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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Amiin. Alhamdulillah!... Ya Allah! “Guide us in the straight path, the path of those to whom Thou art generous, not of those with whom Thou art angry nor of those who go astray,”[surah Fatiha] “...then whoever follows My Guidance he shall neither go astray, nor shall be distressed. But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur’aan nor acts on its teachings) verily, for him is a life of hardship...” Garoodi,wishing you all the best.
  2. ^Is he that bad?..He seems to be the 'life' of the party to Sayid, Good Luck!
  3. ^ Ready for work on Monday? I feel like continuing this life of luxury..argh!!
  4. Hello Sayid, nabad! "This person will pay for everything" now who is trying to get you to pay for everything?
  5. ^ I dont do horror movies,books..It spooks me! Growing up with people with 'jinns' and a neighbour obsessed with ' hindu statues' he had them every where in his house..going to madrassa meant walking through grave yards,the stories we told each other or what we were told...Enough to last a life time of being
  6. Originally posted by Oz: Hello trolls. Malika hasn't been active lately, I suggest a hefty fine. vipi malika uhali gani. kazi tu eh malab+lemon juice= a good cough syrup. any other suggestion? Hali yangu tabani - macho yana cheka roho ina lia kwa yangu maisha.. [Natani,niko poa!] I practically live here,maxaa iga rabta?
  7. ^ I know,just pulling your left leg.. ,as you were on your knees.
  8. ^I am praying kulaha!..Lol, How hard? Have you been on your knees all night in the past few nights?
  9. ^Morning xajiyoo Juxa! Islamahaa wexeey iraadaan,xitaa hadaa dimaneysaa dareerkaa laa iska tirtiraa..Lol LOL@Sheh,I dont know if the world has ever been calm and at peace..We just got to find our peace within,the world will take care of its self one way or another.
  10. Clegg, used the opportunity well,whilst GB iyo DC are busy attacking each other.. Gordon helped Nick Clegg with his ' I agree with Nick' comment every time Nick says something..
  11. Cameron,took a nose dive! he just couldnt hold it against Clegg iyo Brown cawaan. Clegg,came out shinning but is he really ready for the task of governing the nation?
  12. ^ ,you forgot to tell him to wear a 'burka' whilst escaping,they have his photo at the airport..He is after all a wanted man..Lol
  13. ^laba diina maa iska daysaan raguu haa idhii kaa shekeystee. Val, perhaps they do need to have a 'male' section waa kuwaan naqaasikii kaa baxee in this thread.
  14. ^waa marki aad wali jirteen xiin. wuxuu kaa damaan waayee 'your script' ..Lol
  15. ^Eedo Google maad weydisiid if your travel insurance can cover a diversions?
  16. ^Lets give you work to do,go find out how much America has given to Somalia,through Siad,Qaydiid,Yussuf,Sharif etc..You will find out,the support was never for infrastructure or anyother development but one of 'arms' aka security blah blah. What did Obama just announced the last couple of days - The American treasury can spend as much as they want in regard to 'security' in Somalia..Now the hyenas aka Ethiopia,AU etc will use this opportunity to milk the system,whilst not giving a toss about the 'poor Somali' in Baraka Market. Is still conspiracy theory? Will,come back to this,too hungry now!.. *off to find food*
  17. Duke,aboowe you should have given us a warning..Now cant get that image off my mind. Innalillah waa inaa illahi rajcuun..
  18. ^Eeeeew! iyo double ufff!!
  19. Originally posted by Haatu: quote:Originally posted by nuune: ^^ C&H, Dear, ducadaada Ilaah ha ii aqbalo, kan inkaartiisa aniga waxba igama tareyso dhal awliyaan iska ahey laa xowla walaa quwata, faan iska dheh ^Maa illa aragtee. nuune, masha'allah dhal awliyaad inaa tahay,lakiin waad oogtahay wixii xuun,iyo wixii ficaan illahi kuu qore wuuguu dicii..either your the son of awliya,ama your the awliya.[alright am having a bad SOmali day ] Alright people,leave B alone now..enough.
  20. ^ , kaa daa.. xiin walaagu haya waan uu jeeda,ee recruit-garee adigu rag kuu support garenii laha wakaan Kashafa has a back up ,when he is away..Lol
  21. Malika

    moving out

    ^Swahiligu wexee tiradaa ' asiye funzwa na mama yake,dunia itamfuza' - [if you were not taught by your mother,the world will teach you]...Islamahaa wilashoduu kolkoliyaa they are not doing them a favour,only setting them for failure- as the world out there has no room for sissy or mama boys! ps.I dont see anything wrong by being at home at whatever age you are,but it all depend at your contribution to the family too. Showing kindness to your parents,being helpful in the house,keeping them company etc..I dont see anything wrong with that,the only thing wrong will be when your taking advantage and giving nothing back..taasi waa inkaar socootaa. :mad:
  22. ^I know,the year went so quickly..I agree the library it is. LOL@Resistance..Aaaw!, what did you do,after you got caught? Just bring a pint of milk/packet of biscuit tomorrow..although today you will be the topic of discussion behind your back..Lol
  23. ^Miya?..waxaan maqlee walagaa duceystaa kasi oo kale,inuu illahi kaa fogeyoo.
  24. ^That was yesterday,maantaa wax kale buu laa soo kiqii doona..Lol Morning dear! I want to go to the library,but love the comfort of studying at home with cups of tea..but knowing that I will be easily distracted by phone calls,chores,knocks on the door..might as well go to the library and join other smelly students... How is your studies going?
  25. I usually find Amir annoying,but this is painfully hilarious.. qosool gariir baa idii kaa damaan wayee somaliyee!