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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^He just Fu-fu,explain anigu iyo Sheh kuu fahmii meynoo[i know my excuse,I thought Sheh was]
  2. @the self deception,the story of what we think/say and what we truly feel tend to be different.. Now,now CL you got a bit hot under the collar there mpendwa..heh CL,is being in love equal to being enslaved? What's this about emancipating oneself? Don't knock it if you haven't experienced,moments of pure love.. and am not talking of sexual feelings either. Why not just agree,we all have a different perception of what love is,to some its joyful to some something they find ridiculous. One shoe doesnt fit all.
  3. ^Let me check the school website..we had a day off today,am sure the 'witch' will make us go Hey Chu* ,nothing on it yet! waan kuu kalahii to check in the morning..LOL
  4. ^You guys are used to the snow,anaguu 2inch and we don't go I am praying hard it snows heavy tonight,so to have another day off.
  5. Malika

    SOLers on Facebook

    KK,They say if You got it,flaunt it..[Hello pretty lady ]
  6. ^I was told,but ours was closed today. I hope they do that tomorrow too,I cant see myself waddling in that snow trying to get to work.
  7. Let it snow,let it snow,let it snow..I hope schools are closed for the rest of the week..3 weeks off! bliss..heh
  8. ^He was from my neck of the wood,well near by..He was born in Zanzibar..
  9. UGG boots it is girls..I got myself one,cant afford frost CL,I! Where is Ngonge?
  10. ^Me too,cant stand this cold anymore.. lol@madax lule,astagfirullah! Juxa The Somali Culture is beautiful,illahi noo daa..their culture has taught them to be in fear of 'men'..and men's opinion matters even if it is bullshit..I cant ignore them,we run an important project together,I am working hard at changing them,hadhaa maqashaan some Somali lady has been burned by 'Asian men' that might be me..looooooool
  11. ^ Morning ya all! I am finding working with 'asian women' frustrating,I really do not see men different iyaguu naa they want you to constant 'regard men' and their bloody feelings..arrrrrrrrg
  12. Juxa,their clever so and so's baan kuleyahay! Whilst defrosting the darn car this morning,dufka iga baxeyee..I did envy them..LOL Hello Mpendwa,I kinda like the idea of 'its my house,my car,my money,my,my,my...but some moments I do wonder how it would be if I were a 'kept'[i probably would have been bored to death,or not..hmm the thought of spending hours at saloons/beauty parlour sounds ideal too] argh :mad:
  13. I envy a kept woman today. Morning & Afternoon folks!
  14. What have we learned from the Prophet Muhammed[saaw]? Especially after his ordeal in the hands of the people of Al Tayef.. This was a mere cartoon! Subhanallah,imagine the ordeal the Prophet went through being stone,blood dripping,and all that he responded with was a prayer..a prayer! Why are we so quick to kill? And yet we preach of peace?
  15. ^LOL..I shouldn't have said that? ii daa hee aan runtaa iska shegee..LOL I have heard of Origins and its wonders,I might get the night cream Insha'allah.
  16. ^I don't know about that dear.
  17. ^In his own words the man said ' I am cursed' is clear he is in turmoil with self...
  18. ^We give him far too much attention,what does a brat do when given attention,seek more.. This dude uses,skin whitening products his issues are far from 'Somalis' ..LOL I am assuming this rant has something to do with the incident in Denmark,the link with Al-Shabaab or the pirate's new catch -The british tanker..
  19. ^Indeed,reflects the world huh? We cant all be thinking and feeling the same.. LST's advice sounds good peacenow,do take a look at yourself. Something is wrong when you cant see the goodness of the people all you focus on is the badness of the people.There are two side to every coin saxiib. Take a deep look in the mirror,whats eating you up dude? ps.Just a question,what people would you like to be?
  20. ^It for works for some and not for some,like all the other products out there. I hear by bare witness that this works!..A friend of mine introduced the product a year ago, since then my complexion has cleared and it was the last I saw of spots. [Hope they pay me for that]
  21. [Edit] Oh look what you have done.. ps.My mother has a few nick names,all those nick names are of strong,intelligent,humanist women.She is also a champion swimmer,beats me to a race every time..She shares my love of the sea too.
  22. Malika


    ^Insha'allah,all my friends have accomplished that goal,hindiguu weey naa damaa in that sense. Oh,wont it be something to go as the SOL
  23. Malika


    ^Like you,hawl aduunyo has taken the back seat,actually just realizing that life is not permanent and all the planning and re planning will eventually be for nothing has made me live life better. No more disappointment when things don't go according to 'my plans'..I am floating with life now,actually I have become a better person,there is more love within me for those I care for then ever before. One goal,if time and opportunity permits this year..I pray and hope I shall fulfill.