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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ ,Sheekh nuune aduunyo soo arkee,he happens to be around eventful moments in peoples waan joogee leh isagoo dahayoo ayaan aqrista!..hehe
  2. ^Siye wazima,shukran..Oh,it is common to get a little depressed after a holiday,am sure soon you will forget Ibti,I was indulging him,it's been a while since I have seen him around,it's my way of saying..haye?
  3. ^Hi Oz, how was your day? Hello Ngonge!..Fact aa? Where is your research and evidence,huh?
  4. ^ Women vs men, men vs women..lagamadaalo miyaa shekadaan? The amount of time we convince ourselves how the other party is this or that..we could have climbed mount averest..Lol Hello all! Afternoon ladies and gents.
  5. MMA, you seems fascinated by kids huh? Dressing kids in grown up clothes,in grown up context is just a tad bit sicking!..To me this is sexualisation of children. I dont see no cuteness,in a sexualised poses with kids on them.. These sort of images,is what pediaphiles gets off.. wax kasta cute leh iska daaha! Wth..uff!
  6. xiin,wants to convince us that this is a good thing,baal noo sharaax anaguu fahmii weyne! Ms DD..mwaah! nice to see you to see you dear. Maandeey,word up!
  7. ^ ,the faith police buu I need to go post my vote..intee laa xidhiin.
  8. ^Imagine those whom cant do research,or have the ability to understand the jargon thrown at them by childhood proffesionals. Chubaka,thanks hun..Found it!
  9. ^Alright, they are at this stage? I would have thought they are into expanding their research, looking into genetic/enviromental/toxicology influences..argh!! Perhaps, the parents should push for extensive research to be done,this could easily be about the differences in child raring practices, and what is considered 'normal' behavioural characterists of children in the west. A complex matter never the less! More and more Somali children are being diagnoised with Autism,I think it is important that we push for more research..this is after all our children's lives,future at stake. ps. Do share the statics please! I am seeking statics in UK, will share if I access them.
  10. Ibti, I think both had these moments of trying to prove their tolerance level..Lol Abaay Haylay, good points!
  11. ^But she raises a good question,about the validity of calling another muslim 'gaalo' just because they dont share a similar view..I think we have this in the politics too, murtad iyo wixii kale laa isku yera..It's becaming our 'difference'.. Nevertheless,I also agree with Tuujiye,when he says he doesnt care what one believes as long as they are not bad mouthing what he believes. and as for B, must every thread be about B? :rolleyes:
  12. ^Party popper,it was getting entertaining how everyone is trying to convince each other they are tolerant,are free thinkers and mostly can debate as free range rationalists..Lol
  13. For self interest,voting Labour..
  14. ^ Kiswahili chako,cha nikumbusha mzee mmoja wa Kisomali,ati alimtuma mfanyakazi wake awalete wageni chakula. Mzee:Wewe tia machele[indicating the plates]maga machuzi,letea mageni. Mfanyakazi kafanya kama alivyo tumwa. Kaleta wali mweupe kwa wageni. Mzee: wewe iko wapi machuzi? Mfanyakazi:si umesema ni mwage[looking puzzled].. Mzee:pumbavu wewe,mimi nasema magia muchuzi juu ya muchele..
  15. C&H, I believe you work in MN? Has there been further research into the cause of the rise in Autism among Somali children in MN? I am interested to find out what has been done so far,mostly on research into the genetic factor that might be a contributor,or the social influence factor.. Please let me know if you know.. Sayid,is there translated literature on Autism in Somali? ps.I am also having difficulties explaining 'moderate and severe learning difficulties' to Somali parents,as most assume that the language barrier is the sole cause of their child's underachievement..How do I go about this?
  16. **waves back @ Seeker** Marahaba bibiye, mbona umepotea siku hizi? Zama siku?
  17. ^How was the exam? Morning all.. Deleted, am salvating at the thought..yummmy!
  18. ^LOL..but it all stems from Kenyan's unrealistic self image..hehe
  19. Wakenya mume furahi..[lool],siye kwetu haya hata si matusi..heh
  20. An interesting venture,I can see the appeal but hope those involved will be cauctious..Reminding me of the mission schools back in the colonial days..hmmm
  21. ^ ,am usually the soul of the party[usually not to more then 3 people..hehe]
  22. ^ ,my humours self,tend to make the rest of my self's laugh,there are time we have such a heartfelt laughter,that to an outsider they might just be tempted to section us..heh
  23. Juxa,he is having conversations with invisible other people,that is concerning. I talk to myself all the time,actually most of my meaningful conversations are with myself..Lol