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Everything posted by Malika

  1. LOL@Ibti,suug,I know what to do,I should play the damsle in distress and call the cousins to come finish what I started..heh Juxa,is the woman alone? I have a psychotic[jiimaan baa kujiraa] neighbor, one day she came over, kulaha there is a piercing noise coming from my house..Lol, I knew she is sick,waan uu qaleyee to even complain about her.Perhaps this lady is not well.. Juxa,this is not a cleaning matter,this crazy woman was laying tiles in the bathroom,painted half the hall way...the job has become too big! ish!! maxaa iguu waatee baan hadhaa
  2. ^ How bad is their behaviour? Looooooooooooooool@JB,didnt know I was that heavy..Loooooool..astagfirullah! warya,it wasnt me it was the *Mpenzi CL, mambo poa! Ibti,I know..but guess what I went and done instead of just chilling,I started decorating,now the house is a mess,am no where even half done with any job I started..I wish I was out there now!
  3. Morning folks! Been on a lock down since the day before yesterday,after skidding twice on ice on the road..I decided I am not coming out until the darn snow/ice has melted..[am on holiday!! whooa!..] poor you lot working..aaah!
  4. Hmmm..Money = Change, perhaps money offers one a different level of experiences,with that experience perhaps one can change. Experiences is what brings the change,we learn from experiencing,with learning comes change, either be of thought,behavior etc etc.
  5. ^ Waad iidhi jeeda, Bush iyo Tony Blair baad noguu noqooteen.. Che,dont trust xiin..Meyee Sophist,lakiin isaguu naa walalkii uun buu uu taageri! Good night fellas!
  6. ^I knew something was fishy! Paragon nice try.. , playing dirty huh?
  7. Horta,where is this news coming from? miya? Was the trophy for being cute? Well,same all eey! tragic would have been if it went to Bari or Mudug..
  8. @ Che, Now,why is football on Politic section eey? Nevertheless ' We are the Champions! Sanaag aa? Where they even close?
  9. ^ Fab,I see Muriidi,has had some impact on ya! huh? LOL
  10. On the pitch, in the mighty jungle The lions woke up tonight On the pitch,in the mighty jungle The lions woke up tonight. Go Sool, Go Sool...
  11. ^For the purpose of reproduction,cute looking faraax...10 kids,£500-£600 a week income exclude,rent,council tax,water rate..a good deal baan kuleyahay!..heh
  12. LOL@Ibti,I am an ayeyo koriis,learned a great deal from her,marka your probably being influenced with your Eedo in regard to knowledge of people and events back in the ps.Take it as compliment.. Qudhac,war ummada illahi nagamaa xigtiid dee.. NG,your DNA probably consists of one population[area],now mine will give me ownership of many places across Somalia iskaa badaa SL.. S*S, haa uu biqiin,recruit KK..and we all shall follow pursuit.First you got to tell me a bit more about Qardho.. [like I haven't read about it,like hundred times..heh]
  13. Originally posted by 2+2=5: So now we know Khayr is fat. Hurray! The evil in me had a good ol' laugh .. kadaa wilka! Khayr,I eat less then that..erm some days and I am still on the chubby side..
  14. @juxa ,atta girl! wabaan There is something appealing about a rich man,money is an aphrodisiac, marka its not suprising that rich guys have all the pickings..
  15. ^ Ibti,you remind me of my ayeyo's friends,they used to come to visit so early in the mornings,after a long,long dua session they will start recapturing who is who,and who is related to who, and who stole who's camels and run away with who's daughter from xer hebeel to her hebeel and how reer heblee was at war with reer hebeel at that long long drought session,when the British DC and his men were marking their
  16. LOL@ A&T, mine hates SOL. S*S, am sure he will be here shortly to indulge in your curiosity of his stance on PL or those from PL.
  17. The Point, Intee jirtee the last few days, people retrieved to primitive era of tribalist debates. Ngonge, am not your ordinary woman ha gefiin..
  18. This is progress.. ,hyena mentality has no place on human engagements. A&T,well done.
  19. Far too much tribalism on these boards, naga daya hee. Beating your skinny chests isnt gonna make you lot men enough,despite meeshaad kaatimadeen your all refugees in other MEN's lands.Isku xishodhaa ee wax isku fala and stop these pathetic nac nac that has became the norm in this forum of late. ps.I am told to chill out,as apparently this is how you lot bond,alas! what an insight! uff. :mad:
  20. ^Oh. Indeed @ xiin..But again one understands where TP is coming from..Somali wax ii suumaa quustoo!
  21. ^ ,your not getting his little tantrum..heh Thankful,they say charity begins at home,now for the honorable lady it is the 'enclave'.. Masha'allah,she is an inspiration to all,instead of fadhii kudhiriir why not ACTUALLY do something for your people be it in your tuulo or your country.
  22. Malika

    Miss Somalia

    Fab, Your back! Why are you an Alien?? Anywho,now how Islamic is this? Parading oneself to be ogled by every farax,khamis iyo jumac?