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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^He is a mystery,a good fellow nevertheless..A Romanian-Somali
  2. ^ ,a true subject of the Sherban,why cook today?
  3. ^LOL..I love how men,see their bits as jewels..heh Hello my dear,ii waraan? How is the snow and cold up there in the North pole..heh anaguu baraaf yaar baa nafta nagaa do you guys survive?
  4. ^ ,she got to you huh?
  5. ^Hello Choco malab..intee kaa dacee labadhan beri? LOL@Cara..dont scare them off! heh
  6. Are people off work today? Morning folks..[just about]
  7. My PC is playing up...Juxa,noo qalee hosta hanaguu habariin CL,a candy eye something something or ? Anyways folks,I better go and do useful stuff.. Hello Che.
  8. ^Juxa,I was responding to CL's Che,it seems much more sensationalised when an Ethnic male kills his spouse,fits in with the 'savages' image...Here it is always the Indian man.. CL,hajambo sana..Ta'.
  9. Juxa,loved the 'economical reason'..heh Hello Mpenzi.. CL,it will be a ******* child,wont it?[sperms donated out of wed lock] can see the xaram part right? These are serious issues..perhaps direct them to the knowledgeable folks. ps.We can come to an agreement,we want to spread our genes..What say,a temporary marriage to a brother..huh?
  10. ^Masha'allah,congrats sis! Insha'allah all will be alright. Excited?
  11. Ibti,how could you? It was like reading a mills & boons,only for you to shatter our afternoon day dreams - tall,tanned,blue eyed surgeon! dreamy! Afternoon ladies! Lily,a good question..I am not sure,either medical reason or other,as it will be against the will of Allah..I don't know really.
  12. Welcome back Ms DD.. Aah@the pictures of the horse,they just roam around?..That house with a Somali flag for a roof should charge you guys,how many times we have seen that house?..heh All I could think of was there is a need for trees,and more trees to be planted.. Am envious..we shall send Aaliyah to the land of the milky lakes soon..heh
  13. LOL@Kheyr..For making me smile you get a grading from me..
  14. ,Hodman even JB is ripping the reward of those prep schools..We should close it down xiin,what does it is broken down in pieces,missing xarfs.
  15. Malika

    The Nail Of Juhaa

    Nur, I think we are focusing far too much on the outside influence in our conflict,rather then looking within,finding where the rot is set. The corruption,the deception,the selfishness,the in humaneness of our war can not just be about foreign interference alone..There is rot within us,what is fueling this continuous conflict lays within us. No foreign interference would have been possible if within us,there was strength.This isn't really science fiction,it is the reality, and until we accept that,and not dodge the issue with blame the foreign,use the religion card' we are not going anywhere soon. Now so much has happened in the last 20yrs of this conflict,the divisions are obvious..unless one chooses to wear tinted glasses. How do we get ALL the players to lay down their arms,their ego's,their selfishness,their corruptness..How? If we cant have dialogue,how are we to solve this? ps. There is a Swahili saying that goes like this; kikulacho kimuo ngoni mwako - what is eating you up is within you. pss. When we are talking about Somalia,are we also including the self declared independent SL,and PL? This is another reality huh?
  16. ^Cara,the wonder-woman..heh
  17. ^Are you sure your not on a campaign for the post of Mayor of Qardho? Cara; I do the tickle,tickle tickle tactic..until they give up..a kiss and hug and voila! best friends again. *note to self* Must send a memo to East Africa,for the earliest closure of those 'raaliyo' prep school..ish!
  18. Juxa,Qalocaan mee eheen home?..Lol Kent is the other side of my side[i think]..Kent is not too far from London,she will soon be home..Inshaallah, aniguu hadhaa soo dhonoo yaa aniga ii soo doonii?..heh[i havent been out all day today!] I agree with you, not in primary but perhaps in secondary,as I was thinking along the line,of achievement..Girls having a go at 'traditional boys subjects' like science,maths and hard tech..Less,stereotypical environment might encourage girls to be less of 'the audience and more of players'..Perhaps introduce interaction with boys outside classroom,as its important for them to have relationships that aren't necessary sexual..
  19. ^Is Faheema on the move? Is she near 'civilazation'? yeenee joogiin keligeed meel cidloo aa..Insha'allah Kheyr aan uu rajeneyaa.. Ibti,what is your view on single sex-schools?
  20. May he and the likes of him burn in the pits of hell forever!..arrrgh.
  21. CL,does Cara remember Ethel, hmmmm let me whisper to your ears...She was Ethel..heh[Archies,brought memories back,I dont know if I hated or envied Veronica..argh!] This thread is interesting, maskinkaa haa walina hee dhe Johnny..It's best he follows Ibti's advice,just to save himself erm.. Poster,a cold shower will be better for you..No kiss,kiss okay!
  22. Well,they have suffered for the sake of Allah,May Allah be pleased with them..amiin There are more detainees,that are now being transfered to an American prison because no one will have them..Their countries or the countries they resided in refuse to have them..oow,the bogey men of today's world.
  23. Juxa,samiir iyo imaan abaaye..It is indeed very difficult to watch those you love deteriorate..Illahi dembi daaf haaugaa digoo Abtigaa..amiin.