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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Look at us here,being totally the opposite of what SYL was about,sheemo to us! We were remembering them for what exactly?? Yes,their ability to bring Somali's together..ah! * leaving shaking her head*
  2. NNC, you fell into his trap. Ibti,we are too familiar with today's realities dear,this thread was not about that..We have a thousand threads in the politic section to remind us of today's realities,including the 18th May thread you complained about..those are our realities today,but in this thread,it was just about remembering/reminicing.. ps.SYL are part and parcel of Somalia's history,they perhaps can shed some light into today's darkeness and perhaps perhaps bring rays of hope for tommorrow. C&H, ..You didnt know Jac's one of Ngonge's scripts..
  3. NNC, Ah! First step is accepting there is a problem,now step into my office. Let's start the anger management programme.. ps.Dadka laa maa caayoo,I dont think it is an effective way to debate or argue your point.
  4. ^Hi Fu-fu, Long time no see,kaka. Intee kaa dacdee? ..Your salaan was received with great warmth. I am curious too,who's door did Rudy knock,oo laaugaa diidee inaa loo furoow..Lol
  5. NNC, seems angry all the time,tolow waayoo? Ngonge,it was not the matter of lacking self awareness,people got annoyed because this thread was about remembering/reminicing of the sucess of SYL and not of the failure of the youth of today. Al-Shabaab do not represent the whole youth of Somalia. The youth of yester years,were dealing with a different issue to the youth of today,different times too..labadaasii maa kalaa sarii kareysaa? ps.You can not vouch for Jac's intention,our experience of his comments,perhaps led others to believe he was here to gloat..[as usual]
  6. Lol..Lily,I felt the same reading that article. I hope she scratched her eyes out, bite her hands.. :mad: ..Cajuusadaa needed a whooping! Pheew!
  7. Rudy you made me laugh hehehe,wax yahaa kaa fikirtiid!..Lol
  8. ^That was the best response in this thread Mr Paragon. Amna waxba anaguu hanaa weydiniin,we really cant give you advice to matters that are and should be very private to you.
  9. Subax wanagsaan damantiin! It's freezing cold where I am..hate it!
  10. ^I see they have sent their chief.... :rolleyes: , my response was for GJ rants. I dont know what world you live in,but in this world I live in,the WEST make most decision in matter of 'state' of even states they have no authority [if you get my drift]..Funding for 'awareness' projects comes from the WEST,those old witches in the back streets of Africa/Asia or wherever else they practice are reached somehow.. Either you agree or disagree with this,since there has been much campaign,this has opened up discussions even among the practicers. This issue,can not be sidelined it has to be debated at every avenue - In this case,the western audience.. pg. About the movie,I didnt watch that clip,neither would I watch the movie..As I said,the issue is bigger then Ms Dirie.
  11. ^ Nah,you were not..Insulting our intelligence too..You were hinting to GJ that the complaints about the impact/affect of FGM are unfounded,as if this woman was like its claimed,she wouldnt have been doing what she does.. Ugly words about this woman,isnt gonna make you lot better people.
  12. This is a different culture to the one I know, marka maxaa kaa garaneyaa,if one has to wait for some man to make up his mind or not..So,should you move on or still trying to comprehend. Amna,are you serious?
  13. ^Oh,I did the grown up things this morning did bit of housework,got the child to school,got back and the bed looked welcoming..cozying with the laptop, a mug of tea,tons of books..ah! bliss tuff,tuff, yalaa ii cawriin*
  14. Jac,you might not be able to give someone $2,but you have a better quality of life..It's not always about money! keep on the loooooooling..heh Juxa,am still in bed. I should be studying..argggh!
  15. ^I expected more from you,but again your A man.. :rolleyes: ,so clever of you to 'fahan the film'[no pun]. You guys can call her whatever you want,can insult her as much as you want,YOU will never understand the impact of FGM on the lives of girls/women in a million years! Your opinion of her matter's very little when it comes to this issue..dinaacas kaa maraa>>>>
  16. ^There I was thinking your against their proffessions.. , they exploit for their fortunes[self interest],the masses get educated,less girl's having to undergo that horrible practice..I see a win win situation.. ps.Akhira naa ii sumaa raceysiin,tadaa kaa adko!
  17. ^ The 'Go Compare' insurance advertisement is so annoying!!
  18. KK,safkii uguu hoore aan jooge with my banner,see waayee adiga! ps.waxaa anigu isla rabaa,gabadh walashaay naa walaa rabaa, mashaqeestee has no place in that equation!
  19. ^ ,tolow xagee kuu aragtee chicken on crack! Chubaka,you and I both..I got sad,when I saw the news break..Oh,well! There is hope,Labour might just stay put,Libs talk with Tories didnt produce a deal..ah,fingures cross! Lol..You should hear the dua's for Labour to win from the old ladies. This election is the most talked about,from the young to the old.
  20. ^Waxnaa! Waad dameysee wixii aan sheegii leheen..Lol
  21. LOL@maba isqaadi karo..heh Ngonge,there is an art to the shaking,the feet movement,rhyming of the drum beat and meaning of the words. Waxaan kuu nacee burabuur when they start the qabiil praising,and the whole floor go mad..Somalis iyo qabil maxaa kala heysta!
  22. ^Lol,@ you two. juxa,how good are you at dancing buraanbur? On Saturday,there were some killer moves on the dance floor..I want to learn now.
  23. ^Hello dear,same ol' same ol'..breathing in,breathing out..Lol