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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ Most entertaining,CL and Ngonge's love affair..
  2. ^It will be hard going back next week to normal routines,we are spoiled! I am bored,actually I was annoyed with this half term it came so quickly..we just got back 6 weeks ago from a 6 weeks summer holidays!!
  3. This is a success story of the imperialists,their claim on superiority of the intelligence to the ideology of beauty, lifestyles,political ideology etc etc..They continue to set the trend,their idea being the idea..And what do the poor 'inferior' races do,at any cost try to fit it in,even if its an absolute ridiculous thing to do,but heck! its what is..[alright,am rumbling]
  4. Goodnight girls, safe journeys home.
  5. @ Juxa..heh,ta! that made me chuckle. Che,me and buuq? Would need training to do so,am so not reer buuq.
  6. ^Allahu Akbar Habo Che,What is qalalaaso?..That went pheeeeeeew over my sijui
  7. Juxa,Insha'allah am planning to do that in depth soul searching,and begging for mercy too..,must shake off this restlessness..Its time consuming,energy draining and above all am bored with the state I am in..Lol
  8. ^Aaah,would have made a 'Ducaysane' sort of comment but aan iska amuusee..Lol I am restless.. ,try to figure out what sin I have committed recently...hmmmm
  9. Oh:xiin..Was about to come and strangle you,we will have no talk of xun-xunka[as bad]..Looool As you were..
  10. ^Your not in a good mood, what is up with this 'xun-xunka' talk...waxaad naa ledahay there were no immature young women back home? Whom demanded the moon,even though logic will have it impossible?
  11. ^Insult or being insulted isn't in the Somali If your dark they will call you Madoowe,if your limping they will call you jiiska.. Somalis don't have sir names,your sir name is your fathers name,and his is his fathers etc etc..Until you reach the sub-clan known name, it goes on until it reaches the clan name..on and on until awoogii 50 laa garo. I could be wrong.
  12. Sheh, one day perhaps..Lol[am a hermit dear,la ii maa arko] I honestly do miss Ms DD.. , was she there yesterday? Is she gone already? Ibti,how did that happen?
  13. ^Hello you and Sheh [dont worry,am not about to ask for money]..Lol ps.What do women talk about?
  14. ^JZK, a great reminder..
  15. ^Hehe..There are days even the basic is far too Lets troll..Nimepika,roasted tandoori chicken and potatoes,spicy fried rice and peas..Just to balance[for the sake of it] threw in some
  16. ^Lol..I now have disturbing image in my thoughts,thanks to Fu-Fu..[i think,I better go cook] Fu-Fu,do I reply 'waan faya'? lost with that salaam..Ugesema tu , mambo
  17. ^You dig the helpless/iskala dadsaan look miya?? .. back off from the pc,warya..
  18. ^ , runta iska shegee, either it happens or it doesnt..No need to have sleepless nights.
  19. ^Have a break,have a kit-kat..Lol. QA, I agree with CL,everything has its time,once you met the right man for instance,and it gets to that right time to move forward with you relationship..etc etc.. Do not worry too much,if it happens good,if it doesn't still good..All is by Qadr Allah.
  20. ^'They' bullied him..I am sure he will come back with a few tales to tell..
  21. Ibti,saw that brewing the last couple of days..let it go!..pheeew..heh CL,iga tag! time to go home..
  22. CL,love you baby girl..lakiin how can you compare the love/cherish of friends/family to the one of a beloved one,the difference is paramount sweetie. Johnny,its obvious you had married the wrong xalimo,even on your supposedly so...Maa atheer baa kusiye gabadha?
  23. CL,the beauty of opinion is everyone to his/her own.. ,as for cohabitation is neither part of my culture nor my belief,saying that I dont see much of a difference. Juxa,ofcourse my dear...Tell you this,I refuse to hear anything negative about marriage or marriages..Too much focus on the negativity of the institution me thinks! Why not the positive? As social beings we all want to be loved and love,cherish and be cherished etc etc..Marka,why not just enjoy those moments of pure love without complicating them with your anxieties with bills,heblayo's new sofa,freedom to shag any living object etc..Lol
  24. A guaranteed human blanket every night,what beats that?.. Marriage is wonderful,as long as you know the reason your in it,no need to get confused and expect miracles of the poor soul.
  25. ^Meanwhile,lets