xita laa maa weydiyoo inu yahay Muslim,as long as his great great grand father can be accountable for is enough..Lol Strangely though, hadhuu yahay nin ajanabi aa deentisaa laa weydiya,perhaps we are assuming every Somali is a practising Muslim..huh Poor Mr Somali,wuxuu iisirii miid waqtiiga kula dumisii radii, wuxuu laa kulmee sualo uunsaan jawabiin kariin..Lol Sayid,its called keeping 'it' in the family..
  17. Ameen. Sisters&Brothers, May our faith in Allah lead us to happiness here and after,and May his choicest blessings be showered upon us. Ramadan Kareem! * It is amazing how excited we all are to do ibadaa in ramadan, imagine if every household was this excited every day of the year, in ibadaa..Subhanallah. *
  18. He doesn't qualify then..@ Sayid LOL@Val,you forgot to ask him the vital question..Muxuu hayaa? Nin wax laheeyn yaa raba!
  19. How could it be my two fav brothers on SOL are at each others throat yaah?.. Ar Sheydanka iska nara! LOL@ Aw Muuse,your mediation skills are not good enough..up your game brother!
  20. Fabregas, You been taking notes from that famous video/audio clips of Sh.Sharif before and after TFG huh?
  21. Congrat JB! Masha'allah, it looks good,the peace and prosperity I mean..
  22. ^I shall recommend our Ibti for the job,she already does a good job keeping things in order in here.. But,perhaps she will be over qualified as the specification only targets those whom could only read half a juzuu camaa..Our Ibti is xafiid quraan dee,will the salary match her qualifications?
  23. Malika

    Bloody Women!

    Lol..Abwaan meel baad iga dacdee aboowe! One had to learn about Caraweelo and her anti-men tactics as part of 'coming of age' ceremonies for girls...
  24. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Oh come on now, Che. Wadaado being driven out of a luq is a big story in any context. ,devious mind.
  25. Malika

    Bloody Women!

    ^Nah,am sure she would be running after him, and work extra hard to mend his torn heart,spend the rest of her life preoccupying her self with the mission to change his heart!..Lol Women!