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Everything posted by Malika

  1. I miss you t rollers! ps. Say a little prayer for me am so busy,I feel the breeze through my hair,even though am just sitting by the desk,that is how fast paced my days have become.. pss.I should be supermodel skinny by the end of the year, I recon..Perhaps Ibti can hire me then..hmmm,a thought.
  2. I should have got my 'inadeers' to vote so mahaa? Bilaa saxibnimadaa waxbaa mahaa ee ,taa igu daraan waxaan tahay bilaa tolkan igu dacdee! How could they allow this to happen,hagee joogen???? ps.I see you back in full swing. pss.*a note to the tolka,qaraan yalaa ii weydisaani,from today. :mad:
  3. Walle Ngonge ruun buu sheege,A&T waa bila saxiib..After all that campaigning I did for him!! Not even a note saying 'Thank You'..Iska baa daa expecting a basket of goodies or a check in the post..Nothing!! :mad: *Should have learned a lesson from H.Clinton,instead of supporting the man why not campaign for yourself..argh, ciil badanaa!
  4. A dedication for comrade Che.. A detour to the Comoros Island perhaps next summer?..Lol
  5. ^A change from,I am fat,do you think I will lose him type of threads..Lol
  6. Congrats! A&T and KK!..Now,where is the party? I am in the mood to dance.
  7. ,I have moments like this turjubaan,when the Somali just doesn't making sense..Lol
  8. ^Ngonge,will be a better option,waxnaa kamagaranayo xaal iyo Hello GJ, how is you?
  9. ^indeed,am sure she will have a thing or two to teach them too. Nuune,had a very early morning,somehow when am tire afsomali gets tired too..Lol
  10. ^ , waan kaa naxayaa,shuquul ee itaal uu leheyn bee rabta inee sii Well good luck to her,anigo cumrigaa jooga nin iyo wuxuu yahay yuu saan isoo dowaniin baan orani laha..[i can see my Af Somali is getting worse today ]
  11. Is clan everything? I pray not,as it serves little purpose in a growth of a person or group or nation..Being in the shadows of your clan,eliminates you from being a free thinker.. NG,one would hope that one has evolved since the era's your comparing and giving as evidence,since then there has been nation's built,without having any reliance on tribalism... Tribalism is dangerous just like racism,so promoting it is equally dangerous..It must be eradicated at all levels. Islam is everything. ps.About time there is a movement here on SOL to eradicate the likes of Ngonge and his thinking.. Out with Ngonge and co! Say NO to tribalism!
  12. Silly old woman,mexee kufaleysaa nin eyado dahaas jirta..silly old woman,she needs a pet,not a man kind though.
  13. Malika

    Maah maaaho

    So,its all Gabar/dh lee wax laga shegeyaa miyaa?.. :confused: :rolleyes:
  14. ^Ta,was listening to this new sensation from the lands I was ps..I am jack of all trade at the moment,so yeah am still teaching,but this time a much more challenging group-SEN pupils. pss.It is official the Sheytan is out.
  15. C&H,never mix friendship with finance,money is the root of all evil..It tends to cause tension among people,so no living off each others pockets I say!
  16. ^ ,he got excited there..Looooool,asta gfirullah. Hello CL.. Hey Ibti.. In my new job,I have to work with 5 cadaan old ladies,for the first time ever I had to bring work at home.. :mad: ,they are driving me crazy already..belayoo bila shaqoo,they have nothing to do in the evenings,so they take work home,so they are more prepared then I..So I had to take work home.. :mad: :mad: . I miss my all African team..
  17. ^ Ng,I see. I thought,you were here till late campaigning..heh
  18. ^Your working overtime today miyaa? ..War reerki iska aad ,its soon to be A&T' bedtime too..You can trust,the americans to continue your campaign..Lol
  19. ^ ,wax walaan. Morning slackers! Ngonge,Fu-Fu is or was ciyaal xafadaa[street kid]..Lol He knows far too much about naughty stuff,unlike our
  20. Che,Ngonge doesn't know what canbuulo is,nor does he know what digiir is..Lol
  21. ^I haven't received any payment from the last campaign,dee ma af qalalaan baad rabtaa inaan uu shaqeynoo? ps.The Arab has promised gold from Dubai.
  22. ^ C&H,markii horee laa isuumaa dibo to another human being,they are bound to disappoint you walle..It's happens a lot dear,to be betrayed.It's painful experience I agree,but do not dwell on it,she or her actions' do not matter in truth.