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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Afternoon trollers! CL,come out girl!!
  2. Malika

    Today I....

    Today I, Finished,the last bit on the introduction of Somali culture into the mainstream curriclum subject-Humanities. My collegueS sounded astonished with the position of Somali women in our society, despite us bashing our men.We the Somali women are non like others.. [was that my version of my culture? perhaps,nevertheless,the Araawelo's are evied by even the 'liberated western women' for their bold confidence,their status in their families etc..]
  3. ^What do you know about being a Muslim? I mean,do you know the concept of God in Islam? If not,perhaps its time to go read..What do they say about Ignorance? No excuse to be.. Dhubad,Indian muslim's Islamic culture is so enmeshed with the hindu culture..Most of the 'sects' within Muslims come from India,be it Qadiyani,Bohora,Ahmedia,Ismailia etc..What does this tell us about our fellow Muslims in India? Perhaps there is a link,Hindu's many gods and Indian muslims sects? Allahu yaa Callam.
  4. ^I agree on the dwelling. Abu,your cousin sounded like a man with good character/imaan so perhaps learning from his ways? May Allah grant him and other muslims jannah..amiin Your so hard Castro.. ,why not let the brother come to terms with the death of his cousin in his own terms,be it a thread on SOL or BBC news.. Leave Abu-Salman to mourn.
  5. ^Masha'allah,it sounds as if your cousin was in the right frame of mind near his death..Inna lillah waa inaa illahi rajcuun.. Samir iyo imaan brother,geriduu waa haq. We are all heading toward the same fate,although through different routes,nevertheless we all shall face death. ps.How are you coping?
  6. ^Did you get yourself a Somali tutor? I see improvement in the writing skills..Lol Juxa,Looooooooool. The guy is tall too,he is towering over others,masha'allah. Ninku qurux wuu SOL women are cute wallahi! such entertainment..
  7. ^ ,used it like a native too. ps.You made me laugh though,after a long day.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Can you imagine Malika deleting posts? She'll have those messages that the admin leaves when he edits or deletes parts of posts. Something like: "I have deleted this part of your post because it is a direct insult to another Nomad. I know you did not mean it and, after all, we all have problems in our lives that sometimes remain dormant in our subconscious only to reveal themselves at the most random of moments. That's the time to take stock and deal with whatever it is that is eating you up. As my granny used to say; Dalili ya mvua mawingu! lol..Astqfuroallah" ,hehe.. Ngonge,you rested the case for me..ta'
  9. ^I have serious problem with your usage of the word 'dark or darkness' since when was africa a dark continent or in darkness? Your using the words of the colonial masters,and those ignorant of Africa and African affairs. As for Indians,helping Africa..Lool,Indians have been there since day one,were there assisting the white colonial powers to milk africa of its assets and they stayed behind milking africa of its assets,actually they hold africa hostage,as they own EVERYTHING -from farms,to large business,name it an Indian owns it. China,is not there to help Africa or Africans,its there for its own agenda.As an emerging 'super power' it is just doing what was done previously by the other colonial powers..making sure it has control of the raw material that Africa has to offer. Oh yes,they did say 21st century was meant to be the African century..oh well!
  10. Masha'allah Dabshid, "May your child reach maturity and right-guidance, and may Allah make him a blessing for you and your wife." Amiin
  11. ^ , do you think women would prefer if he sneaks around the alleyways? CH&Naden God forbid..Lets not try to 'uglify' polygamy,it is a practice that has been done for centuries in our culture and religion. At the end of the day it is a life choice of some,just like the life choices of those whom dont go into polygamy marriages.
  12. CL,didnt show up.. Maxaatiri,I heard he was playing in Manchester last weekend,will ask his where about from his[Are you a fan?]
  13. ^ ,cadeey isku dirdirka maa ficna for ones complexion iska jooji.. Unsigned,sowie dear..a lame joke at your expenses..uncalled for,darn me!
  14. ^Loool,so that is where you lurk around huh? Sheh..My PM is empty as a cowboy western town,windy too..
  15. Yaa illahi,you guys are party poppers,maa iska daysaan the girl to her fantasy!..Loool
  16. ^Hello Ibti.. Loooool@maxaad shegshegtan behind close,dear that is where the deals get made Where is CL now,am excited at the unknown news[am sad like that]
  17. CL, am here mpendwa.. Warkaa soo daa hee! ps.Did you know Ali Kiba is in town? Afternoon all!
  18. ^You mean they will be danger to society,just by their looks? Lool..
  19. ^LOL..Didnt you see that nose,those lips,that complexion?? A trimming of the beard is due,apart from that the guy is good looking..Lol I dont think this is the reason,Juje posted the mans picture,but one cant help start analysing the art form..heh Astagfirullah!
  20. Regardless of the red eyes,the man has stunning features. Juje,see the fitna aad kentee meshaan?
  21. Malika

    Fitness Freaks

    ^Someone is trying to get you to loose weight? Is this person seeking 'dresses on a skeleton' look on her wedding?
  22. ,where have you been hanging around beeriyahan?..Lol
  23. Hello Ibti.. Oh My@ Sayid and his obsession with Qardho..subhanallah Sayid,check your pm please.
  24. ^ Sherban got angry and told the truth - He is spying on us,pretending to be a security guard,all this time he was undercover journalist.. :eek: Through her ordeal whilst doing her work,she has been able to raise the awareness of the chaos in Somalia and the plight of Somalis..We can grant her that dee.Calling her a hero is exagurated honestly.
  25. ^The little I know of Ibti,she will forgive you,that I am certain..then again what have you done to her? Sayid yaa arke? I need info from him.