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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Alright B,I agree he is Victor Medrew in the making..Lol ps.Ngonge is harmless,his sarcasm is the adoring part about him. Juxa,that is the spirit, illuminating heart transends illuminating light to the world..beautiful.
  2. Loooooooool@Maadeey,I remember those days! The golden era of qayd..Lol
  3. ^B,your taking Ngonge way too serious maa itiriid? Must be the alluminating lights in her office..heh@Ngonge
  4. ^It's sunny in London?.. :mad: [in xasiid mood today] Afternoon fellow trollers! Now I know where Ibti is,hmmmm...sweat shops come to mind..Lol
  5. ^Going back home had a significant impact on you huh? Must have been tough seeing 'colonized' Somali lands..
  6. ^Yr 1 & 2 Che,we await your feedback,that if you have survived the day..Lol
  7. ^A beautiful song,me think its about time there was a project to plant trees in the town.
  8. ^ ,there is hope after all! Masha'allah dhe! Time to go window shopping..
  9. Muridi is a legend,but he is sexist..his post in women section proves that..kulaha bla bla women rights,bla blah women in goverment blah
  10. ^Do you think the 'killed over wage dispute' is a cover up,for a planned assasination?
  11. ^ , couple of rounds the neighbourhood should be enough jimicsii. Juxa,my break continues for the next two weeks. Like Ngonge I am lost at what to do with all this free time at home.
  12. ^Too much has been invested to pull back,but perhaps they will increase security.
  13. ^You cant go back to Djibout,your wanted there.. Miyi maa tagtiid?
  14. Morning Juxa and the gang. nuune,welcome back..we missed the word 'jimicsii'
  15. ^ This kid,reminds me of you[not that your a kid,just the way you deliver your message]..
  16. Oh my! Our own version of Don Juan has gone soft in his old age.. Dont frett,there is more to reading..If your going to have a one to one sessions,let the child choose the book. Ask the teacher for a little back ground info. Like what should you be focusing to improve, i.e the childs ability to decode a word, read with fluency, comprehension etc. talk,talk and more talk..about the book,its theme,character,setting,illistrations..there is so much to a book. Have fun!
  17. ^Everyman has a price miyaa?
  18. @ Karl, maaxaa wax isku dareysaa..Somali elders in London iyo people struggling to survive in Mogadishu..war kala saar I agree, too much of red meat is not healthy,Al-Shabaab should force people to eat fish and veg. Al-Shabaab,shaqoo badanaa..yaa from monitoring peoples 'faith' to what they eat,to how they dress etc etc. Walle they are the ideal 'nanny state' in the making..No room for 'free will' huh?.. ps. I am sure there is a good reason for this ban.
  19. This is Jac's nightmare, hiliib laan maa iska kuu noolaani karaya..
  20. ^ ,I am sure he is . From my observation,I have seen people become so defenceful,against this 'cadoow' and not realising they are 'cadoow' by their actions either verbal or physical..[did I make sense?] I am in the muridi state of mind this morning.. Muridi your a legend. ps.My rant have nothing to do with the flag..
  21. It's interesting, the more aa cadoowguu laa iska dhicineyaa ayaa cadoowgi laa noqda..
  22. ^Aaaw Ibti,you sound lonely.. , wherever you are may Allah keep you safe..Amiin This has been a long weekend,why arent humans ever satisfied,when too busy we complain when too idle we complain....
  23. ^You agree that this was an excirse of power and nothing else?
  24. Alright..Subhanallah! cajiib :rolleyes: @ thread starter.. May Allah guide you and us , amiin