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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^He has been busy reporting on his sight seeing tour of 'Somalis in Europe'..haven't you seen his latest post? London =
  2. ^Loooooooooooooooool@forgive me thread..hehehehe..Good one Ibti..heh Yes,please..can I also have the pink suit?[hijab/shoe/bag] CL,God No!! ..that looks horrible[astgfirullah] ps.Ibti dear,you have been put on a pedestal,so much is expected of you.It took people by surprised,and perhaps even shocked to know your only human.
  3. ^Yeah,she left you her gold hijab with matching bag and belt.. I officially miss Ms DD.. Ms DD,if your reading this,come back, baby come back..
  4. ^Ibti apparently he does say so, he is somali am told.. I too cant watch the darn clip!..argh
  5. LOL@CL,let me watch it,I didnt get the chance before.
  6. Malika


    Habo,iska jiir before aan gabadha lagaa furiin.. ,tartiib aan kudahayaa.. Elpunto,they invest in property and services..The town from my knowledge was a dusty little town,now its developing significantly.
  7. Malika


    ^Habo,Garissa maad tagiin hedhee there are some beautiful,I mean beautiful women there.. Could the growth and rapid development have anything to do with the 'reer garisa' in Diaspora heavily investing back home?
  8. CL,Looooooooooool@ sijui,hiyo nakata,itakuwa hasara mafundisho yote ya umoja na ujama ya Mwalimu. Lazima tusaidie ndugu zetu,ndio uungwana huwo mpenzi...Mungu ibariki Africa..hehehe
  9. CL, Umoja na Ujamma - Trying to carry the torch of the legacy of Mwalimu J.K Nyerere.
  10. ^ ,Ahmed Deedat[AUN] was a man of substance,May Allah reward him accordingly in Jannah. Recently I went on a training,how to wash dead bodies[yeah,am hired if any of you returns the number]..It really puts a lot in perspective,we are just a pile of shit[pardon the lingo] soon as that breath-[ruh]is switched off. We the incredible machines[indeed we are incredible -credit due to the creator]..we start to rot and rot we do..subhanallah! Now tell me ,where does pride fit it in the bigger picture? No where!!
  11. ^It seems so,but why feel superior,when you shit,and stink like everyone else,even those beneath you anyway..LOL
  12. ^Hey dear..all is good,missing kitchen party iyo rusha roho siku crunch has reduced all the Sheh,it bothers you? It scares the hell out me..Loooool I havent taken advantage of Jan Shopping at all this year,tolow is anything left in the shops?
  13. Paragon, indeed simple. Knowing ones qabiil and discriminating against someone based on qabiil is two different issues.The topic here is DISCRIMINATION against others,nothing to do with your SUPERIORITY complex. Indeed it is your preference,no one is denying you that.. ps.You want to tell me your of a "PURE" genes? from whom Adam[AS]? simples indeed.
  14. ^LOL@covering for A&T,Hadeey saas tahay your failing miserably Inabtii. I believe he would have gone the extreme either way[let see if this will bring him out] [We do miss the man]
  15. ^This is so much you have ever written,this noisy thread rattled your cage huh?
  16. ^ Welcome to SOL. @ little xiin's hand..looooool You don't go out much huh? Tell me,if there hasn't been an increase on same clan marriages in the last 20yrs? and more so in the west,you will be suprised. In the olden days,it was actually shun upon to marry ones inadeer..waxaa laa dihii jiree,you got to find reer abtiyal for your kids. now on the subject of your lot and their reputation, hmmmm will pm you..Loool
  17. ^ ,and we shall taunt him.. Ibti, Girl take a chill pill,is everything has to be a deal with you? biyo caab..iis deji. CL,mpendwa is that why you ditch the old man?
  18. Hello Mpendwa.. Ngonge is SHORT???? ,there is nothing wrong with short people [crossing figures]
  19. ^Some because they are a cousin,have you not heard of them? Naa heedhee wilki inaa hebeel,oo reeraheeni baa kuu soo doonee[along those lines is the proposal] ps.I am curious dee..eey better stop the winking before accused of flirting
  20. ^Wallahi it happens,worse I have seen is some people staying in abusive relationship and the reasoning is 'waa inaderkeey' ama 'waa inadeertay' and why are you winking at me?
  21. ^horta where is he? [A&T]..This the longest his been away..Do you think his gone to the jungle,ciil buu uu qabee
  22. Ngonge and his self convincing!...dismissing that it happens is rather naive of you. Better go do real
  23. ^True..very true. I shall start tomorrow,must get over and done with it,no excuses really.