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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Ngonge your at work? Oz - Insha'allah. 2012 has been interesting year so far, am not sure if it meant I have finally aged and got wiser or this year was one that I had learned alot about my life..nevertheless, its been a good journey.
  2. Dugsi was fun only when there was 'maulid' in some rich Indian/Arab/Somali household - we got to dress, sing qaswiida and eat, eat and eat. The only bit I didnt like was the macaaliim's wife - she was called Ayeeyo [ A somali woman that run the madrasaa, whom was married to the Yemeni sheikh]..She used to sneak up on us with the longest stick - whooped at us randomly, we responded with random recitation - most of the time, was whatever the person next to you was I underestimated how much I learned at that dugsi - to this day, whatever knowledge I have the root was in those small rooms. Whenever I am in Dar es salaam, I visit my macaalims. Ayeeyo passed away few years back- Illahi janadaa firdows kaa warabiyoo..After all, she looked out for us[somali kids] corruption of girls was such a norm - sheikh kasta gabadh yar uu awoowe unoqoon kara ayuu qabee.
  3. ^You ooze 'heaven-bound ness' - anigo kuu garaaniin baan kuu jecely..iska ba da those who know you personally. Aaaw@ hubby, its his duty dear to take care of our I am in bed still!!!! - shame on me. I had a day off, drop my daughter off at school, came back and snuggled under the duvets watching tv..Now, I need the incentive to get up and carry on with the
  4. Haha - ofcourse a man will be tired because he is trying to satisfy qoof jirkeduu dagaal kula jira, between her brain hormones iyo reproduction hormones the poor woman has no chance of just being..
  5. Malika

    Today I....

    LOL..nuune, I must have had a really bad day that day - A&T baa madaxdaa kaa tume just for glancing my way...ha ha..I cant even remember what was eating me then..subhanallah!
  6. ^Enjoy, that sounds delicious and rather luxurious too!..mac mac dear. Jummah Mubarak all. So. the world didnt end ..ha ha ha..people are so funny. Nuune, wax
  7. Hilarious! Jac, this good stuff.
  8. ^I think all mums are soft on their sons, there must be a theory somewhere that links that behavior back to how much perhaps the son reminds the mother of the 'father'... Honestly..I wouldn't know what to do with a boy, I would be so strict he would ran away from I am soft but very controlling erm..strict.
  9. ^I don't have a son - If I ever have one, I would be a sergeant not a mother to him...eedeb baan bari
  10. Nuune's advice leave very little to the imagination - maxaa tirii? Afternoon all. Somali mothers needs karbashiing - wilashaa haleyaan.
  11. ^ so you too, missed the 'welcome baadi for nuune' - the dancing man walo xisee wale!
  12. Malika

    Today I....

    Hello beautiful!...I am good, illahi mahadisa. Hope, the same for you. Today..........was just another day in the
  13. Malika

    Today I....

    Today - was total immersed in Somali Music for hours..
  14. ^Isnt that your position always?..Lol Morning all. I had taken extra hours here and there - I want to see yaa raysaan doona between me and work....waxaa laa yirii nin baa damadaa adunyoo madamatoo...baal aan arke. So...maxaa laa shegee?
  15. Lol@Alpha...knock youself with the leaves dear, laakiin make sure you take care of those teeth - black worn out teeth will keep the xalimos at bay. Honestly to each and his own..will just say, in moderation gentleman, too much of anything tends to be a spoiler.
  16. Xaaji - aan wax kuu shegee , the Somalis in Zambia have been doing VERY well for decades, pre Somali conflct to now - marka jealousy cant be an issue - the issue is arrogance of one man that triggered an unfortunate ugly episode. Dee, beriyahaan 'rioting' is the norm...any excuse for citizens to take law in their own hands, when they feel unjustly treated - we have seen this in many places. Zambians are not primitive nor bamboon - they have been tolerant and hospitable for many many years to the Somalis..
  17. Ninka shaqalihiisa dile 'ina qasaayee ' ayaa laa daha - with such a nick name one expected nothing from the arrogant so and so. Somalis have done really well financially in Zambia for decades - perhaps they assumed themselves untouchable. I called family the day it was happening - and indeed, Ndola was a scary place to be for a Somali, the police was out in force so was the army - hadhii kale, it would have been worse.
  18. Jac - sakiin liq ba, am sure it will go down well with red bull. Masha'allah - many productive years to come! Insha'allah
  19. ^Lol..says the man that hangs around parks on Thursdays, forgetting he had an[jk] manning KFC iyo Mcdonald maa xuma hee, if only they dont take their nacnac to hoyo iyo should hide their failures from dedicated parents me thinks!
  20. Masha'allah and kudos to your father! for his effort, for his belief in your ability and mostly for enabling you to access what he couldn't himself - education. A&T, its true one can never appreciate the sacrifices ones parents had to endure in order for their children to have access to either education or shelter/food etc etc. I was and am a pleaser sort of a child to my parents, so I knew that by doing well - it pleased my mother especially, so my mission in life became, a journey to please her. Now, I am a mother, I too had made sacrifices that will enable my child to walk the paths I couldn't - even though sometimes, I feel its too much of a burden on her. As I expect nothing less of Stoic - indeed. Prayers, prayers....I am a firm believer of that.
  21. ^Lol, when they are chewing - baal soo kicii the next day , when the khat is wearing off their system - bahalo oo kale ayee uu No one in their right mind can deny that Khat is not an addictive drug - it is a drug. As mild as it is, it has destroys lives..full stop.