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Everything posted by Malika

  1. LOL@Ibti,welcome to the club,there is some still pissed off with me regarding that dude on the news[i got booted out of 'somalinimo]
  2. ^LOOOL..She and a few others..I think most thought how tragic for Have you all finished paying back your missed fasting days? I need motivation - I know , I know .. [astagfirullah]
  3. ^I have seen that..Feeling superior is being without the taqwaa of Allah,as we know we are mere human beings[with all our imperfections - including going to the toilet,smelly mouths,rotting within hours of death..after all mere - human.] I still await Paragon's response,what is this about reserving 'somalinimo',after all who created a man? is it then the task of a man to reserve a man?.
  4. ^Uncle Google dear. Norf,that was initially agreed upon,but perhaps since then there has been
  5. ^Nasabadaa Somalinimo mexee tahay? Ngonge..iga tag! Faheema,we insist she marries a southerns just so we can sleep well at night,knowing humanity is at safe hand..what say? As for thinking superior,hmmm..lets not even go there,anagaa isgaraneynaa..Somali on Somali discrimination is based on superiority maa been baanuu suu shegeynaa?
  6. ^Afternoon..It morning for us here. The snow is finally melting,thank God!!!..I even missed So,who makes the tea? CL? horta is she still getting paid for that job?
  7. ^I heard that,a Somali doc,looking for a date on the telly..signs of progress!!..Lol
  8. Help me out here, Ayoub..Dookh to my understanding refers to ones taste[height,weight or personality etc],now how is discrimination of a whole people ones taste? Especially if the discrimination was based on,a mentality one is superior then the other. Ngonge,stuff and nonsense. Islam respects a human being for being a human being not for any other reason,it does not distinguish between two races,or two groups of people..
  9. mz. maa saas tiradhii Welcome back.. Well,it is a matter of finding the right balance,for some being a mother/stay at home wife is fulfilling to others not,they want more..and there is nothing wrong with wanting more as long as one isn't compromising their faith for the off the chart success. Alla kuli xal,kheyr aan kuu rajeneynaa..Insha'allah!
  10. ^ ,walle dibleey aa tahay..heh @ Hayam,you go girl! Mz- What was the aim of your thread?
  11. ^ , and they say it isn't a drug..LOL
  12. ^That was harsh mpendwa. I agree with Rahima,its all about choice.We all make our own choices to how we want to live our lives. Best of luck with your choices dear poster.. ps.The deen never discriminated about roles,nor educating females. If you look in Islamic history,women took a leading role in teaching about Islam to the masses[e.g A'isha[ra],ummu Salama,Hafsa etc etc.]There were many women whom were transmitters of Rasuuls' Hadith. Women whom took upon themselves to open educational institution that not only benefited the ummah,actually become world renowned.. pss.I understand where your coming from,as they say an educated mother is an educated nation,but that doesn't mean we all have to be house wife's to effective mothers.
  13. ^tut..indeed! Let it go,don't be afraid and experience for life is too short to never experience the madness called love..ah!
  14. S*S,It should be banned whilst driving,there is a road in Tanzania to Zambia,called Mlima Nyoka - snake mountain,the road is like a snake twirled around the mountain..Alla! meexee Somali halkasuu kuu dinteen,chewing for days on end,driving long distances,they just used to fly off the mountains.. Those who survived,claimed there was a lady Jinn whom stands by the road seductively! could that have just been mirqaan?.
  15. I always vote Lib Dem.,will continue doing so this year.
  16. ^ ,I always wondered what they watched in marfishes..astagfirullah!..loooool
  17. Ngonge..'No comments'.. This reminds me of a cousin,he was trying to light a fire as it was a cold night..He spent 2 hours blowing coal that had no how does coal without fire lit?..looool Oh the one trying to hang his coat,saw a black dot on the wall,assumed it was a nail to hang his coat,but alas! it was a fly on the wall every time he reaches the black dot it moves,he followed it around the room....Lol marqaan is funny to watch.
  18. ^LOL..I like that. , you want to give KK a heart
  19. LOL..Horta why when people chew they like driving,waxaad maqleysaa..I was in Manchester,then went to Leeds,then drove all the way to Bristol,then back to Leisecter..and this in a short time frame of a night..high or what!
  20. ^ , sometimes its good to be silent,give each other space..It would be rather annoying if every five minutes your quite someone asks you what your thinking..arggggggggh! Istupidh Questions!
  21. ^lol,you do like a good ol' gossip huh?..She will not,as this is very much about her then me. LOL@juxa,CL has a special place in my heart already.. Oh is good..hehe
  22. ^I am not worried,am just a tad bit surprised.. Lol@juxa..naa iga daa fankaan Quite close,there has been a sudden change in their tone,the interaction etc..just because our lives have taken a different turn.[Not like we had a similar life in the first place].. Anyway,easy come easy go..lool
  23. ^ ,I take it easy we dont want you to turn into a 'God Father' Anyways,as long as your alright,that is something. This is one of the things I don't miss about Africa,caku iyo tuug!
  24. Hehehe@Sheh..ah! Hey sis! juxa,dee afsomali anaan garaniin buu soo qoore. fu-fu,you know them? illahi baa xoog kuu siyee ee Tanzanias tend to be wax yar yar ee iska ceeli..heh ps.It's a frightening thought though,people breaking in whilst your asleep.Imagine if you woke up and confronted them..anything could happen. Sadaqaa bixii if you havent been harmed,material things are nothing.
  25. pole mpenzi,that precious Leave love to us my dear! Anyways,now I have a dilemma[not really] but how does one deal with someone close to you that is jealous?