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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Why not call it 'Pakistani driving school'?..I got bloody annoyed the last time,I watched it..argh LOL.
  2. I hope and pray,Amna found what she was seeking.. Ngonge,why bring up this thread?
  3. There was a man,odaay reer miyi aa, oo caruur quruux badaan dale.Every time anyone commented on how good looking his kids where he will tell them how they were conceived. He told them if you want good looking kids,you got to do the following. -On night fall,you and your wife should camp out far from home, under the night stars,lit a fire,eat some meat,drink pleanty of milk,have heartfel conversation with her,when your all full,relaxed then make love - voila! a recepie for beautiful kids.. LOL,xariif buu ahaa odaygaasii.
  4. Looooooooooooooooooool@Ibti..I am hating on fb at the moment..I add people,I delete people on weekly basis..[You should know by now am an anti-social islaan]..Check your PM. Juxa,am tom-woman ,dont do hand bags as other women..Carry the necessary in my
  5. ^I am obviously in the wrong proffesion then,ceesh calaa @ the diamond ring. I woke up tired,been walking around like a zombie all day today,forgot my hand bag at home,now am hungry and cant get a sandwich..argh
  6. ^Erm,isnt Juxa a married woman? Ibti,heh..@ because he is from Burco..LOL..maya walal,somehow Jac is indicating your closely related,the reason being,I have relations[distantly] to the guy.
  7. Juxa,I am chasing my own shadow beriyahan..alhamdulillah though. CL,..
  8. IPI LTD, although based in UK,its main sucessful work is in Dar es salaam,Tanzania. Hmmm,baal hanaa caawrinina,sijui wey dhuleyn..
  9. ^Hee..why you winking at me woman?..Lol Juxa,lovely to see you! anyways,I better roll. ps.CL,its not what you think,heh. I would have asked the SOL millioneir to stand up if that was the case..Lol
  10. ^Looooooool@vinnie sounds hot!..looooooooool,girl you got a thing for thugs huh? Ibti how closely related are you the the Dahabshil guy?
  11. ^Loooooooooooooool..clever Vinnie.
  12. ^Hello Mpenzi...I see,our flag wear it with pride my dear..Lol Haye maxaa laa shegee?
  13. "Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper." "What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!" "I know all that." "Then why did you invite a friend for supper?" "Because the poor fool's thinking about getting married." LOL.. Hello Ladies
  14. Looooooooooool@reminds you of me,tee waaye the counselor or the timid teacher? Sheh..time to invest on a human blanket woman..Lol,that is solution to all problems! Chu,you will learn deception dear..Lol,plan ahead for days you cant be I want to start a trend wearing hats and hijab without looking ******..I really like hats.
  15. ^Hehehe,they have sessions for that,dont they? ps.Why not let them]kids] lead the session using the interactive white boards,they will enjoy coming forward and pressing on the board to either guess the correct spelling or word or tenses..and you just sit there,clicking this or that..Lol
  16. @ CL, mwaaah! and that has restored hope for Africa within me..alas!..
  17. ^That will be great..[pm me]. Anyways ladies have a nice day,got hundred and ten things to do today. ciao.
  18. CL.. ,be gracious darling - how is the resignation speech coming? LOL@juxa,using bribe strategy..hehe.. I need to find a good functional laptop at a cheap price, anyone knows anyone that deals with goods off a back of a lorry?
  19. ^You should hope the one on top,doesnt read the other bit with your signature on it.. Juxa,Is it official today is 'Lets pick on CL day'?..Lool.
  20. Afternoon folks.. I managed to get to work, now am dreading going home.. I am hating on snow big time!
  21. Ibti,your right and point taken and this should call for resignation from the ya-ya sisterhood club..Especially the Chair should resign [CL]..Is she sufficient as an escape goat in this scandal?
  22. Ibti, I think we are told to just take what is owed,nothing more. It doesn't matter how long ago the debt was for,one should only accept the exact amount...hadhi kale it becomes interest. Am not sure what policies your organisation has on the issue of charging admin cost or legal fees..Perhaps it can be justifiable.
  23. Morning Ibti. Habahaba@Johnny..Loooool@ I lied to you. CL..your secret is out..Lol
  24. ^ouch!@ Johnny..I think what CL was thinking it will be great if you left your brain to science,just so to help other men..Looool Juxa,I will pm you my email,ii soo diir..but am stingy,I want to only leave what I have[which amounts to very little] to my child&parents wixii kale they dont get nothing..but again I got to bribe them ,yaa gabadha ii koriin if am not there..oh dear!..Looool