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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ,a need to visit specsavers, me think. My bad..@BOB
  2. Paragon,Check this out an old clip but darn! the dance is good. Okay,good is understating,its blooming fabulous dancing.. soo bax,soo bax!
  3. ^Such a high opinion of Somali men,they are after all 'human' and capable of being ****** too. ps.Why bring Maxi parents into his opinion?
  4. ^Where I grew up,men and women danced heelo..Similarily in Isiolo,Kitali iyo dinacaas. Looking for a good Dhaanto video clip,its also a beautiful dance. ps.Paragon,what would be the intepretation of our dances? As there seem to be a pattern,men go forward toward women,women follow men ..on and
  5. This is my fav,Somali dance..
  6. ^Have you noticed,how TV tends to go through 'trends' beeri baa DIY madaxaa nagaa qabsadee,then came the 'fat camps'iyo anything to do with being 'fat'how we watched peoples poo..Now since the recession,and as many people do not eat out as they used to,supermarkets making massive profits,the tv channels have gone mad with cooking programmes..Ah,How they control us!! Now saying all that,am a fan too! and do watch,have a giggle,as the narrator is hilarious.
  7. CL,she is ready to learn,might not have the same logical reasoning as an adult and a full comprehension of the reason you will give her, but she is learning...And Children ask all sort of questions,its their way of processing knowledge,information marka its nothing to worry about her asking if she could have puppy. Remember,she lives and is growing in a complete different 'childhood context' to many of us,she is also interacting with peers/adults that will influnce her outlook especially in an enviroment like ours[western]. Once you have gone through the 'why' perhaps offer to get her a kitten or hamster[They are so easy to keep]..
  8. Originally posted by Queen Arawello: My sister in law is hardly an authority on these matters as she is incredibly good looking and a little light on common sense but I guess experience speaks for itsself. , You compliment her and insult her in the same sentence,the poor,give her some credit,she did manage to get you curious,right?
  9. ^Lol,the impersonator underestimated the amount of time we hang out together [here on SOL],he or she could not convince me he/she was you..hehe anyway,the chat room is only fun when your in cognito and is bothering Johnny B,he is miskiin..
  10. ^his behaviour deteriorate? maa waax baa uu harsanaa?.. Anyway,Ngonge what were you trying to play at in the chatroom xaleytoo?
  11. Gregory Issacs! "The games people play...ah! love this man's voice! ps.Gracios Castro,
  12. Celia Cruz. I must find somewhere to brush up on 'salsa'..
  13. ^The seywaaye noh..iyo.. ,does it for me..,reminds me 'abaaye jalaatoo maa guu gadaa! ps.As I said juxa needs an award.
  14. ^I came in here crying,you didnt even offer me a tissue,juxa naa koob shah baad uu kentee. *sits by the door sulking*
  15. Nuune,more like hagee kalaa geyaa all the interest[got my drift]..hehe,they are so not worth getting killed over..heh Amiin,juxa..70 calls to Somalis? wallahi you should be given an
  16. ^Allaahuma najinaa.dee sheikh nuune dimashaduu waa xaq,perhaps I need to stop day dreaming whilst Will give sadaqa I'A @ Zakinah.
  17. Originally posted by Norfsky: ^Pot Belly United need to exchange tips on reduction and concealing. The vest is a good start ,I second the idea of men's only fitness section..Lol Perhaps later on when your all brave enough to admit you guys moisturies we can add a men beauty section..Lol
  18. Malika

    Polygamy Club!

    ^So possessive they are,uff!..LOL
  19. Malika

    Polygamy Club!

    ^ ,no room for gimmicks huh? Men have all the fun!
  20. I had two near misses car crushes this week,so hadhaa laa ii arkii wayo, perhas the third time I wont be so luck.. *What a gloom thought* Do I owe anybody anything?..
  21. ^I am in need of 'talking to' desparetly!..Lol,losing all sense,must be love or the illusion of me over the head woman,maxaad sugeysaa! As for the bit about bringing out the best of you, ofcourse you dont need a man to do so,but being a social being one likes the idea of having one to share life with,being patted on the head has its perks too.. ps.I mumbling alot of bull..dont quote me...hehe
  22. *scratches head, a deep though look engulfed her face* Castro,your killing the illusion dee waa kusidee.. ps.The core purpose of attraction is mating, does that answer your question?
  23. ^Hello Lovely,welcome back! Juxa,I love working! The sort that can earn me my bread,bed and shirt...Work is liberating,but I agree to a certain extent,the femist movement didnt do much for women,now they earn the money,they clean the house,rare the child/ern and change the tyres/oil on the car..but still wouldnt have it any other way!
  24. Hello Juxa, ii waraan abaaye? lol@enjoy your youth,..reminds me the Somali saying 'if you didnt earn whilst in your 20',dont assume you will in your 40's..That sounds like a lost in translation kind translation.
  25. Originally posted by cynical lady: Malika- come on now; wealthy, handsome and unintelligent man is very attractive. Just think of the possibilities. Money can be quite alluring,so is looks but there got to be something more about that person that you just cant resist..Hence the humour/a certain level of intellect to articulate the humour..LOL,its all about having fun,being with someone with positive attributes...No amount of money can buy happiness,being with someone that just bring the best out of you and you out of them is priceless!