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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Afternoon folks! Juxa,the lady aan rabee..check your pm. Zu,if it wasnt ramadan would have given you a hug,your the only one whom asks for me..* am touched* ps.Johnny not in the way you would think..ish!
  2. ^Kadaa sotaani nuureyaan,just like the Khamees,long curly hair,cumamad wearing brothers at the mosque..Lol,not that I was staring.
  3. ^Nah,let them be. It's kind of cute,them being all soft and nice. I mean roobleh cooking,JB sharing romance tips..alle illen gems baa idhiguu dex yale.
  4. ^ ,uu sheeg especially that Ngonge dude..Lol
  5. CL girl! didnt you look up the sky this morning?..It was predictable it was gonna rain today. Ibti,dee we like to talk,time keeping is not our thing..naa daa.
  6. I know am the envy of my Pakistani friends,they just admire the Somali woman's freedom to be!..Bless the faraax's for not being control freaks!.
  7. ^ @walaaq &,I can almost see you there looking so pleased with yourself while walaaqing..But you might want to start with the onions rather then tomatoes. Edited. As for that blissful image of marriage life,it sounds good...There I was thinking,oh! is that what men want,a pretty thing sitting next to them all the time??..LOL
  8. ^ ,there must be something he does right,to be invited every year..Lol Wuu siree reekuu..Lol
  9. ^He usual does,why would they continue year after year invite him..I am suspecting our Johnny goes there whilst rocking a white khameez and cumamad..We are suckers for wadaad looking blokes you
  10. ^lol,was it hot custard poured on a slice of sponge cake?..War did you come to my house?? It all depends on the lady of the house,and what is her latest inspiration..Perhaps a roasted hamster drizzled with hot chocolate might be on the menu..who knows! Afternoon trollers!
  11. ^ @ Rooble,walle runtaa iska
  12. @ Adam,hyper on a Sunday night after fasting a whole day..I take my hat off for you..I am beat,and tomorrow is a long day[if I make it] I felt for those little kids dragged to the mosque,then let loose to cause havoc whilst people are praying.I pray Allah protects them from the cursing of all those annoyed people..
  13. 7 days to go!.. Alhamdulillah..Was healthy,able and blessed to yet have had the opportunity to partake in this blessed month of Ramadan. Lesson learned so far..Kindness to myself,and others.
  14. The Night of Power:
  15. I tried once at work..I almost was accused of being,as it was a Somali kid fighting a White kid..I pulled them apart,and the white kid,started shouting all sorts.. :rolleyes: I hate violence,so intervening will expose me to it..nah!..haa iis dameyaan,I just will call ambulance and police for them.
  16. Sayid, Where is juxa maad garani weydee? I should be doing stuff! out of here.
  17. CL,anafunga lakini ndio anataka nipike pocho pocho kibao..Lol Usiku mwema@ Zu Where is juxa today?
  18. Adam, Growing up in an environment,where Somalis were few,my mother wanted to keep things Somali.We had a restaurant,so every Casar time,most of the Somali young men used to come to play board games,darts etc,and these were the times we were helping around the restaurant.. ,of course all that was going on was under hers or my aunties watchful eyes. She used to tell the other Somali mothers,let the young people get to know each other,she says if I don't allow them to know each other,they will sneak around behind my back.. ....So its better in the open air..She knew where we were,whom we were with etc etc.. We had much more freedom,she trusted us and had high expectations of us,and we abide by her rules and never disappointed her..So I don't believe in tight leashes.
  19. ^Intee jirtee ila 2002 to have only 2676 posts?..
  20. Che,dadka wiswiska badaan baa tahay.. CL..Vipi Mpenzi? Za Ramadani? Duceysane,walagaa qatee salantaa..Kheyr so mahaa?
  21. ^Well,there is something to learn from them then,strong headed Somali Women need to be put down..reerihii bee burburiyeen,halagaa qabtoo raga miskintaa.. (waiting for Ibti to hit me on the head with her budh]
  22. ^It is true though,remember the street food we ate in Africa,and never had a tummy bug..Hadhaa here a kid pick food from the floor the next thing you know is the child got tummy bug..chicken immune!..Lol
  23. Che,I think some men do prefer 'slave like wives' ..It's possible,wont piss if he is next door and can hear it..Lol Ibti -Imagine that has made him move her from India to Dubai!..LOL C&H..LOL.