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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Ibti,we don't compete who eats more Sambus either,we like cooking and we enjoy variety of foods[illahi baa necmidisaa badbadiye,alhamdulil lah].As for being religious,I don't get the connection there,what has good food got to do with being religious or not? :confused Fu-Fu,gabadh oo dex weyn yaa gursanii?
  2. ^As I said your an interesting young lady.. , maxaa isuu dileysaa slowly?..If your not careful,you will regret that size 6 jeans one day..You have been blessed with good health,but that is not enough,your not satisfied now your making yourself sick..walle kibiir baa kuhaya! as my ayeyo would say it. Eat in moderation dear,that riwayaad isnt worth it if your to damage yourself. [says the pigging out queen]
  3. C&H,especially when you have to endure winded induction process..arg. Ngonge,I might start trolling at night times,as this is an addiction.Perhaps I should start befriending the Americans/Canadian here..
  4. For the love of God! This obsession with body is really interesting..baal iska cunaa,its only a month..I am sure,tarawiix,tajhuu d,witr and all the other fard prayers can substitute for excise.. Ibti,pigging out is normal and part of a beautiful family tradition to some,perhaps bizarre to others huh?
  5. ^Your an interesting young lady.. , hayee what happened to the 'wadaad type' in Yemen? But you do know you cant judge all men equal,they are individuals you know.
  6. ^This year,Muslim Aid is concentrating more on Niger,although they have projects in Somalia and O.g.adenia,NFD etc.. I think most of us,know of families back home struggling to they say charity starts at home..marka wixii ee cidaa oo jooga miyigaa especially wax haloo diro..insha'allah.
  7. "To water every thirsty liver, there is a reward in it." by Prophet Muhammad SAW. Is there no Somali draught relief agency? I know Muslim Aid has been fund rasing this ramadan, in the bid to build wells across Africa.There has been sever draughts in our lands of recent,so folks why not send those fitri, zakat money to the needy.. Nabaadoon, the video might be 4-5 yrs old, but the situation is still there..We need to dig wells for our people, there is no waiting for Ethiopia to do so.. ps.There is another story of a prostitute that was walking home one day when she saw a dog who was panting with thirst. The dog was near a well, but was unable to reach any of the cool water to quench it's raging thirst. The prostitute took pity on the dog and using lowered her shoe into the well to get some water for the thirsty dog. Allah Ta'alah liked this act of kindness so much that he forgave her all her for her immoral lifestyle. pss."Allah does not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to people." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
  8. LOL@Ngonge..ah! my fellow slacker,waar dee am no longer going to be able to troll whilst at work..bloody new job! CL,I am good, ramadan is going really well..Alhamdulillah twa shukuru mola!
  9. Paying close attention weren't you?@ Ngonge Somebody tell me how does one shut their mind off, mine has been going on for days..I say to it 'shut up' it tells me to 'shut up'..arg
  10. ^A woman scorn and all!.. ,nevertheless there is no one perfect nor is there such a thing as a perfect marriage,its only perfect when one has accepted,acknowledge d and understood their roles.
  11. ^You probably scared the Admin.. Welcome back and ramadan kariim!..
  12. Bella,why! your in a perfect position to get the hottie! Just tell your mum,she tells her friend and hopefully,you get your xalal hottie..
  13. Divorce is never easy,especially when children are involved,to add salt to the wound your not going to have access to your children..It's messy business. Is there no possibility of reconciliation with the mother,even on just being civil and humane to each other? Were you a good husband/father? Are you worth your children?[am being hard here,but there are some men that aren't worth being fathers to anyone] Have you tried to involve mediators,people that know both of you well? Plea..I say plea with her,put your case forward without being aggressive or threatening... Baal, what are your rights? Where you two married in a civil court?.. Inshaallah Kheyr aan rajeneyaa..
  14. LOL@Catherine Tate as a student,that is exactly what happens in I can relate to this very much..heh :-
  15. ^LOL@ rich people's,nah it cost next to nothing,its just food that most Somalis don't eat.. You can make delicious fish cakes using tuna/boiled&mashed potatoes/garlic/ging er..make small balls,dip and coat them with whipped egg and fry them..voila! you have tuna fish cakes..delicious with coleslaw! ps.Was this thread about loosing weight?..
  16. ^Yeah,your back..Waar,Sambus iyo malawax ayaan kaa hadhlenee.. ps.Am good my brother,alhamdulilla h! and ramadan is going well.
  17. ^Wcs Wr Wb, Welcome back A&T! Walla kuu tabee hedhee[if that make sense] Ibti,Wallahi,we cook/eat that and more..kaley adigu gajoo aad uu dimatee hedee..LOL Vermicelline [spelled it wrong earlier]= cadiriyaad Mandazi= bur/kaaqac[sp]
  18. ^They are both scripts huh? Or the same person with double personalities..heh
  19. LOL@Ngonge,some xafash are still in their boxes with no hope of ever being Hello LOZ,your here on peak hour! It's Cara that turns up at 5pm,to be confronted by an empty troll corner..miskiin
  20. Ibti, Where would the energy to function come from if one lives on what you suggested for a whole month? How could one resist,the baked plantains with coconut cream,fried spicy fish,cod&salmon fish cakes,sweet Vermicelli pasta,vanila sugar coated mandazi etc etc..Nah,this is the only time of the year,one gets to indulge on all that..Being a fatty xalimo isn't too bad at can blame the genes.
  21. ^60min Make over shows ayaa laa dawadaa,then discuss them with a bunch of other women..go hunting for that wall paper/cushions/tiles they were featuring..haawl iyo nuus!
  22. ^Is this a strategy to scare her away,as she did say she is scared of,this much attention will probably scar her for life..kadaa gabadha hee!
  23. The first kid,looks just masha'allah! his little nose,and perfect white teeth..ah,that little smile,that unsure look on his teary/happy eyes..mashaallah,he can easily have been on that cow&gate commercials!