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Everything posted by Malika

  1. LOL@Sayid,sootaa aad tiriid your a married man and dont do hugs?..Honestly today,I could do with a tab of Hagen Das - cookie dough. I am that miserable..
  2. Ngonge,I wont mind one or two,but it will go really well with a nice cup of tea..please.
  3. ^ , masha'allah..Alhamdulillah! So what have I missed,so far?
  4. Hello all! ii waramaa? Anigu kheyr baan
  5. Looooooool@CL,pole mpenzi,pole sana..lakini ndio umejifunza sio,mzee asiye na lake[michuzi] jambo hana Juxa,mac mac hon.. alright ladies,have a nice day.
  6. ^Hmmm,wisdom? there I was thinking 'experience' and perhaps also the 'doting on' would be the 'segsi bit'..hehe Sema,mambo?
  7. ^ ,your a young and vibrant woman,tragic was you hanged around the old man in the first place.. Now,isnt Johnny too an old man,adigu maxaa odeyashaan kudabaa dige?[decipher that]
  8. Marx, They lead in our local election,and things have been good under their local leadership,marka would not mind seeing them leading nationally.. But this morning,my frame of mind is on the 'migrating mode'..I couldn't careless who wins at this moment .
  9. mac mac, mpenzi! Looooooooool@ the avatar,girl are you claiming your love for Johnny boi?
  10. Hello all! So what have I missed today? Where is Ibti labadaan beri?
  11. Hello Mpendwa,missed you dear..mac mac..erm,what's up with the qarxis?? Now you will people stalking me and it will be your fault. I seem to accumulate wilaal aan habaryar uu ahay in SOL..tragic!
  12. ^Hehe,what is the question in your assignment? What aspect of 'child development' are you looking for? I might be of me.
  13. I knew,juxa would provide what I need...hab hab@juxa all is good hon,thanks. Dajiye,
  14. Ah,almost feeling better...Loved that baby@CL. Sayid,since when did that have anything to do with hugging a sister,war I wasnt asking for a snog. Dajiye, luuqa aa..waxaa layirii bad men hang out in luuq's..heh anyways waan idhii salamayee.. off to seek a real hug.
  15. Afternoon folks, mala faya? I need a hug...cyber hug anyone?
  16. ^A lot of these theories,shape up the 'educational provision for children [0-19]'..Just look at the language used on your childrens school reports you will see the link to Maslow,Piaget,Vygotsky etc etc. kaa aniguu igu iga yabiyee waa Freud with his fixation of sex,and how it supports development of a child.. anyways,lets not hijack Sayid's thread..
  17. LOL@Ngonge,Sayid wants to be able to analyse everyones memory then argue if theorist like Freud,Adler,Erikson etc, were right in their perception of when and how psychological development took place. Sayid,it seems that a few of those whom responded remember something whilst at aged 2,what does that mean? Stages of development? ps,I clearly remember being fed Quarkers Cornflakes,I was around 2-3 and had chicken pox..This memory is awaken every time I have cornflakes,something about the taste perhaps. Also remember when we[i aged 4] moved to a new neighbourhood,my brother and I spent the morning peeking into people's home's through their windows..fascinating stuff,especially of the house next door,a Hindu old man had lots of 'God statues' all over his bedroom.
  18. ^waxbaa haanoo sheegiin,let us be with our myth of 'perfectness' Our pride cant handle the idea of such happenings..
  19. ^An MRI scan,will perhaps give better view of the knee injury..mean while,use a cold pack to reduce the swelling,and if you go to any sports shop,you can buy an knee support 'thingy' says Doc Malika..hehe
  20. Faheema, Dont do that,its too soon to wear heels..waxaad gashataa a knee support thingy[cant remember the name]..for a while until the knee heels properly. You have been to the doctors right? had a scan/xray?..
  21. Norfsky - can you cook? I am looking for a Hello Zu.. Faheema,how is your knee?
  22. ^Good,alhamdulillah!..busy like a bee,its not even spring yet.. Where is everyone else?
  23. I am good,alhamdulillah@ GJ lol,Ibti suttley asking if that is what has kept him awake..heh anyways,how is everybody this monday morning/night/evening...
  24. ^Your still awake this hour?...waan kusalamey! Morning all,it looks like I have missed some drama here... Maxaa laa shegee?