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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^How do you know she didnt take them? SC,nice pictures..loved them!
  2. Originally posted by Juxa: malika and CH yaab leedihin joint account for WHAT? and why secracy bal? there is one rule to sustain the structure of happy somali family. the family uses and survives on whatever the husband earns. the wife's earning is for the extras oo kaliya. i can understand malika's calool jilec being her sujuiness lakin CH, runtii ^ :rolleyes: ,having a different outlook does redeem me to be weak? And what has my being a sijui got to do with anything discussed here?..I am trully offended by this comment. I dont know where you got that I am weak or that my sijuiness ulters my thinking and understanding about the roles in a marriage. Yes the husband has responsibilities,so do I as his wife..after all this is a joint union,I dont get this mentality ,am independent but am still dependent?? I believe in cooperation,again after all this is co-existance,co ownership of all that we own etc..
  3. ^'waxaa laa qariyo curuun baa kujira'..why a secret? There should be a joint account,and each should have an individual account. The joint account is for the household expenses,family savings etc..I think there should be transparency in a marriage. I agree,the women should be the ones managing the home finances.It makes sense,as she would know if the children need new clothes,food is running out,when the bills need paying etc etc[i know men can do this too]..
  4. ^Haa dee,waaloo baahanyahay..There is the future to think about,children's universities fees to think about,old age... 50hrs is a lot of hours to be working,maxaa loo shaqeeneyaa? Ngonge,A&T degahaa kaa garacii leheen..He knows when to come in and when not
  5. ^LOL C&H..alhamdulillah,kasi oo kale maan helin. Actually I would have picked up the chauvanism earlier on,and it would have been 'hit the road jack' ps.Who should be in charge of family finances? e.g Food budgeting,clothe shopping etc
  6. ^woow! easy woman..girl you got issues..Lol As for 'is food the way to a man's heart'..Yes,to a certain extent.There is something about cooking delicious food for those whom you love,there is a certain warmth to it. I for one,do enjoy making delicious food for the family and the days I cant,take away or we endure hubbys bariis qalalaan is fine..
  7. ^ ,we sure still are..You would be suprised at the extent these women go to..May Allah guide them. Juxa,is he Nimco Yassin's husband? I hear he is assisting him,the infamous Sheikh[if one can call him that] came from TZ[not a sijui though] not so long ago. His brother is a learned wadaad in Dar es salaam.
  8. Looooooool@Che,habo knew this would interest Ngonge,am convinced my neighbour[the cat lady] is
  9. ^Afternoon Val. Juxa,I heard that two women started making out in front of everyone whilst the Sheikh was attempting to get the jinn out of another..You know he has everyone in the same room,when he intervined,the jinns spoke..One was male[in a womans body] and the other female[in another womans body],they say they are in love hence the making out..Meeshuu waa meel ajaayb aa..bisimillah! Juxa,I used to say its all in their mind until I had my own experiences,illahi shartooduu hanagaa qabto.
  10. Jac,illahi haa kuu sahlo. I thought this is only cuduur qurboo jogtaa, I know a few whom are suffering from some sort of jinn/sheydaan related illness. Ngonge,this could mean Jac dreams that SL has run out of meat[the man loves his meat]
  11. ^Wadaadka Southall halO geyo.. Juxa did you hear what has happened in Southall?
  12. ^Kheyr, alhamdulillah. Ngonge will try it.. Jac,sheydanka iska nar marka aad seexanaysoo.
  13. Ngonge,you have out done yourself,I loved the honesty in what you wrote,intaa aanaan qof kale wax kaa sheego taydaa miyaan kaa war haya? "The day on which a man shall fly from his brother,and his mother and his father,and his spouse and his son-- Every man of them shall on that day have an affair which will occupy him" [surah Abasa] The affair would be the 'self' and what the 'self' has brung forward with him upon meeting his creator.
  14. Afternoon yaa naf tajiir aa.. Ngonge, how noisy is the alarm? I will go inquire,but would have prefered to get rid of them all
  15. ^Morning I cant stand the,my weird neighbours cat keep pooing on my front garden..I want to poison them,but my daughter is horrified at the thought.
  16. Sabax Kheyr, subax wanagsaan,asubuhi njema.. I hate cats!
  17. ^There are a few 'recipes threads' in the archives,search them.. LOL@be the first lady @ Ngonge,maa Riyale's wife baad naa moodee..heh
  18. @Ngonge,I must do..everyone walking past looks my way..either that or they thinking am hiding a black eye or ps.suuroo maa kaseey@ Ngonge
  19. @Ngonge.. I am wearing shaded glasses as my other glasses broke this morning..I look ******,sitting in the library with shades on..Lol
  20. Ngonge, it means 'confused'..ah! the blind leading the
  21. ^Take away baan nacee..This is where I miss daad aad uu dirdiratiid.. What is tarariir[sp]- for a pregnant woman?
  22. ^Hi Ngonge, What is there to do,we cant have the old one back.. , will have to make do with this one. Haye, maxaa cusuub? Missing your old stories..
  23. Hello! Ibti,where in God's earth are you? I am hungry but lazy to go find food..arghh Where is every-body? Nobody here? Somebody do something..hehe
  24. Malika

    Losing Friends!

    Oh B,.. ,what now? Despite them leaving your story continuous though..,walk on.. Ngonge,am chewing..