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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^How can you believe in one Ummah,and yet descriminate those within that Ummah? [This is what the topic was about] As for the culture and whatnot,Islam has been in Somalia for centuries,and ya all havent lost your 'culture' so why the panic now,its only a handful that have married reverts.
  2. ^ ,your not there yet mate! Somali Idiom's isnt your territory yet..hehe ps.Waiting to learn,from Juxa the correct Idiom.
  3. ^That big grin says different,ah! lucky you. First day of half term,and am down with a cold.
  4. ^LOL,troll laguguma arkin..I am around my dear friend..time is running away from me and am chasing it around..Otherwise all is good. heh@the swahili.
  5. ^Hehehe@Ngonge,No,I have just been to specsavers,my sight is much better now,then it was.. ps.All my friends happen to be non Somalis..
  6. A&T, The history of these places will shade some light into how things operate in these areas. If you look at mosques in East Africa you will find the Imaams are black- as history tells us these area had black muslims for centuries..Now it is different for the southern states,as perhaps Islam came with the Indian Merchants/workers etc..
  7. juxa,your starving yourself? We humans are interesting creatures When is this winter gonna end,am fed up with Cold...argh Morning Sheh
  8. CL,what happened? Ume fanya nini jana usiku? Hello Juxa, skipped breakfast today?
  9. Nassir, You sound almost afraid,why? I for one is for an Islamic Empire,and so it s hould be for all Muslim's. As a Muslim has no country except that part of the earth where the Shari'ah of God is established and human relationships are based on the foundation of relationship with God; a Muslim has no nationality except his belief, which makes him a member of the Muslim community in Dar-ul-Islam; a Muslim has no relatives except those who share the belief in God, and thus a bond is established between him and other Believers through their relationship with God. ps,You make assumptions,that the women married to reverts are leading isolated lives,I dont know who you know or seen. But those I know,they are leading good and fulfilled lives..Basking in glory of Islam and fellow Muslims. pss,Every human being is unique my dear,that is the amazing aspect of God's creation,nothing speacial about Somali uniqueness. psss,What does history tell you about the great achievements of those Islamic Empires?
  10. Afternoon folks, Ma nabaad baa? Hello Mpendwa!
  11. ^Maxaad ledahay? Politic Islam and the Islamic way of life is a new phenomenal with Somalis? If I can call a Muslim a brother or a sister why cant I marry him or her? If I can stand shoulder to shoulder with them in prayers,why cant I marry them? If my declaration of One true God,is shared and believed with others,why cant I marry them? There is only one nation for a muslim and that is the nation of Islam - One Ummah... Anywho,to each and his/her own.
  12. Originally posted by grasshopper: ^ spider family?? as in actual spiders? Haa,as the female spider is bigger then the male spider..Do you see the comparison?..hehe
  13. Have you been a refugee in a non welfare state? Are you talking of those women,whom deliberate turn to prostitution for the kicks of it?
  14. Ngonge, You sound so certain with your comments,actually it is leaning more on the 'jahiil' side. Sometime we comment about people as if we know their circumstances..We know jack shidh about these womens lives and their circumstances,reading an article doesnt give us the whole picture..Further more,no self respecting women would turn to prostitution if they could help it. ps. At the end of the day,each to his/her own in the day of judgement.
  15. ^Heh Sayid,quoting yourself? Signs of ...... ,take a guess! Hello crew.
  16. Looooool,why not join them in the fun huh?..hehe Mambo vipi? Za ulimwengu? ps,is it snow day,where you are?
  17. ^Hello Stoic, Pole sana,huna jirani wa kukusaidia?
  18. Looks good.. ps.Everytime,I think of a Somali family,the image of the spider family comes to mind.. go figure!
  19. ,last I checked in the mirror..Lol ii waraan Eedo? How is school?
  20. This was a loooooooooooooong day!.. any body out there??...Lol
  21. Ta'@Juxa. Horta whatever happened to nuune? hadhuu ii oranii lahaa do jimiqsii. Where is grumpy CL maanta?..heh
  22. @ Ngonge,who are you giving wrong directions too? Glasgow aa? I need to laugh,so naga daya stories of cakes iyo biscuts..I need comedy
  23. ^He must have assumed that was you on the Nevertheless his response made me chuckle - Karibu.
  24. I dont know why,but Qhalib's response made me laugh...LOL@I once sent you PM requesting contact based on the