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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Originally posted by Dabshid: More to do with submissiveness, and most Somali men who marry do aftr a divorce. This perhaps is the reason,after their hearts have been broken by the Queen of Suuro,he goes to Delhi to find himself a raaliyah..It has happened to my neighbor,he seems much happier. He made me laugh,he said "she wont sleep until I sleep,she wont eat until I have eaten"..Now is there such a xalimo out there?
  2. ^LOL..What do they do? [i don't see that many people to shake hands with to start off] ..I dont like shaking hands, with sweaty people..eeew!. Afternoon Trollers!
  3. *You pray hard,every time you make sujuuda you ask Allah to select them to be among those whom he is pleased with, for him to guide them,for him to protect them from any sort of fitna.. You then live by example:- 1.Never to gossip with them or around them[if you cant help your nasty self] - You never want to teach your child this destructive behavior. 2.Never lie - Honesty being the best policy,for them to live in truth and by truth. 3.Be Charitable - Giving yourself/of what is yours to others,sets example to your child - for life isn't for oneself but its for the service you give to others and your Creator. 4.Let them see you being merciful,forgiving,g rateful etc etc - Teach them the value of humility..To care for others,for self etc..By caring for them,listening to them,being there for them.. 5.Thriving for Success- In order for them to be successful,they need to see you thriving for it.. I am a great believer if you do good in this Duniya,you will be rewarded if not through you then through your children.. Ps.Adam, my mother did implement your theory,and I think that was a clever move by her..
  4. Originally posted by Sophist: Johny Murtad, you have no say in the affairs of our beautiful religion which you have abandoned at will. Marka, adiga waxaad tiraahdo wax kasoo qaad malaha. Ngone, if you want to debate the issue with LX then be serious. The man is above par then Kashafa!. LX,nin karmeed aleyleh. S. :eek: @ the arrogance! There is nothing new LX has said,that Kashafa has not passionately expressed.. of course with tupac in the background.
  5. LOL@Ibti,I almost joined you in protest,then remembered they are 'just words on the screen'..LOL LOL@Fu-Fu's protest too!..Lol
  6. ^ , baal uu sheeg,lafihiisaa haa uu baqoo..LOL Hang on a minute,meel baad igaa dacdee yaa Sayid..Tyson look alike aa??? ar Amitah Bachan aka Cali Dhere dhe! Am out..waa ino markale.
  7. ^ , am around dear, maa anaa kaa marmii karayaa without SOL? It's where I come to sound sane..Looooool As for being detached,I see it so clear from that angle rather then if I had allowed my own experiences to cloud the thoughts.
  8. Ardho Ask her,how was the courting,the first year,when he used to work, how did she feel when he was the provider and she the home maker..How was their relationship then? He is on the edge,he is a man[provider] and out of work..Now isnt the time to nit pick his flaws, baal hadhee ledahay any sort of humility..It is not the time to tell him,he is not even good enough in showing her love aka romance..mexee rabta the man to go impotent too?? What it will translate to him is..'Your Worthless,useless',d oes anyone like to hear that??
  9. ^Men are simple creatures really, stroke them like a cat,they will roar like a lion,hunt like one too for you..heh Nevertheless, Illahi haa uu fududeyoo arintaan..amiin
  10. Is she resenting him,for not being grateful that she has 'saved the boat' as it is by going out to work and provide,since he has been unemployed? I think there is a difference in telling someone,and asking someone to be considerate..When you tell someone to be 'loving',its like ordering them,but she can find ways of asking him to be of mind,that there is a need to up his game. She needs to do a soul search really,was this 'no romance' sudden or was it there from day one? Can she be considerate of him,as she needs to understand that perhaps being unemployed has taken a toll on her husbands confidence and instead of her beating him with ' show some love to me now' attitude,she needs to perhaps just take a chill pill and instead create a harmonious home/environment for both of them...Illa inta wilku shaqoo heleyaa and find his confidence back.
  11. Has this friend of yours express herself to her husband? If not she needs to do that first,without being confrontational about it..Just pick a good moment to have a heart to heart 'talk'. e.g "honey,you know I really would like if ......,it will make me feel really........" If she has and there hasn't been improvement,then perhaps involve a local marriage counselor from the mosque. She can create situations,make hints..or darn right be straight and tell her husband she would like him to buy her a present,take her out etc etc.. Walking away from 4yrs of marriage,with a child just because one does not get gifts is rather an easy way out of a commitment.. Falling in love and out of love is normal in a marriage, there are times your spouse would really get in your nerves and there are can not live without them... Tell her to hang on in there, unless he is abusive..hadhii kale,she too can play her part in making herself feel special..
  12. ,OMG!..That was hilarious,as he goes on and on psychoanalyzing her..heh
  13. LOZ..I have been good,alhamdulillah!
  14. DR.ugaas yare,me wonders if he is a real doctor.. Ibti,you would be suprised.My nephew asked if we could buy him a magic wand.When asked if he wants to be a magician,he says no!..I just want to make M disappear because he is always following X and me around..LOL I like his mafia style,eliminate competition even if your only 4.5yrs old.
  15. 1.People who talk too much. 2.People sticking their ore in my business. 3.People,asking to borrow my clothes/make up/jewelery..- do not like sharing personal items. 4.People who copy other peoples style- once they see your curtains they also go and buy the same original!
  16. ^I am away for a day or so,the place is flooded with new people,with weird names.. KK,that is the spirit..,even Allah,tells us who are we not to expect to be tested..Nothing is without a struggle.
  17. ^ , your right,hugging for comfort is not what Somalis do.. Ah!..She is back! ..Good to see KK,you have made it on the other side of that test and trial. Now,wack Ngonge on the head for me.
  18. *gives kk a cyber hug* Nafta Kheyr uu sheeg,Abaayo.
  19. ^ LOL@ 'best furniture' comment..Lol Furniture seems to be the things to buy for a Somali bride,as long as she gets her China/Italian furniture she is a happy bunny..heh
  20. Your shocked? why hunno. ps.If you have won the lottery,which I doubt as today is Wednesday and there is no lottery draws..If its a scratch card win, baal wax yar noguu soo tur..heh pss.Gambling is xaraam yaa CL.. Mambo?
  21. Is this not the same question you asked last year's ramadan? Fasting ramadan is mandatory fasting, and this requires one to be very careful of those acts that will make their fast invalid and cause them to commit grievous sin. As an adult,am sure you know your weakness by now,so why not avoid situations that will escalate to a regret ey?
  22. Zafir,Kheyr kuu waa adiga dee mantaa so dadacee[sp] Che..You position is still there,firmly secured..haa uu biqiin. Ms DD,dee it would be impossible to engage with everyone on SOL,there are those isku sheeko baa tihiin and there are those you would never be friend even in real life ,iska baa daa on cyber world.
  23. ^I second that. ps.Ngonge,your still number uno..
  24. Ms DD I am good,sitting here contemplating on how to get myself to London and back within a two hour time limit..intaa kaa fikiryaa I would have been and back..arg. If there is a future,it would be due to the outcome of now,and lets hope its not of yesterdays..
  25. ^The future,is never know darling,work on the moment..