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Everything posted by Malika

  1. *Watching from a far, how the negative energies play out across people in this thread, moving from one person to another, like a beast with vast tentacles. Perhaps some foox will do the trick of dissipating these energies*... A&T,your thread is working, keep them coming!..Lol Illaho naa astuur. Val..I dig your signature, Amiin.
  2. Loool@wearing dirac in broad day light,it was an experience dhe!..Had to wait outside for a table at a restaurant,although at the time engross in conversation didn't realise I was leaving my feero qawaan to catch cold..argh. CL, hello mpenzi..
  3. I too wore the brightest blue dirac,it wasnt something a sensible person should wear in Autumn..Now am nursing a cold,maxaa igu waate!
  4. LOL@ A&T and Fabregas,this has brought out the true 'politicians' in you two..Lol @ Eradicate tribalism,whilst calling on a certain group..Lol A&T your already leading,cabadkaa iska daa hee and start kissing some babies,that is impossible on cyber space,just post some of your stories..Ngonge will have nothing on you with his hallucination stories..Lol Am still waiting for Rudy to come.
  5. ^lol And to you too..*mac mac on both cheeks*..alla maxaa daad dunkadhee shaleytoo..Lol am off,ii bashaalla
  6. Where is Rudy? I have a job for him,to be my campaign manager.. ,if he could get Marx back to SOL,he sure can get me to win.. If we are voting for people whom dont even post that much,why is BOB,Legend,Zafir not on the list?? eeey? Is Scorpio Sista on the list? Is Pacifist or WOL on the list?.. Alright,will let it go!..
  7. ^That was hard for you huh? Alayna Wa Alaykoom,yaa Xaji Ngonge.. Val is in NZ?..aarmaa waax suu nihiin gabadhaan..Lol
  8. ^Baraka la Idi..[with a zanzibari accent],erm didn't you get it yet? I sent it by pigeon post,but come to think of it,it didn't look very healthy,perhaps it has died on its way there...Next Eid I'A. Sema mama!
  9. Fresh blood..Good. The poster has a name I like,perhaps the avatar is more appealing..a roaring lion..xaax! king of the jungle!..Hmmmmm[expe cting so much from this dude from now on]..Lol Welcome newbies.
  10. ^Hey OZ,my fav sijui brother.. Dhumarka Somali maxaa isku diree horta?..Every occasion they have to fight,there is never a gathering without some fights...Wamaxaay dadkaan billa xishoodka! Hatu,lol..haa ii cawriin dee.
  11. What a beautiful day was yesterday,fabulous weather,atmosphere the whole day! Our little town was buzzing with Muslims of all colours... Afternoon trollers Am still eating the remaining mandazi,cadiriyaad.. lol
  12. Oh.The anticipation of wearing new clothes,being loaded for a few days..LOL There was a buzz all around the neighborhood,commoti on in our house.The place getting an all over cleaning,some times a new lick of paint..New curtains,bed sheets and all other decorative go on..Oh,how I loved the Eid Mornings,when the house smelled of a mix of food and uunsi. The night before,hair washed then rolled,henna patterns on hands and legs..Ah,the long awaited dress,socks and shoes,ribbons ready..We used to hang them outside the wardrobe,couldn't even trust them in the wardrobe..LOL I dont think we slept at all,as soon as the adhaan goes off,there was a scuffle to whom will be the first to have a shower..Of to the mosque they went,I stayed behind as I had a job delivering plates of macmacaans to our neighbors,never did I complain about this job,while the others are at the mosque,I start collecting my ciid money. We spent the morning going around the neighborhood collecting our,in the afternoon we went to the movies,then the ice cream parlour..By the time we get back home,timihii bulbul bee noqdeen..Lol
  13. Malika


    ^Yeah,about £3.00,its better to give it before Eid,rather then on Eid morning,by the time it reaches the needy it might be to late.Especially here in the west,I mean is there a person you could give £10 to and be grateful,but that £10 could feed a whole family in some parts of the world.
  14. ^And ever and ever and ever and ever..... Ciid Wanaagsan brother!
  15. ^ CL,bless you girl!..Lol A&T iyo The Siren are on the lead..Hmmm off to write steamy romatic/segsi story to post before elections end.
  16. ^Sijambo alhamdulillah..wacha nika jaribu kupika..badae basi!
  17. LOL@anaaga iis xiigna talk..Lool
  18. ^I have no energy to cook anything really..perhaps a take away! How is you?..upo kule?
  19. I cant decide what to cook or eat..argh..
  20. I had a bloody long day and I come to unwind on SOL to find am not favored by people here.. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: *sigh*.. * walks off toward the window,should I jump?*
  21. ^Hello there,long time no see. Eid Mubarak,to all my brothers & sisters.. Another Eid together ey!..Alhamdulillah.
  22. ^ ,must be an exciting place to be this Qardho tuulo.
  23. Haters! Can ya let us bask in this warm admiration in peace,without your typical xasidnimadina..ah Somalis! Rooble,haye!.
  24. ^are you getting married? Girls aren't allowed Oodka you know,something to do with reserving their waist am off..
  25. Zu,I was aiming to stuff myself with Ice cream the last couple of night,and am yet to find the time or space..but all day,I make plans on how I shall enjoy Sheh..You got the energy for it today? CL..mwaaah!