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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^huh? Ibti,next time you take someone with you,better yet the Bengali kusband..geesinimadaa marmar can put one in dangerous grounds.
  2. Stoic,if only it was in Africa huh? Would have hunt him Juxa,will give it a try,perhaps hide the arms with big bangles/rings..I can see myself right now..anigo lafooneyaa!
  3. ^Walle there is some hint's of truth in there somewhere..The perception of Somali men by Somali women seems to be very negative of late. Actually,waxaa nagaa damaan wayee is 'Somali men this,Somali women this,Somali children this..anagii baa dulka isla dacnee..No self pride,no sense of contentment with ourselves me think.. ps.Those interviewed women could easily be in these forums,how many of time have we bashed 'Somali men'..Illahi noo daa,they are all we know..
  4. ^Lol,kids will be kids..I see the sense of humour there..heh Will it look really strange wearing a long sleeve t-shirt under a dirac?
  5. Afternoon folks! Loving the weather, beautiful friday..Happy Jummah to you all.. Today some brat got me good..LOL. Saakadaan I was in a hurry,so didnt want to go and hustle a pc in the staff room. Logged myself in the student PC suite,did what I needed to do,got destructed with the kids coming in..I left,to go to the library [forgot to log off]..Anigo Librarigaa kuu jiira ayaan arkee an email coming through from 'myself' responding to an email sent to all staff by a collegue asking for items to sell for charity..'my' supposed email contained only two word response to her..."Shut Up"..and it has been sent to all staff too! Waan oroodee to see,it I can catch the brat on the pc I was on earlier..Nah! too clever,ran off..I now had to send an email explaining what happened..Within few minutes,I received couple of email back, people shocked at my conduct..hehehe I went to see the lady in question to explain,waad oogtahiin how Cadaan old ladies are sensitive...hehe bloody brat!..Actually,I thought it was hilarious.. Hope the above made sense..hehe,am still laughing..
  6. ^ , beriyahan full stop! iyo period! aa kaa damaan weydee..waad kululatee dee..what happened in your trips? Ibti, Hello dear!..mac mac, we couldnt even troll with worry maad oogtahay?
  7. Ibti, nice to have you back,safe and sound[evidence is your post there..hehe] I have a feeling rudy is taking the mickey, the fool's waa anagii dhe! LOL.
  8. ^He is a nice bloke ruunti. ps.He also fixes and builds furniture..walle waa niin goob[sp] aa!
  9. ^ I know, poor rudy..hehe Lol@the wife waa victim..hehe Juxa,I am assuming so..but come to think of it,they live in LA!! I am sure our dhumashii has reasonable excuses to spend and spend.. Perhaps,keeping up with the 'jones' syndrome?
  10. ^No,No..Why should he let her spend aimlessly his hard earned money? Unless,the wife is spending for the good of the family/home..I dont see why her habit should be indulged.It usually means there is underlining issues if one is obessessed with spending,spending..Rudy,the task is to find out,what is missing!
  11. Rudy, Maxaan kuu sheegnaa! Wife number four and yet your still being played? ps.Be honest with her about your financial situation,long term plan etc..
  12. ^I prefer talking,can sell ice to the eskimos that way..Hate to write proposals/reports..argh! Morning folks.. F,nice to see you to see you..
  13. ^In the part regarding the second son,you showed little regards to the nature of the climate in the late 80's and early 90's..Where by in complete and utter shock,those of us in Diaspora watched events that changed what we all regarded was good of 'Somali/a'..The wide spread of hate,intolerance,indifference,killings etc..These events led to so much destraction,reaching the cores of families. It wasnt politics,this was the family at warfare with each other..[At least in what I had observed]..I think it is important that we stay true to the history of events that had lead to the changes in Somalia..It is easy to point fingures at others,blame them for this or that,which I think is what is keeping us from moving forward. We will remain in this state of confusion until we accept the truth,that we have caused each other harm,we have been indifference with each other,we have killed,maimmed each other..Until then,we will remain in our state of 'am a victim' mentality for a long long time to come. Dear Somalia, Even though I have never seen you,the land of my forefathers,I held and hold you dear, you shape and has always shaped my identity. To be your daughter,a Somali,is to be me..So my dear Somalia, before I was able to touch you,feel you and embrace all that my elders have told me of you,that opportunity was brutally shattered. I live in hope,that despite all that has happened,that some of us that still believes in you, shall find the means to rescue you,rebuild you so that the generations to come can walk with pride in the knowledge of you,as I did in your hay-days.. The uglyness that destroyed you, reached me so fast in lands far away from you,your daughter of generations of Somali diasporians,when a childhood friend called me f*****..Alas! The souls tinted,our once a small community of Somalis was now shattered into smaller community of Somalis in the lines of tribal affiliation..That was and is trully the tragic of it all. Your daughter,living in hope.
  14. Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fools reform. ~Edward Young @ Paragon
  15. ^ acha tu! dakika kumi nzima nilikuwa na wazia hiyo chance..
  16. ^Hello Cara! nuune,stop being a bully. Oz,your a sweetie walaal,nilikuwa nakutania..
  17. ^ re-read my sentence,it was a response to the poster..Nothing to do with men vs women. ps.You seem to be missing the ball point here,its nothing to do with money but with a characteristic of a lazy/loser/dandan kind of man.. pss. Let me ask you this,would you marry a lazy woman?
  18. ^I agree with you. If the man has 'potential' of earning in the near future,I dont see the problem of giving him the chance. BUT If he is a maashaqeystee[sp],with no prospect of ever being productive[financially] maxaad kuu faleysaa?.. Why would you want such a burden? Charming aa?..Lol,if you didn't know dear,most losers are charming,its their means to get by..
  19. Oz,it is not an easy job,especially these kids are over indulged with dosages of 'their rights'..argh! How was Nairobi? Seen any Old rich men?.. Jac, I wish I could do just that,after two weeks of lazing about am unable to get back to the rythm of things.
  20. I am tempted to fake a 'sickie' and go home to have a nap.
  21. ^Maxaa soo cuntee maanta? It is quite here this morning..Juxa not working today?
  22. Morning folks! Loving the sunny days!
  23. Ibti, stay safe hedhee. It sounds too dodgy meshaad joogtoo, illahi adigo nabaad aa kuu soo celiyo. Your making us worry..horta why go for this long alone?? Hope you walk around with budh iyo, kudufoo anyone that tries anything..alright we dont want them to burn you at stake be safe dear..Somali maa jooto meshaasi?
  24. Nephthy's was a class of her own,the woman had guts/sense of humour and above all reer magaal bee ehed,dont know what made her stop posting aka stop telling like it is here on SOL. Ms DD,we miss u,but understand your absence..