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Everything posted by Malika

  1. S*S,Naden asked a valid question,you my friend is being simple..
  2. ^Competition weey daftee waxaan waa bloody boring!
  3. ^I second that Lily. This woman I give lift to in the mornings,is getting in my nerves. I told her,you will hear from me if am not going in,despite repeating that every other day,weli maanta she calls me at 6 am! That was it,the Somali blood cant handle nacsimadaasi,told her to eff off!..Lol but she is so cute,she gives me this 'I dont understand look' bloody africans[jk]!!
  4. ^Was that necessary? What your suggesting is very damaging to an individual,un-islamic too.
  5. This to me is not different to those whom take a book or newspaper to the toilet..Why o why?..uff!
  6. ^Too much has happened,mostly about the fragility of life..We take for granted health,when we have it,when you see it lost to people you love it is absolutely painful. This was my decade of truth,pure truth about love,family,money and work..plenty of events have allowed this growth,mostly the falling..hehe
  7. Malika


    ^It's amazing how cruel humans can be,subhanallah..cruelty to each other has no boundaries,either be of race or creed, no need to make this an Arab issue@ Che.
  8. Malika


    Waaw! all that for a mere $5000? I have seen worse,a man set on fire for stealing a shirt,it is a common practice in beat a thief to death.
  9. ^ ,that was sweet sentimental,10yrs of growth as a person huh? May you continue to grow,to learn and to change for the better you..
  10. ^LOL, Alhamdulillah,am alright just a minor hiccup. Hodman,I was hoping you had a budh with Khayr,wilka shatigaa gashaneyee uu guri,kheyr aad heshid..
  11. ^ , fair enough! but a noble prize? G' come on man! 21st century trophy! a Black man at the white house.. Khayr, your worse then my usual doc,an elderly pakistani man,his hearing is so weak , you have to shout when talking to him..hadhaa adigu, I havent even told you my symptoms and you have diagnosed me with mental illness similarly to a mad cow! yaa tolkagii?
  12. ^Your a doc? Which kind? ,I dont want to tell my symptoms to a veterinary
  13. ^They are very selective of what they want to hear,respond to..Walter,to me just ignored her nac nac..perhaps she reminded him of his nagging wife..hehe Men get to the point,women dwell on and on and on..
  14. ^Yaa,is that so?..Hmmm,there I was being a cynic and thinking..bless them! found themselves a trophy black man..Lol any doc in the house?
  15. ^ , I am going to give it a try,I don't eat meat that am sure I can live without it[convincing myself]
  16. ^No, such a thing dear,no such a thing as pain-free and injury proof life,hence the mystery of it all,as Idho Blue say,eat my up! I hope to get more organized,hectic schedules need organization. Save more,travel more, volunteer more...more , more, and some more. Oh..Embarking on a mad experiment of becoming a vegan. Insha'allah!
  17. So Obama gets a noble prize huh? For what? Hello Trollers!
  18. , very entertaining, needed to smile and jzk you two have achieved doing that with your pointless discussion! Ps.As we are on pointless topic here,Has anyone else notice,when your notified of a PM it is a personal email address that sends you the notification.
  19. ^I have upgraded myself from trolling to,Waan kuu ficanyahay! alhamdulillah! C&H, hello dear!
  20. ^wanaagsan xaji.. , ii waraan?
  21. Norf, Who to vote if you want Khat banned in SL? Resistance,you just need to observe the effect of Khat on a person to come to the conclusion it is a problem and one that leads to mental disorders..You see a normal working being,once they start chewing paranoia iyo waxyoo kale baa kuu dacaa.
  22. ^ ,of course 'money talks'..lakiin see he has only $20.000 shall he invest on kipande or ticket to Europe? Nevertheless,insha'allah sidhii kheyrkaa ayaan uu rajeneeya your friend.
  23. ^It is important if your a stateless refugee,you haven't see sidhaa loo galo,people without citizenships in Africa..Sidha aarigaa oo kale ayaa loo xidha,dragged around in town,or thrown in jails..
  24. ^Its better being a refugee in Europe then Africa..[lol]. Investing in business in Nairobi could be tricky,unless he is in the know how and who in town,$20.000 might not be enough,investing in Africa is a risky business..I would say,let him come here ONLY if he has an AIM..Hadhii kale,he will be like many,meelahaas ayee iskaa tagtayihiin without purpose..I know people who have come here and after 5yrs have gone back home with qualifications and enough money to start a business,build houses etc..marka if you know why you left home,then here is ideal..Work is there depend on what one does,hadhuu kaa xishoneyniin shaqoo,whatever that cleaning,waiter etc etc.. Good luck to him!
  25. ^I agree there has been a huge increase of mental illness even in the west within the community..As for back home,people are faced with various factors that can contribute to the deterioration of ones mental state.Lack of employment,uncertainty,poverty,substance abuse and of course the impact/aftermath of civil war and the continuous state of affairs in Somalia is bound to be a contributor..unfortunately lack of understanding of this illness is causing most to believe its the work of the unseen[jinns]. Rehabilitation centers are a must,khat should be banned altogether..I think this should be a priority,for any authority in Somalia. There is so much needs back home,and all we have been reduced to is politics..Sad.