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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^She is a decent married beat it! I wish, I wish,I much to wish for,so little time,means..ah! I give up.
  2. The articles reporting the rubbish uttered,only highlights their ignorance of the religion they object.The rubbish about Islam,confusing the religion and culture of some,kulaha 'forced marriages'..heh. Ignorance seems to be what they reason with,so pathetic! Expected reaction from a xenophobic society which has now embarked on Islamphobic,nevertheless Islam is on top of their agenda and that is good,slowly and surely change will come. We are here to stay...
  3. Masha'allah! KK congratulation on your new little princess..Masha'allah! A blessing,indeed..May she grow to be obedient and a pious daughter..Amin
  4. These are exciting times,changes are coming to Europe and in some places it might take a bit longer but eventually,it will get there. Our forefathers,observed Cathedrals being buildt in their lands,even though they objected,now its time the citizens of these lands sit and observe Mosques with towering minarets buildt in their back yards..And its a wonderful feeling being part of history in the making. * off to a meeting,planning for our official opening day for the first Muslim School in our town* chant with me ' changings are coming ' ps.Google 'Hindu Temples'in Switzerland and tell me if this is referendum isn't one about 'anti Islam'..If they can tolerate colorful towering buildings of a Hindu temple ,what is their objection with a minaret/mosque? Oh,well! We are here to stay,and our way of life is here to stay,that includes not only buildings but mostly making sure changes in policies are taking place.
  5. @ Canjeex,we are known for our rigid beurocracy aka 'paper shifting' henceforth having figures for any statics out there,I am even sure someone somewhere records how many rubbish bags I leave outside for
  6. I will be interested to know what is her background,when and where did the seed for the love of poems embedded in her. Is her poetics a product of biology or environment.. Masha'allah to the young girl! AU,bisinka!! I hope there are no 11 year old on SOL. you and the girls on SOL..heh
  7. ^There is a horrible bug going around,its better you stay in and rest..
  8. Ibti,there is another one on the loose, YES both Somalis!. I am just passing by this morning.. @ Ibti am off.
  9. ^Morning all! Imagine opening a local newspaper,and there is a picture of someone you know with captions like "The beast is caught"..subhanallah! naxaadhiin badana! The beast that preys on young girls, a rapist!! his luck run out when he revealed his street nick name to his last victim,within hours he was caught,a string of young women have come forward since then.. I know the guy,his family..and all I could think of is how much do you really know people??
  10. ^ I understand the 'MAY' part of the scenario,but am having difficulties with the choosen suggestion. As the man of knowledge,the Sheikh should have given the woman other choices including her rights to divorce her husband. ps.The woman has done the right thing by calling him and seeking his advice,but I don't think the Sheikh took this matter very serious.There is an art to listening,reassuring people when your in position of giving advice I believe.His suggestion,has only made the woman more anxious. pss.That is my perception of the scenerio yaa Sheikh Nur.
  11. Brother Nur, The Sheikh took an easy route,he didn't ask more questions about this man and his travels.Why not find out how long he travels for and where does he often go,does he go to one location or does it change every trip? Ma meel kastaa uu aadho he should have a wife there? Secondly,If this man is a philanderer and has little consideration for himself let alone his wife's well being by sleeping around[there is AIDS out there!],marka I ask again WHY is it HER problem to solve this? I know infidelity happens,but it shouldn't be an excuse ,for 'irresponsible' men to have wives all over the place for the fear they might cheat,[perhaps underlying psychological issues there]....wuxuu maa xayawaan baa? cant control himself for couple of days? Unfortunately some women,take a lot of bull,they will make all sort of excuses to not leave a man that has little respect for them and their union.It could be low self esteem,fear of being stigmatized, or fear of her secret to come out,others will know about her sorry life..Some women will put up with all sort of abuse,as having a cheating husband is an emotional abuse of its own kind.It destroys ones self esteem,well if you allow the farax to get that deep under your skin.. ..Nevertheless,this woman should not be asked to add more to her worries by suggesting she suggest to her husband to marry another,maskinada hasn't got in her to cope..The sheikh wasn't being sensitive to all this at all. If I were the Sheikh,I would suggest to the woman to seek further advice from her local imaam and this time have her husband in tow. This is a serious issue,one that need addressing before even considering another option like marrying another woman. Ninkaasi he needs to re-evaluate his actions,weight his options..After all,he is committing grievous crime against GOD,iskabaa daa his wife and himself. ps.cushty,cushty iyo nuus @ Ayoub..
