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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Oz,just like that huh? Born and raised in a city called, 'Haven of Peace'..
  2. ^War this as not about you,free therapy aad iska heshee - Lol.
  3. ^So what is the latest? [shaqalaan baa ii haya]
  4. ^Why dont you agree with the saying ' if you educate a woman,you educate a nation'?
  5. ^You wouldnt know it,reer Xamar aa tahay maxaa kaa garaneysaa villages near Burco..Lol
  6. ^A learned lesson here,ahsaan loomaa subiyo nin,treat them mean to keep them keen..all this working night,looking after ex's children,allowing him to keep his money, to marry another is far too much niceness! maxaa hayee gabadha?? bisinka!!- Act like a doormat you will be treated like a door mat. She is in all her rights to demand a divorce,as she has suffient grounds to do so,all she needs is to find those whom will listen,the ones she has gone too are obviously trying to keep the marriage intact which is understandbly..Nevertheless,they have the responsibility to be partial and reasonable. One thing for sure is NO ONE can force her to be with someone she doesnt want to be with,if they refuse to help her,she can go and seek help from another Imaam,and another... Is there no Islamic council in Minnesota? ps.Why is she allowing them into her house??
  7. ^ and the chair we will select Sayid as the chair..Actually its not a bad idea,folks can exchange strategies,ideas etc After that long post,I forgot to answer your question about if gender makes a difference..I dont think so,what makes a difference is the attitude of the teacher.Pupils can suss you out if your not enjoying teaching them,if your not coping- the little buggers will make your life hard. ps.Never take what has happened in school home,leave it all within the school perimeters..hadhii kale waad walaan..Lol Do you guys use interactive whiteboards? Is your lessons interactive[allowing hands on learning]..etc Hope I have been of help,I seem to have blubble on and
  8. Inna lillah waa inna illahi rajcuun..May Allah pardon his sins,and accepts his good deeds..amiin Samir iyo Imaan, Libax
  9. Hassan, Be consistance with the then 'action' by any pupil in your class- Sometimes because an individual is usually disruptive they get harsher treatment then the occasionally culprits. There should be set guidelines,policies that you have at your disposal to use. E.g Three strikes,they are out, -Consistance lateness into the lesson they stay behind after school, -Chronic disrupters stay behind after the lesson,taking into account every minute they wasted in the lesson,if they disrupted others at least 5 times,then stay behind for 5=15min etc Do you have a seating plan? Try this; Lining them up outside the classroom before they enter the classroom,stand by the door - greet individuals as they come into the class..If you have seating plan,this will give you an opportunity to monitor and avoid disruption later on during the lesson. Do you have 'expected classroom conduct'? e.g as soon as they come in,to get organised as quick as possible[jackets off,bags on the floor,equipment out and ready to learn] -If you dont,I suggest you set some..I believe children need structure. Do you mind telling us where about your are teaching? Enviroment the pupils come from can shed some light - e.g a young man growing up in a single parent home whom has no male figure in his life might find male authority hard to cope with and be challenging toward the male teacher.. ps.Make sure you tell them what the lesson is about - What we are learning today..kind of thing..Its good practice. pss.By the way,I was being sentimental in my first post,it is like any other job - tough days,some fun days and some very crazy days but all in all,it is rewarding in its own way. They say to teach is to touch a life..Now isnt that fab for the ego? Phew!
  10. ^Had a long day at A&E with my daughter,injured her already injured knee..just winding down...Must go to sleep.
  11. ^ ,qarxiska maa kadaysiid wilka..Lol,so he whinges behind doors?
  12. ^Oh,that stretch!..poor woman..Hello Mpenzi,za kupotea? Yummy chapati na mchicha huh,mbona hamna nyama..heh W/Salaam my dear sister @Haneefa!..I felt like free dancing,just to loosen up..Lol
  13. Sheh,been anticipating your response to the above post all day,waan daalee Oh..feel like dancing tonight.
  14. ^Firstly respect is earned,respect your students and they will respect you. Some students do not respond well to authority,this will frustrate you if your expecting them to,treat and view each student as an individual. Get to know your student,it sure helps if you know their background-the baggages they bring with them to your classroom,this will help you give you a broader 'understanding' of the individual[psychology one on] Students will test you,be consistance in your dealings with them.Be fair,just but mostly be firm -they will respect that and respond well. As for what I have benefited from being a teacher,mostly it has been the joy of working with young people,I find them exciting,fun to be around. The biggest bonus is the ability to be on holiday when my child is on holiday too..I treasure school ps.I work in an inner city school,and the challenges is what I enjoy most.
  15. ^It was a joke dear,I dont think your Ibti's cup of tea either waxbaa ha isgijiniin..
  16. ^What's new have you observed..Anaguu waan kuu deex jirna we dont see the difference. Ibti..She will be alright insha'allah..Fataxadaa waan uu marineynaa.Illahi haa uu fududeyoo..amiin
  17. Malika

    Do You Smoke?

    ^and for the sake of those whom you get close too[physically]..I mean the stuff stinks!.. ps.No I do not smoke,hate the smell of cigarate.
  18. ^Hehe,caudhubillahi.. Where is Juxa maanta?
  19. ^Odd enough for me to think the phone was possessed..Lol ps.I like the confidence of the latest newbie; Cali Gaab..
  20. ^Aaaw,he is being cute hedhee..Got your attention hasnt he?
  21. ^LOL,could be,but my parents are reer magal they would not call me that early..ciil baa iga haya
  22. ^Your in UK?..Yeah,its a beautiful day today.. My phone rings every morning at 5 am,the number is unknown..anigu waan yabanahay! Oh well,at least it wakes me up for fajr. ,spooky though.. :eek: