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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Faheema,is it possible to post the cake? Juxa,it is called 'contentment',haanaa ridhiin,we are not boring quite the contrary so mahaa?..heh Juxa,adaa arkee Ngonge,how short is he? Mpenzi,actually juxa for a sister wont be a bad thing,I perhaps would have hand her my life to sort it out for
  2. @CL ,that is beautiful darling.. Cherish her,I say! ps.Welcome to the grown up club,when one finally see the people behind the tittles - Abo,Hoyo,Abti,Eedo etc etc..
  3. ^Afternoon Faheema LOL@Juxa..I was gonna go out to eat with friends,now they want to go to London,anigu naa am too old for the hassle that is the west end..Marka am going to snuggle up on my sofa with a mug of tea and welcome 2010 in an old lady style. In other words I got ditched,can you believe that?
  4. ^ ,Sherlock Holmes,does your sister speak Swahili? ..LOL Afternoon,ah! New Year's Eve,I feel complete today.
  5. It took 4 SL brothers to argue with miles..Loool. As you were gentlemen. Jac,has the Jinn visited yet? ama waad suugeysaa?
  6. ^Good[i think] you dear? I know..the girl has not been herself since. catch up with you later,got to go.
  7. LOL@not getting Okay.. CL,you sound so happy sweetie,that something that landed a few days ago has definitely has an effect on you..Have fun.
  8. Ibti, they owe us the support,illahi baa xoloo siyee..Charity,donations to the poor is a wajiib to those over wealthy Arab countries.. They have decided they would not help Yemen,Sudan and Somalia until they sort themselves out..aka until uncle Sam gives them the go ahead. It is sad they neglect the needy due to politics,building masjiids,schools,hospital,wells surely shouldn't be based on what the UN,EU,US say of these countries. They can stay with their money..uff
  9. ^Halleluya! only £29.99 ?..
  10. ^No where! It has been a blessed week,the house is full of kids visiting - No drilling,sticking or painting took place the last couple days.Ah well,perhaps I shouldnt be so stingy and get a decorator in..but but they cost so much! Afternoon trollers! CL..mwaaaaaaaaaaah!
  11. Qudhac, people used to travel to Timbuktu to seek knowledge,what is with a few miles traveling distance? Well done to those involved in this project,education,education,education all the way!!!
  12. ^Perhaps its time for Somali men to acknowledge the strength of women whom have accepted their rights to contribute to their society..The likes of Edna should inspire more men to look at their own selves with honesty and to accept even more their responsibilities to their society.
  13. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: ps. so how did this forum go 4rm ghetto wannabe 2 queens english middle class Somalis. ? I think this is an example of people working their up the cyber economic ladder. ^
  14. ^It's depressing enough with the freezing rain,throw in snow it will be too much.
  15. LOL..Ngonge,did you guys have tons and tons of sweets too? We did! The festive spirit rubs off huh?
  16. ^ Jac,sound sincerly,war yaa daacdee? ama yaa kuu jeceeladee? CL,you naughty woman..Lol Fu-Fu,I was joking.
  17. ^Meeshii aad garaneysee aad dee,halagaa soo Hello Fu-Fu[waan kuu nacee]
  18. ^xabaad sooda iyo malaab isku daar,drink it before you go to bed.[at your own risk] Ngonge,LOL..I am actually in a good mood.. have I become a moody cow? CL,I know..I am sure if one had the time,one can find out alot about people from these threads..What they wear,to what they eat,what they listen to etc etc.. Holidays,have been hectic should have erected traffic lights at my doors[says the lonesome grouch]..It was good to see,all of my nephews and nieces[am broke now] Where is nuune now days?
  19. What's up with 'what is your favorite' this or that..soon they will ask what is your bra size..too much info. Anywho..Morning all!
  20. ^ Gabbal, there is no room for hopelessness in a Muslim soul,for we know bearing afflictions is through patience.It sure feels like there is a never ending,but there is always an end to everything history teaches us that.. It is much easier to bemoan and cry about our situation, but our Most Merciful God has given us clear guidelines, and promised us two things: if we worship Him and follow His guidance we will be rewarded with Paradise, and that after hardship comes ease. [so verily, with the hardship, there is relief.] (Al-Sharh 94:5) Insha'allah kheyr.
  21. ^ ,must be a bummer being in a bad mood everyday.. I want you to contemplate for a minute,that there could be a slight chance that a misconduct/misdiagnose could have happened in the case of this young man.It happens as professionals are human,and do make mistakes..but the quest here is that this young man is given a fair chance,a reassessment of his condition/medication and the rights to be treated like a human being.
  22. ^LOL..maxaa ii dhare aa?..LOL, waax naa aboowe..ii waraan adii?
  23. It is spooky to be here this late... Anyone around??? Helloooooooooooooo...........
  24. ^Hmmm,what are you smoking my friend? Your comments there are so incoherent,one wonders what state of mind your in..[whooo,someone needs to be locked up]..
  25. ^17yrs later there is still rejoice,but alas! not of US rangers but of our young men of all sides,their bodies mutilated,dragged on the streets of Mogadishu.. Rejoice you say?? Kulaha historic,what was so historic of that day? Since then,it has been down hill... ps.Meiji,you sound so proud, of what may I ask? Illahi naa cafi!