  12. I don't think any self loving woman will tolerate infidelity,nevertheless why is his misconduct her problem?? The man roams around,and she is asked to compromise? by agreeing to him marrying another woman or other women. Even though this will jeopardize hers and her children economical well being, emotional etc etc? So much is asked of women.. :rolleyes: He goes out and have affairs and this is supposed to be HER problem? I am finding this really hard to understand.. ps. How long is this man away from home? pss.This has really pissed me off. :mad:
  13. ^ Helloooooooo Xaji Zafir, long time no see..Karibu! , says the new 'Duke'...What is your take on the matter yaa 'Duke'?
  14. ^So that was wasted comments we made,this was a coded message to Juxa and Ibti? *Stuff iyo Nonsense then
  15. ^looooool,acha tu! manaake wewe umeshaingia ndani lenyewe bado la nesanesa mlangoni,hilo ndio wowowo la uhakika.. Astagfirullah. Isa Matona,akiliona atatunga nyimbo la kuswihi..hata sema kataaa kataaa,bali songa
  16. ^Latigishika lenyewe bila hata ya kutingishika.. Sema Masha'allah we!, watu wa lilia wowowo..hehehe
  17. I thought they said 'we' fat ..erm curvy women give birth to intelligent children..must be something in those 'fatty tissues'.. *reaching out for the chocolate bar*
  18. @ Sayid..Nafsul mutmainnah is the ultimate goal,if one can just let go and surrender to the qadr of Allah. JZK.
  19. Originally posted by *BOB: The Familiar Stranger: You took my breath away from the moment I first laid my eyes on you my modesty torn to shreds by my honesty as I pay tribute to you words fail me as if millions of swords pierced through my pulse thinking of ways to define your gravity defying physical beauty pardon my mind as it wanders past your corridors beyond the shield eyes beautiful beyond norm oh how I am torn between them lips red and tempting as ripe cherry making my stomach go merry you keep your thoughts straight that are as bright as crystal I listen to your heartbeat as I stare at your bare soul with attentive ears you afford me a quick smile and my self dignity takes a flight I study your movement and realize how you beautiful you make the moment like a swallow bird you gracefully glide past my hesitant heart you offer no resistance when I start caressing your secret thoughts you're even kind enough to allow my mind entangle with yours freely this is beyond what I visualized as I allow my soul to be hypnotized with this serene surroundings as we converse about our secret universe wonder wouldn't have been full without your incomparable presence some dream and others hope while I can only pray to be yours truly one day I wish the night wouldn't last and relegate this journey into my past for you're only a familiar stranger in my most beautiful dream. Peace, Love & Unity. Waw! am reminicing a 'once upon' cyber fling..bloody waqti lumiis ayee iska eheed. BOB,your talented runtii.
  20. Lol@xiin,coming in with such an authority! All we are saying is it has implecations to having a dog as a pet...but the tricky bit is how do you explain that to a six year old. baal adigu fikirkaga noo sheeg.
  21. ^ ..We had hamsters[used to buy them on reduced price-life span was very short]..after going through 4,the child gave up on pets.
  22. Ibti,is on something here. For one the 6yr old has already adapted to her Islamic enviroment,[she knows she celebrates Eid rather then Christmas],the new 'information' about why a dog isnt the right pet for an Islamic home will only extend her existing knowledge.. CL,just go along the lines of 'We pray,and is required to keep ourselves and our houses clean,..and dog's saliva contains germs[linking to her already knowledge of germs] and is therefore dirty...She will understand,children are very adaptable.
  23. ^An advice with a hidden message..tsk tsk@ fu-fu Maxi,